Research of interest


Ms. Joanne Moore

An international development assistance professional with more than 25 years of project management and business development experience in Africa, Asia, and Haiti, Ms. Moore provides consulting service to USAID's implementing partners through her company, JoMoConsult LLC.

Mr. Liel Maghen

Alumni Advisor
Over the last years, Liel gained vast experience combining both top down and bottom up dimensions; this experience includes interning both in the Israeli Knesset and the Foreign Affairs committee of the American Congress together with managing several grassroots programs in the field of sustainabili

Ms. Yalee Azani

After graduating from my B.A. in Middle Eastern Studies and Education at Ben Gurion University, Yalee worked as a project manager at The Art and Culture Foundation in Angola.  After 3 years in Angola, she came back to Israel for Glocal program.