
Interview with Gilli Navon- Haaretz magazine

Telenovelas and their impact on community development - Haaretz (in Hebrew)
Liat Schlesinger brings impressions and knowledge from her Glocal internships and writes for Haaretz (Hebrew) about the trend of social telenovelas, and their impact on community development: women empowerment, literacy, fighting violence and bringing people together for a variety of social organizations. 

Save Majuli – The Calcalist Magazine
Two young Israeli women devote their lives to improving the lives of tribal community members on a far-away Island in India that is quickly eroding into the Brahmaputra River. They are enabling tribal women to sustain themselves on traditional weaving, mobilizing them by providing bicycles and even providing the opportunity to leave their villages for the first time in their lives.

International Impact – Scopus
High-ranking alumni of the Hebrew University’s year-long international programs are working to improve healthcare, agriculture and nutrition in their home countries, while a student from Nepal experiences a newly created international program in community and development studies.

Collective farming in Majuli, the Israeli way – The Telegraph India
Two youths from Jerusalem in Israel have transplanted the concept of a kibbutz (a collective community) to improve the condition of the landless and the marginalised on Majuli.

International and Israeli Students Train to Help World’s Marginalized Populations at 'Glocal' Studies Program – American Friends of the Hebrew University
What is the common thread between agriculture in Burundi, women's empowerment in India, public health in Nepal, and food security in Ethiopia? These are among the many projects that students in the Glocal Community-Development Studies program specialize in.

Glocal: A New Master’s Degree Program – American Friends of the Hebrew University
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, in keeping with its commitment to outreach, has launched a new master’s degree program. Glocal Community-Development Studies, which is offered through the Faculty of Social Sciences, is designed for graduate students from Israel and other parts of the world.