
The Glocal International Development program emphasizes the importance of combining academic knowledge with practical skills and hands-on learning. During the program, students complete both a mini-practicum with local organizations, and a full 4-month internship in a local or international organization. Students can choose to specialize in relevant areas of community development work, such as agriculture, public health, education, advocacy etc. The internship period (in the third semester, from September until December) offers a unique opportunity for students to work alongside local and international professionals and to interact with members of local communities. This experience enables students to gain the practical skills and experience necessary for translating academic knowledge into effective action, as well as the needed experience to find future employment in the competitive field of international development.

The process

Glocal students have dedicated tutors from the program's staff to help them identify and apply for internship placements around the world and guides before and during their internship. The program's Internship Coordinators are professionals from the field of International Development who assist the students and share their professional experience. 

The internship is done both individually with the Internships Coordiantors and in class. Students have a specilaised course "First steps for professionalism in the field" in which they identify suitable organizations for their skills and interests, apply for an internship, and create a mutual agreement with the organization. This course is followed by the practical workshop "Skills for Development". This workshop, taught by leading professionals in the field, provides students with the basic practical skills needed for the internship, and later, in their own careers.

The internship itself includes both academic and on-site professional supervision provided by partner organizations. Following the internship, students participate in an integrative final seminar where they share their experiences and connect the practical knowledge they gained to theories of development they have learned. While Glocal invites students to find internships in the organizations, Glocal maintains strong partnerships with a number of organizations around the world, and encourages students to intern with them.

Internship Cost

Internships costs vary obviously according to locations and individual students. From Glocal's experience, a four months internship in a developing country cost between 4,000-7,000 USD including flights, accommodation and living expenses in the field. Glocal fundraises specifically to support students during their internship  and aims to provide significant parts of these costs to all our students.