Ms. Rina Kedem

PhD candidate

Rina Kedem is an environmental peace builder, and entrapernuer who developes and directs cooperation projects with Palestinians, Israelis and Jordanians for the past 16 years. Her work is guided by a wholesome perspective including social-economic and environmental well being of communities, and tangible, hands- on and long term peace building oppurtunities. Her work is supported by international and national conflict mitigation and development agencies as well as government ministries.

She started engaing in peace work after life changing experiences in the land of Israel-Palestine while marking hiking trails and learning about the people of the land and their narratives through personal encounters. She realized her love of nature and peacework are a productive combination. Rina studied at the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies and received her undergraduate degree from Prescott College in Arizona and holds a master’s degree in International Community Development from Hebrew University. She is currently working on her PhD in community development and transboundary environmental cooperation in the Department of Geography and Environment at the Hebrew University.

Rina manages the department of Regional Cooperation at the Dead Sea and Arava Science Center, in collaboration with the Arava Institute. She also directs cooperation with Jordan on behalf of the Eilot Regional Council. She teaches various courses and lectures on her areas of research and field work.

Rina's past professional experience includes: outdoor and environmental education and curriculum development, teacher's trainings, youth facilitation and mentorship, academic teaching, project advisory, resource development and management of multicultural events. Rina co- developed unique initiatives such as EcoME center (a center for peace and ecology for Palestinians and Israelis) and GEN Israel (The global ecovillage network) and has an extensive network of communities and projects around the world that focus on environmental and social change, peacework and development.