
Gender and International Development

2nd semester

Gender and development constitutes its own academic sub-field and has proven to be an enduring international policy and planning focus since the 1970s. With this in mind, the foundational questions that underlie this course are: 
• Why should the issue of gender constitute a legitimate planning tradition in its own right? 
• Why do the proliferating numbers of policies and plans for action in gender and development often fail to be implemented? 
• How do transnational relationships shape trends in gender and development? 

Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation

2nd semester

Social entrepreneurship is a growing field of practice and of academic research. The course will discuss the differences between social and commercial entrepreneurship. Furthermore, it will grapple with the challenge of increasing social value utilizing theories of innovation that were developed in the commercial sector.

The course is taught by Dr. Jonathan Mirvis

Annual Program Seminar


The Glocal Seminar is an annual, compulsory seminar. It will consist of six-seven meetings each semester. The first semester will be devoted to the theme related to International Development. Some of the sessions will be conducted by guest lecturers: we will meet activists in the realm of development who will share some of their dilemmas, as well as scholars who are engaged in research into these issues.

Annual Pre-Internship Course: First steps for professionalism in the field


This is a practical course (taught in two parts) designed to guide students in creating and preparing for their internship. The first section of the course (first semester), takes the format of a workshop, and is held every other week. The workshop's role is to prepare students for choosing their placements and applying for their internships. The workshop begins by introducing students to the world of development, through providing an overview of the global framework for aid allocation, and highlighting the main actors and professional areas within the field.

Gender and Feminism – Theory and Practice


The course will introduce feminist theories from the global South and North, and explore the role of gender in social, cultural and economic processes. We will consider gendered social constructions, and the relationship between ideology and disenfranchising practices in everyday lives. The course will begin with an introduction to the field of gender, sexuality and feminist thought, following we will examine matrixes of oppression in the South and gender and globalization. 

Development Economics: Principles and Application


What allows countries to develop? What holds development and growth in certain regions? Why many developing countries in Africa have seen lower levels of growth and development in recent               decades than Asians states? This course examines these questions and many others by discussing various models in development economics and exploring their application in reality. 

Ethics of International Organizations


Working in development involves meeting many moral dilemmas and challenges. For example, how should we treat the meeting of Western and local values? What do we think about animal treatment in the community in which we work? We should be loyal – but loyal to the organization which employs us or to the clients? What is sexual harassment? And so on. In this course we shall discuss these are other dilemmas and try to offer tools of moral reasoning in order to face such dilemmas.

The course is taught by Prof. Avner de Shalit