Cohort 6 (2015-2016)

Development and Global Health: A Critical Approach to Theory, Policy and Practice


Using case studies drawn largely but not exclusively from Sub-Saharan Africa, this course explores the challenges and complexities of delivering health in under-resourced settings. Over the past sixty years, various development models and policies have been applied locally and globally. We will critically examine the theory and practice that underlies what has become ‘global health’ within an evolving development framework.

Annual Program Seminar


The Glocal Seminar is an annual, compulsory seminar. It will consist of six-seven meetings each semester. The first semester will be devoted to the theme related to International Development. Some of the sessions will be conducted by guest lecturers: we will meet activists in the realm of development who will share some of their dilemmas, as well as scholars who are engaged in research into these issues.