Glocal's Magazine 2018 on the issue of Gender & Development - great launch and discussion

26 February, 2018

The Glocal Magazine was launched in Tel-Aviv on Friday the 16th February 2018. This year’s magazine’s topic was about a Gender Approach in Development. The successful event saw presentations by magazine writers about their work and a panel discussion on the various approaches to recognize and acknowledge gender  related issues in the context of social and international development. In the discussion, Dr. Nira Kaplansky from the Women's Courtyard, Helen Gebremehdin from the Eritren Women Community center and our alumna N’aama Gorodischer from Israaid presented their ongoing work in relation to gender issues in different contexts.

Discussion in the panel, as well as the thought provoking questions from the public highlighted how separated spaces are important to allow women, in particular, to enjoy more fully development initiatives. This issue of separated spaces, where women can feel free and safer, was a clear thread-line experienced in different developing situations. It was interesting to see how this approach was used both in Israel and in developing countries or humanitarian contexts.  In addition, the debate showed how very often “gender” and “women” are taken to be identical, and why this is a problematic confusion.

The event, organised in the colourful and international setting of the Abraham Hostel and drew a crowd of students, alumni, activitists, academics and even tourists from the hostel.  

The Glocal programme has for ambition to continue being a focal point for both development work and academic research in Israel, and the programme’s magazine is the best example of the programme mission and success.