
Bourses de l'Association pour l'assistance à la jeunesse
L’Association pour l’assistance à la jeunesse a pour objet de venir en aide aux étudiants en difficulté sociale en France et en Israël.

En France, en partenariat avec l’OPEJ (Œuvre de protection des enfants juifs), la commission d’attribution des bourses distribue environ 25 bourses d’un montant  de 300€ à 800€ pour l’année universitaire en cours. Les demandes sont étudiées par l’OPEJ qui les présente lors d’une commission réunie en fin d’année.

Fonds Pessa et Rebecca BLUMENKOPF

The fund promotes the stay in Israel of French students wishing to complete their studies. This scholarship will be awarded in consideration of the quality of the studies pursued and the financial status of applicants.

MFA Scholarships for foreign students (academic year 2019-2020)

The Government of Israel is pleased to offer scholarships to foreign students, as agreed in the Cultural Agreements between Israel and the following countries:

Argentina, Austria, Belarus, Bulgaria, Canada (Quebec Province), China, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Korea, Lithuania, Latvia, Mexico, Paraguay, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Republic of Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain and Turkey. 

The following countries have a special scholarship arrangement:
Belgium, Denmark, Germany, India, Great Britain, Finland, France, Japan, Norway, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and Russia.

Different types of scholarships are offered (not available for veterinary and medicine studies): 
1. Summer language courses (Ulpan) 
2. One academic year (October to June) for a maximum of eight months (M.A., Ph.D. Post Doctorate or research studies).