Development and Global Health: A Critical Approach to Theory, Policy and Practice

Using case studies drawn largely but not exclusively from Sub-Saharan Africa, this course explores the challenges and complexities of delivering health in under-resourced settings. Over the past sixty years, various development models and policies have been applied locally and globally. We will critically examine the theory and practice that underlies what has become ‘global health’ within an evolving development framework.

Course/Module aims: 
• To introduce contemporary approaches and contributions to health, development and global health 
• To interrogate how cultural values, social practices and political interests mediate the production of health within the knowledge and policy frameworks of development
• To understand how health and development research/policy/practice inform institutional structures, strategies of governance, practices of citizenship and global well-being 

Learning outcomes - On successful completion of this module, students should be able to: 
• Critically examine health interventions in under-resourced settings 
• Identify the theoretical models and paradigms that inform health intervention and policy programs 
• Integrate social determinants of health into the analysis of health interventions 
• Assess efficacy and equity of health policy platforms at the global level 

This course is taught by Dr. Maureen Malowany
