Prof. Pazit Ben-Nun Bloom

Ben-Nun Bloom
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Political Science

Pazit Ben-Nun Bloom is a Senior Lecturer (U.S. Associate Professor) at the Department of Political Science at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, specializing in comparative political behavior and political psychology. Her research examines the role of religiosity, morality, and values in political behavior. She is the director of the Political Psychology Laboratory, holds the Carmi Gillon Lectureship in Political Science, and a recipient of several grants and fellowships including the Marie Curie Grant from the European Union and grants from the Israel Science Foundation (ISF) and the National Science Foundation (NSF). Her work appears in the leading venues of the field, such as The American Political Science ReviewBritish Journal of Political Science, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Political Studies, Political Psychology and Political Behavior.

 In Glocal, Dr. Ben-Nun Bloom teaches Research Methods for Development.