Dr. Maureen Malowany

Dr Malowany is currently Researcher at the Braun School of Public Health and Community Medicine at the Hebrew University-Hadassah in Jerusalem and at the Edelstein Center for the History and Philosophy of Science, Technology and Medicine; Research Fellow at the Truman Institute, Hebrew University-Jerusalem; Honorary Senior Lecturer at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, UK, and Associate Editor of the Canadian Journal of Public Health.

Previously, Dr. Malowany was Associate Director of CIHR, a Strategic Training Program in Transdisciplinary Public and Population Health Research. Furthermore, she worked at the Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics & Occupational Health at Faculty of Medicine at McGill University, Montreal, Canada; and was Faculty Lecturer at the Department of Epidemiology and Department of History at McGill University. She was also Former Deputy Director of the Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine at University of Oxford, UK.

Dr. Malowany is trained in the History of Africa and Medicine and in Public Health. Her research interests include the history of global/international public health, epidemiology, malaria (particularly sub-Saharan Africa), infectious diseases and "tropical medicine" science.