The Fried-Gal Transitional Justice Program

The Fried-Gal Transitional Justice Program

Transitional Justice is a multidisciplinary field of contemporary research and practice. It is concerned with the study of processes that can enable societies that have suffered from widespread human rights violations (as a result of severe political and social disruption, armed conflict, military rule, authoritarian regimes, or even genocide) to transition successfully to sustainable conditions of peace, reconciliation, democracy, rule of law and respect for human rights. The Fried-Gal Transitional Justice Program seeks to advance community empowerment, redistribution of resources and just solutions to in-depth problems concerning the Israeli-Palestinian context. 


The East Jerusalem Legal Advocacy & Litigation Program

The Transitional Justice Program operates two projects focused on East Jerusalem that involve dealing with historical injustices: The Legal Status Project and the Criminal Justice Project. In addition, the program holds an annual tour in East Jerusalem, to expose the students up close to the unique history and challenging reality of life for the residents of East Jerusalem in the context of the cases they will work on throughout the year.


Legal Status Project

In the Legal Status Project, the International Human Rights Clinic represents Palestinians, mostly from East Jerusalem, who face various challenges related to their official status in Israel due to the peculiar history of the area. These include registration of children at the Ministry of Interior, family reunification, citizenship status and residency status. The precariousness of official status has a dramatic impact on all aspects of life for Palestinians, from the basic right to live as a family, through democratic representation, to social rights. 


Criminal Justice Project

As part of the Criminal Justice Project, the Multiculturalism and Diversity Clinic will concentrate on legal issues related to structural and conflict-related discrimination of Palestinians in East Jerusalem across the public service sector and with regard to official/government attitudes relating to their precarious status in the City. These include erasing the criminal records of minors from marginalized groups in East Jerusalem who have a criminal record even though they were never indicted. The Clinic also plans to update a 2017 memo on profiling, which served as a useful point of reference in policy discussions for multiple advocacy groups in Israel, to include new legal, technological and policy developments in Israel, other countries and international law. 

Finally, the Clinic plans to address the adverse impact of the serious shortage of parole officers in East Jerusalem, including significant delays in processes such as the release of detained Palestinian criminal suspects, sentencing practices, and early release from incarceration. The Clinic plans to employ a host of social-change tools, including awareness raising, direct appeals and legal challenges, in order to ensure that the relevant governmental authorities address this shortage.  


The Lod Legal Advocacy & Litigation Program


The CLEC will establish in the academic year 2021-2022 a field center in the city of Lod, in order to address, through the handling of individual cases, problems arising from the long-standing divisions between the different communities in Lod, including issues of group identity, coexistence, and historical injustice, and through legal channels promote a better, more just future. This project will be carried out in collaboration with two local organizations (“Naam” and “Citizens Build a Community”), through two clinics of the center - the Clinic for Multiculturalism and Diversity and the International Human Rights Clinic, tackling issues such as residency, citizenship, discrimination in allocation of municipal resources and access to education.