The Clinic on Human Rights in Cyberspace

The purpose of the Clinic on human rights in cyberspace is to promote human rights in cyberspace in Israel. This by representing individuals whose rights were violated in cyberspace and participation in legislative and administrative processes. Additionally, the clinic activities accumulate knowledge about the actual application of cyber law in Israel, which will serve as the basis for academic research and practical reform proposals. The Clinic exposes students to the legal challenges faced by cyber security and cyber criminology, and more generally to the complex interaction between law on the books, law in action and law enforcement, thereby creating sensitivity to the technological and social context in which abusive on-line interactions occur and inculcate in them a better understanding of the formal social control and the law, its limitation and its potential for protecting rights and advancing social change.

The Clinic on Human Rights in Cyberspace operates as a joint venture of the The Federmann Cyber Security Research Center – Cyber Law Program and the Clinical Legal Education Center. An important goal of the Cyber Law Program is to train a new generation of lawyers, criminologists and academics with the skills to study and practice law and criminology in a cybernetic environment. The Clinic on Human Rights in Cyberspace is a natural springboard, offering the means to create a cadre of students, clinicians and academics immersed in cyber-law, cyber-criminology and internet law issues.

The clinic focuses on freedom of speech and information in cyberspace, the right to privacy, equality, and right of victims in cyberspace.