
Forthcoming. Cheap Empathy: Sam Lipsyte'S The Ask. בתוך Empathy And The Aesthetic Mind. Bloomsbury.
Yotam Margalit, Raviv, Shir , ו Solodoch, Omer . Forthcoming. The Cultural Origins Of Populism. Journal Of Politics. תקציר

The electoral success of right-wing populist parties is often attributed to disaffection among certain voters. But while economic explanations for this disaffection are theoretically clear and quantifiable, explanations centered on cultural factors offer vaguer accounts that are harder to evaluate empirically. We address this problem by theoretically distinguishing between five different “storylines” about the cultural origins of populism, and then test them using extensive data from Europe and the United States. Our analysis indicates that concerns about ethno-cultural change induced by immigration are central to understanding the populist vote; so, but to a lesser extent, is rural resentment and status anxiety. In contrast, explanations centered on communal disintegration or an intergenerational values divide are pertinent in only specific cases. The analysis helps disentangle the cultural forces associated with the rise of populism and highlights the heterogeneous coalitions that form the populist base across different countries.

D. Malul, Berman, H. , Solodoch, A. , O., Tal. , Barak, N. , Mizrahi, G. , Berenshtein, I. , Toledo, Y. , Lotan, T. , Sher, D. , Shavit, U. , ו Lehahn, Y.. Forthcoming. Directional Swimming Patterns In Jellyfish Aggregations. In Revision.. Current Biology. תקציר
Having a profound influence on marine and coastal environments worldwide, jellyfish hold significant scientific, economic, and public interest. The predictability of outbreaks and dispersion of jellyfish is limited by a fundamental gap in our understanding of their movement. Although there is evidence that jellyfish may actively affect their position, the role of active swimming in controlling jellyfish movement, and the characteristics of jellyfish swimming behavior, are not well understood. Consequently, jellyfish are often regarded as passively drifting or randomly moving organisms, both conceptually and in process studies. Here we show that the movement of jellyfish is controlled by distinctly directional swimming patterns, which are oriented against the direction of surface gravity waves. Taking a Lagrangian viewpoint from drone videos that allows the tracking of multiple adjacent jellyfish, and focusing the scyphozoan jellyfish Rhopilema nomadica as a model organism, we show that the behavior of individual jellyfish translates into a synchronized directional swimming of the aggregation as a whole. Numerical simulations show that this counter-wave swimming behavior results in biased correlated random-walk movement patterns that reduce the risk of stranding, thus providing jellyfish with an adaptive advantage critical to their survival. Our results emphasize the importance of active swimming in regulating jellyfish movement, and open the way for a more accurate representation in model studies, thus improving the predictability of jellyfish outbreaks and their dispersion, and contributing to our ability to mitigate their possible impact on coastal infrastructure and populations.
Peter van Aelst, Toth, Fanni , Castro, Laia , Štětka, Václav , de Vreese, Claes H. , Aalberg, Toril , Cardenal, Ana Sofia , Corbu, Nicoleta , Esser, Frank , Hopmann, David Nicolas , Koc-Michalska, Karolina , Matthes, Jörg , Schemer, Christian , Sheafer, Tamir , Splendore, Sergio , Stanyer, James , Stępińska, Agnieszka , Strömbäck, Jesper , ו Theocharis, Yannis . Forthcoming. Does A Crisis Change News Habits? A Comparative Study Of The Effects Of Covid-19 On News Media Use In 17 European Countries. Digital Journalism .
V. Verma, Barkan, R. , Solodoch, A. , Gildor, H. , ו Toledo, Y.. Forthcoming. The Eastern Mediterranean Boundary Current: Seasonality, Stability, And Spiral Formation. Journal Of Physical Oceanography. תקציר
Seasonal variability and the effect of bottom interaction on the dynamics of the along-slope boundary current flowing around the Levantine basin are investigated using nested high-resolution simulations of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. The numerical solutions show a persistent boundary current year-round that is ≈ 60 km wide and ≈ 200 m deep. An enstrophy balance diagnostic reveals significant bottom-drag influence on the boundary current, leading to anticyclonic vorticity generation in thin regions along the coast, which in turn become unstable and roll into surface intensified anticyclonic spirals characterized by (1) Rossby numbers. An eddy kinetic energy generation analysis suggests that a mix of baroclinic and barotropic instabilities are likely responsible for the spiral formation. The boundary current and spirals play a crucial role in the cross-shore transport of materials. In winter, the anticyclonic spirals frequently interact and exchange material with the energetic offshore submesoscale flow field. In summer, when the offshore flow structures are relatively less energetic, the spirals remain confined to the boundary current region as they are advected by the boundary current and undergo an upscale kinetic energy (KE) cascade that is manifested in spiral merging, and growth up to 100 km in diameter. In both seasons, a coarse-graining analysis demonstrates that the cross-scale KE fluxes are spatially localized in coherent structures. The upscale KE fluxes typically occur within the spirals, while the downscale KE fluxes are confined to fronts and filaments at spiral peripheries.
A. Quintana. Forthcoming. The Morphology Of Judaeo-Spanish. בתוך Manual Of Judaeo-Romance Linguistics And Philology (Manuals Of Romance Linguistics) . Berlin: De Gruyter. תקציר
This chapter is dedicated to the description of the inflectional morphology of Judaeo-Spanish, i.e., its form-class words (lexical categories) and structure-class words (functional categories). The morphology of Judaeo-Spanish preserves, with some changes, the characteristics of Ibero-Romance languages: several grammatical functions are expressed morphologically through nominal or verbal inflectional endings, especially person, tense, and number for verbs, and gender (masculine and feminine) and number (singular and plural) for nouns. In the verbal system, tense, person, number, and mood are generally distinguished by verbal suffixes. In recent generations, the paradigms of compound verbal forms composed of the auxiliary tener and the past participle have developed secondary, mostly aspectual, meanings.

This study delves into the intricate process of reanalysis, wherein linguistic expressions undergo grammatical or semantic changes, or sometimes both. The primary objective of this study is to explore the theoretical aspects surrounding historical changes of this nature. To facilitate a comprehensive understanding of the topic, we provide a formal description of reanalysis as an analytical tool. Our formal description allows for the differentiation of various change scenarios, enabling us to identify distinct types of shifts from one analysis to another. This approach not only focuses on what has been reanalyzed, be it the morphology, syntax or the semantics, but also emphasizes the interplay between all three linguistic modules (Form, Grammar, and Meaning) and their relationships. This holistic perspective enables a systematic examination of the significance of what remains constant at both points in time during the reanalysis process. The key insight arising from this analysis leads us to propose and substantiate the Early Semantic Stability Hypothesis. This hypothesis posits that the truth-conditional semantics of the original proposition remain unchanged throughout reanalysis, either in all contexts or in specific "bridging contexts" where the reanalysis occurs. To demonstrate these phenomena, we present a compelling test case, focusing on the development of the counterfactual conditional marker ʾilmale in Hebrew and Aramaic. Through a detailed examination of the syntactic and semantic reanalyses it underwent, we observe the emergence of unique semantic features. By adopting a formal semantic perspective, we address fundamental questions such as the level of ambiguity required for reanalysis to take place, the potential existence of universal constraints on reanalysis, and potential motivations driving these linguistic changes. This investigation provides valuable insights into the intricate mechanisms at play during reanalysis and contributes to the broader understanding of linguistic evolution and development.

Noam Peterburg ו Oshri, Odelia . Forthcoming. Front And Centre? Northern Irish Electoral Behaviour In The Age Of Brexit. Irish Political Studies. . Publisher's Version תקציר


In post-conflict societies, traumatic experiences can have a profound effect on electoral behaviour. In Northern Ireland, Westminster elections between 2001 and 2017 were marked by the rise of hardline parties, but the 2019 election saw a significant shift towards the centre. The centre ground vote soared, resulting in the lowest level of political polarisation since the early 2000s. What are the factors underlying this transition to a moderate vote? Drawing on public opinion surveys and electoral data, we find that Brexit played a crucial role in incentivising voters to support parties prioritising non-sectarian constitutional interests. The findings suggest that voters employ party competition as a balancing mechanism. Our article contributes to the understanding of how individuals in post-conflict societies navigate the complex relationship between violence, politics, and peacebuilding.
Forthcoming. Humean Bodies And Their Consequences, Pp. 182. Springer Cham. . Publisher's Version
Forthcoming. Imagination, Creativity, And Acting. בתוך Oxford Handbook Of Imagination And Creativity.
A. Zoabi, Bentov-Arava, E. , Sultan, A. , Elia, A. , Shalev, O. , Orevi, M. , Gofrit, O. N, ו Margulis, K.. Forthcoming. The Impact Of Abdominal Adipose Tissue Composition On Radiodensity In Computed Tomography. European Radiology.
Forthcoming. The Iranian Revolution: A Global History. Under contract with Princeton University Press .
Elitzur A. Bar-Asher Siegal. Forthcoming. The Language Of The Mishnah &Ndash; Between Late Hebrew And Mishnaic Hebrew. בתוך What's The Mishna . Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press .
In discussing the history of the Hebrew language, a distinction must be made between its history as a linguistic system and the history of its written forms. The former assumes an idealized periodization of the language and distinguishes between Early Hebrew (EH) and Late Hebrew (LH). The latter bases the division on corpora, resulting in the traditional classification into Biblical Hebrew, Qumranic Hebrew and Mishnaic Hebrew, with further sub-divisions such as early vs. late Biblical Hebrew, Early vs. Late Mishnaic Hebrew, Babylonian vs. Palestinian Talmudic Hebrew, etc. Although these two perspectives are fundamentally different, they are clearly interrelated: on the one hand, our knowledge about the history of the structure(s) of the language is based on data gathered from the Hebrew corpora and on the historical setting of these texts; on the other hand, the analysis of the linguistic information in the corpora is a de facto description of how the different linguistic systems were used in each corpus. This paper aims to examine the language of the Mishnah from these two perspectives and explore the conceptual distinction between the two categories with which it is associated, namely Late Hebrew and Mishnaic Hebrew. I will outline what it means to provide a description of Late Hebrew as a linguistic system, and what it means to examine Mishnaic Hebrew as the language of a written corpus. Accordingly, this paper has a twofold goal: 1) to explain the difference between the two perspectives as relevant to the language of the Mishnah. 2) to demonstrate the advantages of keeping them separate.
Noam Brenner, Miodownik, Dan , ו Shenhav, Shaul R.. Forthcoming. Leadership Repertoire And Political Engagement In A Divided City: The Case Of East Jerusalem. Urban Studies, Pp. 00420980231175262. doi:10.1177/00420980231175262. Publisher's Version תקציר
Do the leaders of minority communities in divided cities influence group members’ expressed willingness to engage politically with rival groups? Studies typically link group members’ willingness to engage with rival groups to direct contact between individuals from opposing groups. However, such contact is problematic in divided cities, wherein opportunities to interact are scarce and frowned upon. Focusing on the contested urban space of Jerusalem, we find indications that the diverse nature of community leadership in East Jerusalem can influence Palestinian residents’ attitudes towards political engagement with Israeli authorities via municipal elections. The ‘middlemen’ role can explain community leaders’ influence in divided cities. They facilitate indirect contact between their constituents and the other group’s members or institutions. Our analysis employs original data from a public opinion survey conducted among Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem immediately prior to the Jerusalem 2018 municipal elections. It has ramifications regarding urban governance for other divided cities.
Jonathan Craft ו Marciano, Reut . Forthcoming. Low-Fidelity Policy Design, Within-Design Feedback, And The Universal Credit Case. Policy Sciences.
Benny Nuriely ו Kozma, Liat . Forthcoming. Monopoly On Doubt: Post-Mortem Examinations In Israel, 1950S-1980S. Social History Of Medicine. תקציר

This article examines the durability of high postmortem examination rates in Israel between the 1950s-1980s. Previous studies overlooked the issue of medical authority and the social history of autopsy, focusing on policy, technological development, and conflict between science and religion. By contrast, our analysis brings together the medical interest in unlimited research of dead bodies and the power relations between doctors and subaltern groups in Israel. Based on the Israeli State Archives, the Hebrew University Archives, and the daily press, we argue that medical biopolitical aspirations and the public shaped the history of postmortem examinations in Israel. High rates were embedded in the medical construction of doubt regarding the cause of death that only physicians could resolve by autopsy. Civilian protests led to a temporary decrease in the 1960s, while political and medical intervention brought about a gradual resurgence in postmortem rates in the 1980s.