
N. Garti, Clement, V. , ו Leser, M.. Submitted. Water-In-Oil Microemulsions Based On Hydrophilic Sugar Ester Surfactants As Microreactors". Nestle Patent Disclosure, tration number 000-100 401.
Where less is more

In this Chapter:

  1. Where less is more

  2. A Nano Toolbox

  3. X-ray Discoveries

  4. Sensors

Neta Kligler-Vilenchik, Tenenboim-Weinblatt, Keren , Boczkowski, Pablo J. , Hayashi, Kaori , Mitchelstein, Eugenia , ו Villi, Mikko . Submitted. Youth Political Talk In The Changing Media Environment: A Cross-National Typology. The International Journal Of Press/Politics. תקציר
While political communication scholarship has long underscored the importance of political talk—casual conversations about news and politics that occur in everyday situations—as a way for citizens to clarify their opinions and as a precursor for political engagement, much of this literature tends to depict political talk as uncomfortable and difficult for citizens. Yet, this focus on the challenging aspects of political talk has been informed predominantly by the US context. To what extent may a different picture emerge when looking across different cultural contexts? And how are these dynamics shaped by the affordances of the multi-platform social media environment? This paper explores these questions through a unique dataset of 122 qualitative interviews conducted between 2016 and 2019 with young people (ages 18–29) from five countries: Argentina, Finland, Israel, Japan, and the United States. Rather than solidifying the avoidance of controversial political talk as the key strategy at the disposal of young people, our findings point at a five-pronged typology of young people, with each type representing a different approach toward political talk. Our typology thus contributes to a more comprehensive and nuanced picture of various approaches towards political talk employed by young people across different countries and in relation to different digital media affordances.
Strawczynski M. Forthcoming. Cyclicality Of Tax Expenditures: The Case Of Israel . Economic Quarterly. תקציר

Cyclicality of tax expenditures: the case of Israel


By Michel Strawczynski



Tax expenditures have been rarely investigated internationally because of lack of data. This paper analyzes the cyclicality of tax expenditures in Israel, a country that has gradually intensified the use of this tool, becoming quantitatively important in terms of GDP when compared to other OECD countries. Using quarterly data for the period 1986 to 2016, I find that the pattern of cyclicality of government decisions on tax expenditures changed after 1997, following a notorious reduction of government's deficit and debt: tax expenditures became pro-cyclical in expansions and counter-cyclical in recessions. The latter finding resembles the pattern documented in the literature for government spending in selected developing economies, who achieved in recent years counter-cyclical implementation of spending.


Key Words – Tax Expenditures, Cyclical Policy.

JEL Numbers– H24, H25 and H62.

Prerna Nadathur ו A., Bar-Asher Siegal Elitzur . Forthcoming. Modeling Progress: Causal Models, Event Types, And The Imperfective Paradox.

Under progressive marking, telic predicates can describe events that fail to reach culmination. Prominent accounts of this so-called "imperfective paradox" tie the effect to the modal accessibility of culmination, intensionalizing the progressive operator so that it instantiates qualifying (culminated) eventualities across a set of alternatives to the evaluation world. This approach faces a number of empirical challenges, including the acceptability of progressives of unlikely or locally out-of-reach events. This paper proposes a new approach, on which telic progressives are instead sensitive to (mereological) structure inherited from an event type associated with telic predicate P. An event type constitutes a formal causal model (e.g., Pearl 2000) in which P's culmination condition C occurs as a dependent or caused variable.  The model provides a set of causal pathways for realizing C, each of which comprises a set of jointly sufficient causal conditions for C, and also establishes (sets of) conditions which preclude C. On this approach, the progress of an actual token P-eventuality can be measured with respect to the event type. A reference time situation s satisfies PROG(P) just in case it is a plausible cross-section of an incomplete causal pathway in P: s must verify some but not all the conditions in a causal pathway for C, and fail to verify a sufficient set of conditions for non-culmination.

ליאת קוזמא. Forthcoming. לידתו ולידתו מחדש של מקצוע הרפואה במצרים, 1925-1825. בתוך הספינקס בעידן של תמורות. תל אביב: רסלינג.
סיגל קפלן. Forthcoming. פרסומים.
תרבות הלימוד בתקופת חז"ל לאור הדיאלוגים בספרותם
שמעון פוגל. Forthcoming. תרבות הלימוד בתקופת חז&Quot;ל לאור הדיאלוגים בספרותם. מרכז לחינוך יהודי ע"ש מלטון.

מחקרי עוסק בתולדות תרבות הלימוד החז"לית כפי שהיא משתקפת בספרותם ובהשוואה לחברות הלא-יהודיות שסבבו אותם. עיסוק מרכזי שלי הוא הניסיון לשחזר את "סדרי השיח" של החכמים באמצעות ניתוח של מקורות המתארים דיאלוגים בין מורים ותלמידים.    

Forthcoming. 65Tr. Wiz.
David Guedj. Forthcoming. Abitan Maklouf (In Hebrew). Encyclopaedia Hebraica.
Yiftah Elazar. Forthcoming. Adam Smith And The Wealth-Worshipping Spectator. Journal Of The History Of Economic Thought.
This paper characterizes the preferences over bounded infinite utility streams that satisfy the time value of money principle and an additivity property, and preferences that in addition are impatient. Based on this characterization, the paper introduces a concept of optimization that is robust to a small imprecision in the specification of the preference, and proves that the set of feasible streams of payoffs of a finite Markov decision process admits such a robust optimization.
Accepred version
Micha Lazarus. Forthcoming. Alexander Nowell'S Rough Book: The Life And Library Of A Reformation Humanist. London: The Bibliographical Society.
Renana Keydar, Wagner, Eitan , Abend, Omri , ו Pinchevski, Amit . Forthcoming. Automatic Topic-Guided Segmentation Of Holocaust Survivor Testimonies.
Renana Keydar, Wagner, Eitan , Abend, Omri , ו Pinchevski, Amit . Forthcoming. Automatic Topic-Guided Segmentation Of Holocaust Survivor Testimonies.
Across countries and over time, support for economic globalization is highest among individuals with the highest levels of education. Yet despite long-lasting debates about the sources of this correlation, reliable evidence that isolates the causal effect of education from the nonrandom selection of individuals into education is lacking. To address this fundamental issue, I exploit compulsory schooling reforms that increased the minimum school leaving age in eighteen countries. Employing a fuzzy regression discontinuity design, I find that the reform-induced added years of education substantially and durably increased support for trade liberalization. Using new data on the content of school curricula, I find that the effect of schooling largely stems from instilling tolerance and pluralism in citizens and reducing perceived cultural threat from globalization. In contrast, there is little evidence that the effect of schooling reflects the distributive consequences of international trade separating globalization winners and losers.