
Pablo J Boczkowski, Suenzo, Facundo , Mitchelstein, Eugenia , Kligler-Vilenchik, Neta , Tenenboim-Weinblatt, Keren , Hayashi, Kaori , ו Villi, Mikko . Submitted. From The Barbecue To The Sauna: A Comparative Account Of The Folding Of Media Reception Into The Everyday Life. New Media & Society, Pp. 14614448211000314. תקציר
How and why do people still get print newspapers in an era dominated by mobile and social media communication? In this article, we answer this question about the permanence of traditional media in a digital media ecosystem by analyzing 488 semi-structured interviews conducted in Argentina, Finland, Israel, Japan, and the United States. We focus on three mechanisms of media reception: access, sociality, and ritualization. Our findings show that these mechanisms are decisively shaped by patterns of everyday life that are not captured by the scholarly foci on either content- or technology-influences on media use. Thus, we argue that a non-media centric approach improves descriptive fit and adds heuristic power by bringing a wider lens into crucial mechanisms of media reception in ways that expand the conceptual toolkit that scholars can utilize to analyze the role of media in everyday life.
Noam Kaplan, Friedlich, Moriah , Fromer, Menachem , ו Linial, Michal . Submitted. Functionally-Valid Unsupervised Compression Of The Protein Space.
Yifat Ben-David Kolikant. Submitted. Future Directions In Cs Education Research.
Nora Boneh ו Doron, Edit . Submitted. Habituality And The Habitual Aspect Bt - Theoretical And Crosslinguistic Approaches To The Semantics Of Aspect, Rothstein, Susan [Ed], Amsterdam, The Netherlands: John Benjamins, 2008, Pp 321-347. בתוך Theoretical And Crosslinguistic Approaches To The Semantics Of Aspect, Rothstein, Susan [Ed], Amsterdam, The Netherlands: John Benjamins, 2008, Pp 321-347. . Publisher's Version תקציר
The paper examines the linguistic expression of habituality showing that two concepts must be distinguished: gnomic habituality & actualized habituality. It is claimed, on the basis of Modern Hebrew, that the two concepts are derived from non-quantificational habitual operators – Hab which is modal & yields gnomic habituality, & (phi)Hab which is aspectual & yields actualized habituality. The core meaning of both operators is iteration over a contextually long interval. Syntactically, the operators differ with respect to their position: Hab is argued to be a VP-level adverb & (phi)Hab – an aspectual head. This is correlated with the fact that gnomic habituality is expressed via the simple form of the verb while the expression of actualized habituality involves periphrasis. The paper ends with a diachronic consideration of the Hebrew periphrastic form suggesting that its habitual use can already be detected in Biblical Hebrew. Figures, References. Adapted from the source document
Orna Ben-Naftali, Shany, Yuval , Sandberg, Haim , Ajzenstadt, Mimi , Cavaglion, Gabriel , ו Cohen, Amichai . Submitted. Hebrew University F Faculty Of Law.
Preface David Weisburd, Ajzenstadt, Mimi , ו Dotan, Yoav . Submitted. Hebrew University Faculty Of Law.
Alex Inberg ו Linial, Michal . Submitted. Homologies Of The Uncharacterized Sars Coronavirus Genes.
Deganit Paikowsky. Submitted. The Israeli Space Effort-Logic And Motivations. Iac-09 E, 4.
Chiara Caradonna. Submitted. Kassiber Schreiben. Zur Dichtung Rainer René Muellers. Germanica, 64, 2019. . Publisher's Version
Blake Hallinan, Kim, Bumsoo , Scharlach, Rebecca , Trillò, Tommaso , Mizoroki, Saki , ו Shifman, Limor . Submitted. Mapping The Transnational Imaginary Of Social Media Genres. New Media & Society, Pp. 14614448211012372. תקציר
This article presents a transnational study of the classification and evaluation of social media content. We conducted a large-scale survey (N = 4770) in five countries (Germany, Italy, Japan, South Korea, and the United States) with open-ended questions about the types of content people like and dislike. Through iterative and inductive coding, we identified 29 topics, or broad areas of interest, and 213 recurrent genres, or narrower categories that share elements of form and content. We compared the results according to country, gender, age, and education level, identifying patterns of cultural difference and commonality. While we found significant differences in the prominence and preferentiality of content, these distictions were less pronounced for disliked topics around which social media users tended to converge. Finally, we discuss genre imaginaries as normative maps that reflect ideas about morality in general and the purpose of social media in particular.
Asher Ben-Arieh ו Goerge, Robert M. Submitted. Measuring And Monitoring Children'swell-Being: The Policy Process. בתוך Indicators Of Children's Well Being, Pp. 21–30. Kluwer Academic Publishers. doi:10.1007/1-4020-4242-6_2. Publisher's Version
Dan Baras ו Clarke-Doane, Justin . Submitted. Modal Security.
Laia Castro, Strömbäck, Jesper , Esser, Frank , van Aelst, Peter , de Vreese, Claes , Aalberg, Toril , Cardenal, Ana S. , Corbu, Nicoleta , Hopmann, David Nicolas , Koc-Michalska, Karolina , Matthes, Jörg , Schemer, Christian , Sheafer, Tamir , Splendore, Sergio , Stanyer, James , Stępińska, Agnieszka , Štětka, Václav , ו Theocharis, Yannis . Submitted. Navigating High-Choice European Political Information Environments: A Comparative Analysis Of News User Profiles And Political Knowledge. The International Journal Of Press/Politics, Pp. 19401612211012572. תקציר
The transition from low- to high-choice media environments has had far-reaching implications for citizens’ media use and its relationship with political knowledge. However, there is still a lack of comparative research on how citizens combine the usage of different media and how that is related to political knowledge. To fill this void, we use a unique cross-national survey about the online and offline media use habits of more than 28,000 individuals in 17 European countries. Our aim is to (i) profile different types of news consumers and (ii) understand how each user profile is linked to political knowledge acquisition. Our results show that five user profiles – news minimalists, social media news users, traditionalists, online news seekers, and hyper news consumers – can be identified, although the prevalence of these profiles varies across countries. Findings further show that both traditional and online-based news diets are correlated with higher political knowledge. However, online-based news use is more widespread in Southern Europe, where it is associated with lower levels of political knowledge than in Northern Europe. By focusing on news audiences, this study provides a comprehensive and fine-grained analysis of how contemporary European political information environments perform and contribute to an informed citizenry.
Laia Castro, Strömbäck, Jesper , Esser, Frank , van Aelst, Peter , de Vreese, Claes , Aalberg, Toril , Cardenal, Ana S. , Corbu, Nicoleta , Hopmann, David Nicolas , Koc-Michalska, Karolina , Matthes, Jörg , Schemer, Christian , Sheafer, Tamir , Splendore, Sergio , Stanyer, James , Stępińska, Agnieszka , Štětka, Václav , ו Theocharis, Yannis . Submitted. Navigating High-Choice European Political Information Environments: A Comparative Analysis Of News User Profiles And Political Knowledge. The International Journal Of Press/Politics, Pp. 19401612211012572. תקציר
The transition from low- to high-choice media environments has had far-reaching implications for citizens’ media use and its relationship with political knowledge. However, there is still a lack of comparative research on how citizens combine the usage of different media and how that is related to political knowledge. To fill this void, we use a unique cross-national survey about the online and offline media use habits of more than 28,000 individuals in 17 European countries. Our aim is to (i) profile different types of news consumers and (ii) understand how each user profile is linked to political knowledge acquisition. Our results show that five user profiles – news minimalists, social media news users, traditionalists, online news seekers, and hyper news consumers – can be identified, although the prevalence of these profiles varies across countries. Findings further show that both traditional and online-based news diets are correlated with higher political knowledge. However, online-based news use is more widespread in Southern Europe, where it is associated with lower levels of political knowledge than in Northern Europe. By focusing on news audiences, this study provides a comprehensive and fine-grained analysis of how contemporary European political information environments perform and contribute to an informed citizenry.
DSW Howard Litwin ו Shiovitz-Ezra, Sharon . Submitted. Network Type And Mortality Risk In Later Life.