"A Bibliography of Writings by H.J. Polotsky," "Notes on the Late-Egyptian Conjunctive," Miriam Lichtheim, "Une inscription historique de la premiere periode intermediare," Jacques Vandier, "Un titre curieux de Thoutmosis III," J. Leibovitch, "The Ceremonial Slate-Palette of King Narmer," S. Yeivin, "The Late Egyptian Conjunctive," Aksel Volten, "A Special Case of the Verbal Construction in iw sdm.f in Late Egyptian," Jaroslav Cerny, "'Flat' Words and Syllables in Jewish East New Aramaic of Persian Azerbaijian and the Contiguous Districts - A Problem of Multilingualism," Irene Garbell, "Semitic Morphological Structures - The Basic Morphological Structure of Biblical Hebrew," M.H. Goshen-Gottstein, "Biblical Aramaic in Geonic Babylonia," Shelomo Morag, "Israeli Hebrew Texts," Haim Blanc and "An Outline of a General Theory of Juncture," Haiim B. Rosen.