Recent publications containing discussions of Polotsky's theories


Sami Uljas. 2020. Grammar. In: The Oxford Handbook of Egyptology Edited by Ian Shaw and Elizabeth Bloxam


Crossroads VI conference- BETWEEN EGYPTIAN LINGUISTICS AND PHILOLOGY. Upsalla University, January 20–22, 2020. 
Organized by Andreas Dorn & Sami Uljas.
The list of talks is available at:

2019 Müller, Matthias. Die Anfänge der "Jerusalem School" in Göttingen: Hans Jakob Polotsky (1905-1991), Beitrag zur ägyptologischen Sprachforschung in den Jahren 1925 bis 1935. In Arp-Neumann, Janne and Thomas L. Gertzen (eds),
"Steininschrift und Bibelwort": Ägyptologen und Koptologen Niedersachsens, 73-78. Rahden/Westf.: Marie Leidorf. 

Brose, Marc. "Marginalien zum sḏm=f-Paradigma des Älteren Ägyptisch." Lingua Aegyptia 26, 219-227. 


Crossroads V- Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Egyptian-Coptic Linguistics (Crossroads V) Berlin, February 17–20, 2016. Edited by Daniel A. Werning. 
=Lingua Aegyptia 25. For table of contents and abstracts:


Allen, James P., Mark Collier, Andréas Stauder (eds.) Coping with Obscurity : The Brown Workshop on Earlier Egyptian Grammar. Wilbour Studies in Egyptology and Assyriology 3. Atlanta: Lockwood Press. 

Review 2017 Depuydt, Leo. 2017 On Fuzzy Boundaries and Razor Sharp Boundaries, and Something on Bari Bibliotheca Orientalis 74, 5-45.

Winand, Jean. "The Syntax-Semantics Interface in Earlier Egyptian: A Case Study in Verbs of Cognition." In: Allen, James P., Mark Collier, Andréas Stauder (eds.) Coping with Obscurity : The Brown Workshop on Earlier Egyptian Grammar, 109-139. Wilbour Studies in Egyptology and Assyriology, No. 3.  Link. 

Stauder, Andréas. The Earlier Egyptian “Emphatic” Construction: an Alternative Analysis. In: Allen, James P., Mark Collier, Andréas Stauder (eds.) Coping with Obscurity : The Brown Workshop on Earlier Egyptian Grammar, 171-202. Wilbour Studies in Egyptology and Assyriology, No. 3. Ebesco online access.


Brose, Marc. "Darf es noch ein sDm=f mehr sein? Zur aktuellen Diskussion über die Anzahl von schriftsprachlich kennzeichenlosen finiten Verbalformen im Älteren Ägyptisch." Lingua Aegyptia 23: 1-59.

Grossman, Eitan, Martin Haspelmath and Tonio Sebastian Richter. Egyptian-Coptic linguistics in typological perspective. Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton.
Image result for Egyptian-Coptic linguistics in typological perspective


Eitan Grossman, Stéphane Polis, Andréas Stauder & Jean Winand (eds.), On Forms and Functions: Studies in Ancient Egyptian Grammar. Hamburg: Widmaier.
 Studies in Ancient Egyptian Grammar

Werning, Daniel. "Uninflected Relative Verb Forms as Converbs and Verbal Rhemes: The two schemes of the Emphatic Construction as a detached adjectival phrase construction and as a truncated Balanced Sentence," in: Eitan Grossman, Stéphane Polis, Andréas Stauder & Jean Winand (eds.), On Forms and Functions: Studies in Ancient Egyptian Grammar. Hamburg: Widmaier, 309–338, online: 10.11588/propylaeumdok.00003814.

2013 Allen, James P. “Emphatic Sentences and Nominal/ Relative Forms in Earlier Egyptian.” Lingua Aegyptia 21: 1–7.

Review of  'Grundlagen des koptischen Satzbaus (1987),' in two parts: 

1-Schenke, Hans-Martin. Review: Polotsky, H. J. 1987. Grundlagen des koptischen Satzbaus. [Erste Hälfte]. American Studies in Papyrology 28. Decatur, GA: Scholars Press.
In Schenke-Robinson, Gesine, Gesa Schenke, and Uwe-Karsten Plisch (eds), Der Same Seths: Hans-Martin Schenkes Kleine Schriften zu Gnosis, Koptologie und Neuem Testament, 1145-1146. Leiden: Brill.  

2-Schenke, Hans-Martin. Review: Polotsky, H. J. 1990. Grundlagen des koptischen Satzbaus. Zweite Hälfte. American Studies in Papyrology 29. Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press.
In Schenke-Robinson, Gesine, Gesa Schenke, and Uwe-Karsten Plisch (eds), Der Same Seths: Hans-Martin Schenkes Kleine Schriften zu Gnosis, Koptologie und Neuem Testament, 1189-1192. Leiden: Brill. 


Allen, James P. “Rethinking the sḏm.f.” Lingua Aegyptia 19: 1–16.


Crossroads IV- Matthias Muller, Sami Uljas (ed.), Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Egyptian Grammar (Crossroads IV), Basel, March 19-22, 2009. Lingua Aegyptia 17,  Gottingen. 
A list of articles appear in this link

Bendjaballah, Sabrina, and Chris H. Reintges. "Ancient Egyptian verbal reduplication: typology, diachrony, and the morphology–syntax interface." Morphology 19, no. 2: 135. Link.


Bendjaballah, Sabrina, and Chris H. Reintges. "Réduplication et temps-aspect-mode: l’exemple de l’égyptien ancien." Faits de langues 29, no. 1: 145-160. 

Verena M. Lepper & Leo Depuydt (eds.), H.J. Polotsky, Scripta Posteriora on Egyptian and Coptic. LingAeg StudMoon 7. 
For table of contents:


“After Polotsky”, New Research and Trends in Egyptian and Coptic Linguistics
edited by Verena M. Lepper in cooperation with Peter Nagel & Wolfgang Schenkel
=Lingua Aegyptia 14.




Verena M. Lepper

"After Polotsky". New Research and Trends in Egyptian and Coptic Linguistics



Ariel Shisha-Halevy

H.J. Polotsky Structuralist


H.J. Polotsky - Person and Theory

Leo Depuydt

Our Knowledge of Egyptian and Coptic since Polotsky


Stephen Emmel

Coptic Grammatical Terminology before and after Polotsky.
Transitivity and Case (with sōtm "Hear" for an Example)


Wolfgang Schenkel

Von der Morphologie zur Syntax und zurück


Earlier Egyptian

Joris F. Borghouts

Scrambling in Middle Egyptian: the case of ı͗n ı͗r


Francis Breyer

Ein Faktitiv-Stamm im Ägyptischen


Paul John Frandsen

Of Crossroad(s) and Theory


Chris H. Reintges

The Older Egyptian Stative Revisited


Alessandro Roccati

Die aktiv/passiven Verbalformen des Ägyptischen


Helmut Satzinger

Die ägyptischen Gerundiva


Pascal Vernus

Pronoums interrogatifs en égyptien de la première phase


Later Egyptian

Marc Collier

The Lure of Alterity: ı͗nn Conditionals in Late Egyptian


Åke Engsheden

Über die Markierung des direkten Objekts im Koptischen


Masakatsu Nagai

Language Variety in the 19th Dynasty


Stéphane Polis

Les relations entre futur et modalité déontique. À propos des sens du futur III en néo-égyptien


Joachim Friedrich Quack

- Zu Morphologie und Syntax der demotischen zweiten Tempora



Sydney H. Aufrère

Chénouté : hellénisme ou démotisme ?


Nathalie Bosson

Remarques sur la « structure (x)a- . (x)af- »-


Frank Feder

- Die "Gräzität" koptischer Bibelübersetzungen. Wege der Übertragung heiliger Schriften


Tonio Sebastian Richter

'Spoken' Sahidic. Gleanings from Non-Literary Texts


Ewa D. Zakrezewska

The Hero, the Villain and the Mob. Topicality and Focality in Bohairic Narrative Discourse


Language and (Con-)Text

Ingelore Hafemann

Lexikon und Argumentstruktur


Verena M. Lepper

Language and Text


Ludwig D. Morenz

Zwischen Kontext, Intermedialität, Intertextualität und Individualität. Die Selbst-Präsentation eines Nedjes-iker (BM 1671)


Alviero Niccacci

On the Heritage of H.J. Polotsky. Assessment of New Insights and an Attempt to Combine His Theory with a Text-Linguistic Approach to Classical Egyptian Narrative


Deborah Sweeney

Gender and Language in Ramesside Egyptian


Jean Winand

A Semantic Approach to the Egyptian Language: The Case of Time and Aspect. Towards a New Paradigm



Orly Goldwasser

On the New Definition of Classifier Languages and Scripts




Lists of participants


Addresses of the authors


review by C. Pesut



Ancient Egyptian, Neo-Semitic - Methods in Linguistics: Workshop in Memory of H.J. Polotsky.


Shisha-Halevy, Ariel. On Conversion, Clause Ordination and Related Notions. In G. Goldenberg & A. Shisha-Halevy, ed. Proceedings, Ancient Egyptian, Neo-Semitic - Methods in Linguistics: Workshop in Memory of H.J. Polotsky.

Jerusalem. Jerusalem: The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, pp. 92–105. Abstract



1999 Satzinger, H. & Shisha-Halevy, A., (review) The Snark is Dead. Lingua Aegyptia , 6 , 167–176. 
1995 Loprieno, Antonio. Ancient Egyptian: a linguistic introduction. Cambridge University Press.‏ 
1994 Crossroads III=Proceedings of the International Conference on Egyptian Grammar (Crossroads III) Yale, April 4-9, 1994. 
 Lingua Aegyptia 4. For table of contents :

1993 Depuydt, Leo. Conjunction, Contiguity, Contingency on Relationships between Events in the Egyptian and Coptic Verbal Systems. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993.

Crossroads II= Proceedings of the second international conference on Egyptian grammar (Crossroads II): Los Angeles, October 17-20, 1990.
Göttingen: Seminar für Ägyptologie u. Koptologie, Univ. Göttingen.  Edited by Antonio Loprieno. 
= Lingua Aegyptia 1.  For table of contents and articles in pdf format:




1990 Schenke, Hans-Martin. Review: Polotsky, H. J. 1987. Grundlagen des koptischen Satzbaus. [Erste Hälfte]. American Studies in Papyrology 28. Decatur, GA: Scholars Press. In Schenke-Robinson, Gesine, Gesa Schenke, and Uwe-Karsten Plisch (eds), Der Same Seths: Hans-Martin Schenkes Kleine Schriften zu Gnosis, Koptologie und Neuem Testament, 1145-1146. Leiden: Brill.

Ray, J. D. (ed.) 1987. Lingua sapientissima: a seminar in honour of H. J. Polotsky organised by the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge and the Faculty of Oriental Studies in 1984. Cambridge: Faculty of Oriental Studies. 


Satzinger, Helmut. Towards reconstructing the tense system of Old Egyptian. In Ray, J. D. (ed.), Lingua sapientissima: a seminar in honour of H. J. Polotsky organised by the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge and the Faculty of Oriental Studies in 1984, 72-79. Cambridge: Faculty of Oriental Studies.


1986  Crossroads I

crossroad  Crossroads – Chaos or the Beginning of a New Paradigm.
Papers from the conference on Egyptian grammar, Helsingør. 


crossroads conference

The Crossroads conference, a group photo.