Recent Events

Public lecture at the Halbert Centre for Canadian Studies
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
December 11, 2018

Egyptology in Nazi Germany: Ideology, Scholarship, Careers
Prof. Thomas Schneider

Download lecture file: 

PDF iconhu_polotsky_lecture_publication_schneider_2018.pdf




In memory of Hans Jakob Polotsky


schneider lecture




Ancient Egyptian-Coptic in Typological Perspective:  
Workshop in Honor of Hans Jakob Polotsky 

On the Occasion of  25 years to the decease of Hans Jakob Polotsky. 
Held at the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Jerusalem (10th February 2016)  full program

program polotsky memorial

Polotsky distinguished lectures in Egyptology Series,  Held at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Polotsky distinguished lecture in Egyptology no. 3
February 10, 2016 Prof. Dr. Tonio Sebastian Richter, Ägyptologisches Seminar Freie Universität Berlin.
"Whatever in the Coptic Language Is Not Greek, Might Be Considered to Be Ancient Egyptian"
(Held on the occasion of the conference
Ancient Egyptian-Coptic in Typological Perspective: 
Workshop in Honor of Hans Jakob Polotsky
at the Israel Academy of Sciences.)

Polotsky distinguished lecture in Egyptology no. 2​​
November 11, 2014 Prof.  Dr. Jean Winand, Doyen de la faculté de philosophie et lettres, Université de Liège.
"Tracking Dialects in a Dead Language: The Case of Ancient Egyptian"

winand polotsky 2nd lecture

Block seminar and Polotsky distinguished lecture in Egyptology no. 1
December 2013 Prof.  Dr. Frank Kammerzell, Humboldt Universität  Berlin
"Linguistics and History"

kammerzell polotsky lecture






  • kammerzell polotsky lecture
  • winand polotsky 2nd lecture