
Various engine types are thermodynamically equivalent in the quantum limit of small “engine action”. Our previous derivation of the equivalence is restricted to Markovian heat baths and to implicit classical work repository (e.g., laser light in the semi-classical approximation). In this paper, all the components, baths, batteries, and engines, are explicitly taken into account. To neatly treat non-Markovian dynamics, we use mediating particles that function as a heat exchanger. We find that, on top of the previously observed equivalence, there is a higher degree of equivalence that cannot be achieved in the Markovian regime. Next, we focus on the quality of the battery charging process. A condition for positive energy increase and zero entropy increase (work) is given. Moreover, it is shown that, in the strong coupling regime, it is possible to super-charge a battery. With super-charging, the energy of the battery is increased while its entropy is being reduced at the same time.
One of the defining properties of an open quantum system is the variation of its purity in time. We derive speed limits on the rate of purity change for systems coupled to a Markovian environment. Our speed limits are based on Liouville space where density matrices are represented as vectors. This approach leads to speed limits that are always tighter compared to their parallel speed limits in Hilbert space. These bounds depend solely on the generators of the nonunitary dynamics and are independent of the particular state of the systems. Thus, they are perfectly suited to investigate dephasing, thermalization, and decorrelation processes of arbitrary states. We show that our speed limits can be attained and are therefore tight. As an application of our results we study dephasing of interacting spins, and the speed of classical and quantum correlation erasure in multi-particle system.
Quantum heat engines (QHE) are thermal machines where the working substance is a quantum object. In the extreme case, the working medium can be a single particle or a few-level quantum system. The study of QHE has shown a remarkable similarity with macroscopic thermodynamical results, thus raising the issue of what is quantum in quantum thermodynamics. Our main result is the thermodynamical equivalence of all engine types in the quantum regime of small action with respect to Planck’s constant. They have the same power, the same heat, and the same efficiency, and they even have the same relaxation rates and relaxation modes. Furthermore, it is shown that QHE have quantum-thermodynamic signature; i.e., thermodynamic measurements can confirm the presence of quantum effects in the device. We identify generic coherent and stochastic work extraction mechanisms and show that coherence enables power outputs that greatly exceed the power of stochastic (dephased) engines.
A multilevel four-stroke engine where the thermalization strokes are generated by unitary collisions with thermal bath particles is analyzed. Our model is solvable even when the engine operates far from thermal equilibrium and in the strong system–bath coupling. Necessary operation conditions for the heat machine to perform as an engine or a refrigerator are derived. We relate the work and efficiency of the device to local and non-local statistical properties of the baths (purity, index of coincidence, etc) and put upper bounds on these quantities. Finally, in the ultra-hot regime, we analytically optimize the work and find a striking similarity to results obtained for efficiency at maximal power of classical engines. The complete swap limit of our results holds for any four-stroke quantum Otto engine that is coupled to the baths for periods that are significantly longer than the thermal relaxation time.
R. Uzdin, Friedland, L. , and Gat, O. . 2014. First-Harmonic Approximation In Nonlinear Chirped-Driven Oscillators. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, And Soft Matter Physics, 89, Pp. 012902. Abstract
Nonlinear classical oscillators can be excited to high energies by a weak driving field provided the drive frequency is properly chirped. This process is known as autoresonance (AR). We find that for a large class of oscillators, it is sufficient to consider only the first harmonic of the motion when studying AR, even when the dynamics is highly nonlinear. The first harmonic approximation is also used to relate AR in an asymmetric potential to AR in a “frequency equivalent” symmetric potential and to study the autoresonance breakdown phenomenon.
Unambiguous (non-orthogonal) state discrimination (USD) has a fundamental importance in quantum information and quantum cryptography. Various aspects of two-state and multiple-state USD are studied here using singular value decomposition of the evolution operator that describes a given state discriminating system. In particular, we relate the minimal angle between states to the ratio of the minimal and maximal singular values. This is supported by a simple geometrical picture in two-state USD. Furthermore, by studying the singular vectors population we find that the minimal angle between input vectors in multiple-state USD is always larger than the minimal angle in two-state USD in the same system. As an example we study what pure states can be probabilistically transformed into maximally entangled pure states in a given system.
Classically, external power optimization over the coupling times of a heat engine to its baths leads to universal features in the efficiency. Here we study internal work optimization over the energy levels of a multilevel quantum Otto engine, and find similar universal features. It is shown that in the ultra-hot regime the efficiency is determined solely by the energy level optimization constraint, and is independent of the engine's details. Constraints on the energy levels naturally appear due to physical limitations or design goals. For some constraints the results significantly differ from the classical universality.
R. Uzdin, Dalla Torre, E.G. , Kosloff, R. , and Moiseyev, N. . 2013. Effects Of An Exceptional Point On The Dynamics Of A Single Particle In A Time-Dependent Harmonic Trap.. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, And Optical Physics, 88, Pp. 022505. Abstract
The time evolution of a single particle in a harmonic trap with time-dependent frequency ω(t) has been well studied. Nevertheless, here we show that when the harmonic trap is opened (or closed) as a function of time while keeping the adiabatic parameter μ=[dω(t)/dt]/ω2(t) fixed, a sharp transition from an oscillatory to a monotonic exponential dynamics occurs at μ=2. At this transition point, the time evolution has an exceptional point (EP) at all instants. This situation, where an EP of a time-dependent Hermitian Hamiltonian is obtained at any given time, is very different from other known cases. In the present case, we show that the order of the EP depends on the set of observables used to describe the dynamics. Our finding is relevant to the dynamics of a single ion in a magnetic, optical, or rf trap, and of diluted gases of ultracold atoms in optical traps.
Non-unitary operations generated by an effective non-Hermitian Hamiltonian can be used to create quantum state manipulations which are impossible in Hermitian quantum mechanics. These operations include state preparation (or cooling) and non-orthogonal state discrimination. In this work we put a lower bound on the resources needed for the construction of some given non-unitary evolution. Passive systems are studied in detail and a general feature of such systems is derived. After interpreting our results using the singular value decomposition, several examples are studied analytically. In particular, we put a lower bound on the resources needed for non-Hermitian state preparation and non-orthogonal state discrimination.
Unambiguous-nonorthogonal-state discrimination has a fundamental importance in quantum information. Moreover, it can be used for entanglement distillation and secure communication. The discrimination is carried out by a positive operator-valued measure (POVM) generalized measurement, which is typically implemented by coupling the system to an ancilla. We find a trade-off between the needed energy resources and the evolution time needed to implement the POVM and express it in terms of an actionlike cost inequality. We find the realization that minimizes this actionlike cost and show that, in this case, the cost is determined by the maximal population transfer from the system to the ancilla. We demonstrate our findings in an example of a three-level system coupled to a laser.

In the limit of rapid passage in a time-dependent two-level system of the Landau–Zener type, the initial state undergoes a very simple yet non-trivial rotation. This effect takes place when the Hamiltonian reaches the stationary point of the system. We explain the origin of this rotation by simple means and extend it to open non-Hermitian (NH) systems where new features appear. In addition, we find that in contrast to the Hermitian case, the point at which this simple rotation takes place is not necessarily the point of minimal energy separation. Moreover, in NH Hamiltonian the stationary point may lie in the complex time plane, and then a surprisingly strong correction to the rotation angle appears. The NH aspects of this rotation can be observed in optical and quantum systems where decay rates can be controlled.

This article is part of a special issue of Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical devoted to 'Quantum physics with non-Hermitian operators'.

It has been recently shown that by varying the potential parameters in time so that a non-Hermitian degeneracy [exceptional point (EP)] is cycled, the nonadiabatic couplings have a large effect on the dynamics. This cardinal effect does not disappear even when the potential parameter are changed arbitrarily slow (“adiabatic process”). For a specific Hamiltonian this counterintuitive effect has been shown to be associated with the Stokes phenomenon. We study analytically the effects of EP cycling on the transmission and reflection of light in a waveguide with a small complex refractive index modulation. We find that in the adiabatic limit the oscillations in the transmission spectrum are sharply attenuated above a certain frequency where the EP is no longer cycled.
R. Uzdin, Moiseyev, N. , Günther, U. , and Rahav, S.. 2012. Time-Dependent Hamiltonians With 100% Evolution Speed Efficiency.. Journal Of Physics A: Mathematical And Theoretical, 45, Pp. 415304. Abstract
The evolution speed in projective Hilbert space is considered for Hermitian Hamiltonians and for non-Hermitian (NH) ones. Based on the Hilbert–Schmidt norm and the spectral norm of a Hamiltonian, resource-related upper bounds on the evolution speed are constructed. These bounds are valid also for NH Hamiltonians and they are illustrated for an optical NH Hamiltonian and for a NH $\mathcal {PT}$-symmetric matrix Hamiltonian. Furthermore, the concept of quantum speed efficiency is introduced as measure of the system resources directly spent on the motion in the projective Hilbert space. A recipe for the construction of time-dependent Hamiltonians which ensure 100% speed efficiency is given. Generally these efficient Hamiltonians are NH but there is a Hermitian efficient Hamiltonian as well. Finally, the extremal case of a NH non-diagonalizable Hamiltonian with vanishing energy difference is shown to produce a 100% efficient evolution with minimal resources consumption.
In open quantum systems where the effective Hamiltonian is not Hermitian, it is known that the adiabatic (or instantaneous) basis can be multivalued: by adiabatically transporting an eigenstate along a closed loop in the parameter space of the Hamiltonian, it is possible to end up in an eigenstate different from the initial eigenstate. This 'adiabatic flip' effect is an outcome of the appearance of a degeneracy known as an 'exceptional point' inside the loop. We show that contrary to what is expected of the transport properties of the eigenstate basis, the interplay between gain/loss and non-adiabatic couplings imposes fundamental limitations on the observability of this adiabatic flip effect.
For non-Hermitian Hamiltonians with an isolated degeneracy ('exceptional point'), a model for cycling around loops that enclose or exclude the degeneracy is solved exactly in terms of Bessel functions. Floquet solutions, returning exactly to their initial states (up to a constant) are found, as well as exact expressions for the adiabatic multipliers when the evolving states are represented as a superposition of eigenstates of the instantaneous Hamiltonian. Adiabatically (i.e. for slow cycles), the multipliers of exponentially subdominant eigenstates can vary wildly, unlike those driven by Hermitian operators, which change little. These variations are explained as an example of the Stokes phenomenon of asymptotics. Improved (superadiabatic) approximations tame the variations of the multipliers but do not eliminate them.
The Floquet resonance states of a periodically driven system are obtained using a special weighted power method which forces the dynamical symmetry into regular wave propagation methods. We demonstrate the utility of this method for the calculation of high harmonic generation spectra in rare gases. By using this method the resonance Floquet state which dominates the spectrum is obtained directly at a low computational cost. This may allow the calculation of resonance Floquet states in parameter regimes not accessible before. Implementation involves only slight adjustments to the standard wave propagation codes. The method’s unique advantage is explained and demonstrated.
R. Uzdin and Moiseyev, N. . 2010. Classical Harmonic Generation In Rare Gases.. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, And Optical Physics, 81, Pp. 063405. Abstract
The classical microcanonical ensemble approach to high-harmonic generation (HHG) in rare gases subjected to intense laser fields is studied. We show that the ensemble spectrum is a “sampled” version of the single trajectory spectrum. Unlike the radiation of the single ensemble member, the total ensemble radiation possesses all the basic HHG features: odd laser harmonics, plateau, and cutoff. The sampling theorem for uniform grids is used to explain why the ensemble spectrum can be computed accurately with a very small number of ensemble members compared to the Monte Carlo method. Furthermore, The phase space relevant to harmonic generation is found to be significantly smaller than the field free microcanonical ensemble. In addition we demonstrate the seeding effect that was predicted and observed in quantum simulation. For circular polarization, we verify that the harmonic generation is highly suppressed even when the argument of the three-step model does not apply. All the findings are numerically calculated for the xenon atom.
An exceptional point (EP) is a point in the parameter space of an open quantum system in which the two eigenstates of the effectively non-Hermitian system coalesce and a topological effect can be observed. In this work we use the properties of the energy eigenvalues near the EP at three different points in order to find the exact EP location in the parameter space. This method does not require the two parameters of the system to be grouped as a single complex parameter, so it can easily be applied to Floquet operators. Finally, it is shown that by applying the Hellmann–Feynman theorem, the EP position can be obtained from a single point. The benefits of using the 3-point approach or the 1-point approach are discussed. These simple techniques may be of use in the search for new EPs in various physical systems. To demonstrate the utility of the method, we find an EP for an H+2molecule driven by a monochromatic laser and for a laser-driven Gaussian potential.
O. Cohen, Uzdin, R. , Carmon, T. , Fleischer, J.W. , Segev, M. , and Odoulov, S. . 2002. Collisions Between Optical Spatial Solitons Propagating In Opposite Directions. Physical Review Letters, 89, Pp. 133901. Abstract
We formulate the theory describing the evolution and interactions between optical spatial solitons that propagate in opposite directions. We show that coherent collisions between counterpropagating solitons give rise to a new focusing mechanism resulting from the interference between the beams, and that interactions between such solitons are insensitive to the relative phase between the beams.
T. Schwartz, Ganor, Y. , Carmon, T. , Uzdin, R. , Shwartz, S. , Segev, M. , and El-Hanany, U. . 2002. Photorefractive Solitons And Light-Induced Resonance Control In Semiconductor Cdznte.. Optics Letters, 27, Pp. 1229. Abstract
We demonstrate the formation of (1+1)1+1- and (2+1)2+1-dimensional solitons in photorefractive CdZnTe:V, exploiting the intensity-resonant behavior of the space-charge field. We control the resonance optically, facilitating a 10‐µs10‐µs soliton formation times with very low optical power.
