
    Publications   2018 – 2023                                                                                                                             


  • Inverse Volcano: A New Molecule – Surface Interaction Phenomenon

 Michelle S. Akerman, Roey Sagi, Micha Asscher*,

 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 2023, 130, 086203(1) – 086203(6).  pdf


  • Chemical Reactivity of Strongly Interacting, Hydrogen-Bond Forming Molecules  Following 193 nm Photon Irradiation: Methanol in ASW at Low Temperatures

 Michelle Sykes Akerman, Hiley Iny, Roey Sagi and Micha Asscher*

  Langmuir  2023, 39, 7, 2838–2849;  pdf


  • Distribution of Weakly Interacting Atoms and Molecules in Low Temperature Amorphous Solid Water,

 Michelle S. Akerman, Roey Sagi and Micha Asscher*,

  J. Phys. Chem. A, 2022, 126, 43, 8037–8048.  pdf


  • Formamidinium Halide-Perovskite and Carbon Nitride Thin Films Enhance Photo- Reactivity Under Visible Light Excitation,

 Gopi Ragupathy1, Julian Rieß2, Bat-El Cohen1, Lioz Etgar1, Roey Sagi1, Kumar P.    Deepak1, Reinhard Schomäcker2 and Micha Asscher*1

 J. Phys. Chem. A, 2022, 126, 23, 3724–3731. pdf

 (A Festschrift issue awarding Paul Houston).


  • Low Temperature Mixing of Polar Hydrogen Bond Forming Molecules in Amorphous Solid Water (ASW)

 Michelle Akerman, Roey Sagi and Micha Asscher*

 J. Phys. Chem. C 2022, 126, 15, 6825–6836. pdf


  • Same Energy UV Photons and Low-Energy Electrons Activating Methane and Ammonia Frozen in Amorphous Solid Water,

Sujith Ramakrishnan, Roey Sagi, Michelle Akerman, Micha Asscher*,   

 J. Phys. Chem. A, 2021, 125, 3432−3443.  pdf


  • Solid Ammonia Charging by Low-Energy Electrons,  

Roey Sagi, Michelle Akerman, Sujith Ramakrishnan, and Micha Asscher* 

 J. Phys. Chem. C2021, 125, 7, 3845–3858. pdf


  • Charging Amorphous Solid Water Films by Ne+ Ions Characterized by Contact Potential Difference Measurements

Michelle Akerman, Roey Sagi, and Micha Asscher

 J. Phys. Chem. C, 2020, 124 (42), 23270–23279.  pdf


  • The role of thermal history on spontaneous polarization and phase transitions of Amorphous Solid Water films studied by contact potential difference measurements

 Sagi, Roey; Akerman, Michelle; Ramakrishnan, Sujith; Asscher, Micha

 J. Chem. Phys., 2020, 153, 144702-13.  pdf


  • Spontaneous Polarization of Thick Ammonia Films

 Sagi, Roey; Akerman, Michelle; Ramakrishnan, Sujith; Asscher, Micha

J. Chem. Phys., 2020,153, 124707-124719. pdfpdf SI


  • Medium Pressure Reactivity of Acetylene on Pd-Cu Alloy Nanoparticles Supported on Thin Silica Films.

 Sorek, Elishama; Arbiv, Gavriel; Asscher, Micha

 Langmuir, 2020, 36 (28), 8066–8074.  pdf



  • Acetylene Reactivity on Pd-Cu Nanoparticles Supported on Thin Silica Films: The Role of the Underlying Substrate.

  Sorek, Elishama; Ankri, Jonathan; Arbiv, Gavriel; Mol, Reuven; Popov, Inna; Freund, Hans-Joachim; Shaikhutdinov, Shamil; Asscher, Micha,

  J. Phys. Chem. C., 2019, 123 (28), 17425-17431. pdf

  DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b04722. 


  • Local isolation of high-voltage photovoltaic cells using buried layers of oxidized porous silicon.

 Micha Asscher*, Roey Sagi, Carmen Tamburu, Ora Eli, Irit Chen Zamero,  Evgeny  Pikhay, Yakov Roizin, Inna Lyubina, Lee Bar-on, Amit Nahor, Gil Toker,  Michael Zenou, Zvi Kotler and Amir Sa'ar*.

IEEE J. of Photovoltaics, 2019, vol. 9, pp 992-997. pdf

  DOI  10.1109/JPHOTOV.2019.2912069


  • Oxygen as an Electron Scavenger: Its Role in Electron-Induced Activation of  Co-Adsorbed Methane Embedded in Amorphous Solid Water,

 Sujith Ramakrishnan, Roey Sagi, Elishama Sorek, Rabin Rajan J. Methikkalam and  Micha Asscher,

 J. Phys. Chem. C, 2019, 123(13), 7766-7775. pdf

DOI 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b06388.


  • The Effect of co-Adsorbed Oxygen on the Photochemistry of Methane Embedded in  Amorphous Solid Water

 Sujith Ramakrishnan, Roey Sagi, Niharendu Mahapatra and Micha Asscher*,

J. Phys. Chem. C, 2018, 122 (27), 15287–15296. pdf, pdf SI

DOI 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b02155


  • CsPbBr3 and CH3NH3PbBr3 Promote Visible-light Photo-Reactivity,

 Shankar Harisingh, Sujith Ramakrishnan, Michael Kulbak, Igal Levine, David Cahen,  Bat-El Cohen, Lioz Etgar and Micha Asscher*,

  Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2018, 20, 16847 – 16852. pdf

(DOI: 10.1039/C8CP01235K).


  • Temperature Effect on Transport, Charging, and Binding of Low-Energy Electrons  Interacting with Amorphous Solid Water Films.

 Roey Sagi, Michelle Akerman, Sujith Ramakrishnan, Micha Asscher,

 J. Phys. Chem. C, 2018, 122 (18), 9985-9996. pdf



  • Buffer layer assisted chemistry over amorphous solid water: Oxide thin film or  metallic nanoparticles formation

  Zilberberg, L., Shankar, H., Mitlin, S., Elitsur, R., and Asscher, M.

  Langmuir  2018, 34, 2610−2618. pdf

DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.7b3203.


  • Collision induced desorption of large molecules from surfaces: Trimethylamine  removal from Ru(0001)

  Hallac B., Asscher, M., Topics in Catalysis, 2018, 61, 776-783.  pdf

  https://DOI: 10.1007/s11244-018-0921-6.



Publications 2012-1999



·      Low energy charged particles interacting with amorphous solid water layers

                     Horowitz, Y., Asscher, M.,  J. Chem. Phys., 136, 134701 (2012) pdf.


  • Photoinduced desorption of Xe from porous silicon: Evidence for selective and highly

                     effective optical activity Toker, G., Asscher, M., Phys. Rev. Lett., 107, 167402-16406 (2011) pdf.


  • Hybrid structure of porous silicon and conjugated polymers for photovoltaic

                     applications Nahor, A., Berger, O., Bardavid, Y., Toker, G., Tamar, Y., Reiss, L., Asscher, M.,

                    Yitzchaik, S., Sa'ar, A., Phys. Status Solidi, C 8, (6) 1908-1912 (2011) pdf.


  • Laser patterning via a masked buffer layer Stein, O., Asscher, M., A Chapter in "Lasers - Applications in Science and Industry" book 2,  InTech  publishing, December 2011, ISBN 978-953-307-755-0. pdf.


  • Selective Ablation of Xe from Silicon Surfaces: Molecular Dynamics simulations and experimental laser patterning  Stein, O., Lin,  Z., Zhigilei, L. V.,  Asscher, M., J. Phys. Chem. A, 115, 6250-59 (2011). pdf.


  • Structure-Reactivity correlations in Pd-Au nanoclusters Gross, E., Asscher, M., Langmuir, 26 (21), 16226-31 (2010). pdf.


  • Xe interacting with porous silicon Paldor, A., Toker, G., Lilach, Y., Asscher, M., Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,

                   12, 6774-6781 (2010). pdf.


  • Chemical reactivity of Pd-Au bimetallic nano-clusters grown via amorphous solid water as buffer layer

                  Gross, E., Popov, I., Asscher, M., J. Phys. Chem. C., 113, 18341-18346 (2009). pdf.


  • Interaction of ethyl chloride with amorphous solid water thin film on Ru(001) and O/Ru(001) surfaces.

                   Ayoub, Y., Asscher, M., J. Phys. Chem., A 113, 7514-7520 (2009).pdf. 




  • Adsorption of H2O, CO2 and Xe on soft surfaces Stein, O., Asscher, M. J. Phys. Chem. B. 112, 3955 (2008). pdf.


  • Gold Nanoclusters Deposited on SiO2 via Water as Buffer Layer: CO-IRAS and TPD Characterization   

Gross, E., Lundwall, M., Goodman, D. W. and Asscher M.J. Phys. Chem. C.111, 16197, (2007).pdf




  • Collision-induced migration of adsorbates on solid surfaces: An experimental approach Danziger I.M. and Assscher M. J. Phys. Chem. A 100, 8339, (2006). pdf



  •     Sublimative Desorption Kinetics of Multilayer Xenon from Ru(100) Kerner G., Stein O., Lilach Y. and Asscher M., Phys. Rev. B 71, 205414 (2005). pdf


  • Water as Buffer Material for Gold Nanoclusters Growth Gross E., Horovitz Y. and Asscher M. Langmuir 21, 8892 (2005). pdf


  • Photochemistry of molecules at confined environment : CD3Br/O/Ru(001) and CO2@Ice
    Berger R., Lilach Y., Ayoub Y., Asscher M., Isr. J. Chem. 45, 97 (2005). pdf


  • The Diffusion of Gold Nanoclusters on Ru(100) and p(1*2)-O/Ru Surfaces.
    Kerner G., Horovitz Y. and Asscher M., J Phys. Chem B, 109, 4545 (2005). pdf


  • Theoretical modeling of steric effect in electron induced desorption: CH3Br/O/Ru(001)
    Jorgensen, S., Dubnikova, F., Zeiri Y., Kosloff R., Lilach, Y., Asscher M.,  J. Phys. Chem. B 108, 14056-14061 (2004). pdf


  • Buffer layer assisted laser patterning of metals on surfaces Kerner G., Asscher M., Nano Letters, 4, 1433 (2004). pdf 


  • Surface diffusion study of potassium coadsobed with CO on Ru(001): A coverage grating -optical second harmonic diffraction study Danziger I. M., Hallac B., Asscher M., J. Phys. Chem B, 108, 17851 (2004). pdf


  • Steric effect in electron-molecule interaction Lilach Y., Asscher M., J. Phys. Chem. B, 108, 4358-4361 (2004).  pdf  


  • Laser patterning of metallic films via buffer layer Kerner G., Asscher M., Surface Science, 557, 5-12 (2004).  pdf
    1. Synthesis and patterning of nanostructures of (almost) anything on anything
      Weaver J. H. and Antonov V. N., Surf. Sci. perspectives 557, 1 (2004).  pdf
    2. Unlikely partners in patterning: Laser-based method provides route to previously inaccessible structures
      Mitch Jacoby, Chem&Eng. News, Vol. 82, No. 18, p. 6, 3 May 2004.  html 
    3. Materials Science:  Laser patterning lightly
      PDS, Editors' Choice, SCIENCE 304, 7 May 2004.   pdf .
    4. Bending Nature's rules to pattern nanostructures on Sticky Surfaces
      Mark Wilson, PHYSICS TODAY vol. 57, iss. 6, p. 22, 1 June 2004.   pdf .
    5. Delicate heating builds robust nanostructures
      Chapell Brown, EETimes, 17 May 2004.  html .
    6. Metal wires find soft landing
      Jonathan Wood, MATERIALS TODAY,  July-August 2004.   html .

  • Photoinduced fragmentation of multilayer CH3Br on Cu/Ru(001)
    Livneh T., Asscher, M., J. Phys. Chem., B107, 11,382 (2003).  pdf


  • Formation and dynamics of water clusters on Ru(001).

Lilach, Y, Buch, V. Asscher, M.,J. Chem. Phys.,119(22),11,899-11,905 (2003). pdf


  • Photochemistry of caged molecules: CD3Cl@Ice
    Lilach, Y. Asscher, M., J. Chem. Phys., 119(1), 407 (2003).  pdf


  • Surface Processes Induced by Collisions
    Asscher, M. Zeiri, Y.  J. Phys. Chem. B, Feature Article, 107(29), 6903-19 (2003).  pdf


  • Compression and Caging of  CD3Cl Under Water Layers Lilach, Y. Asscher, M.  J. Chem. Phys., 117, 6730-36 (2002).  pdf


  • Collision Induced Processes at the Gas-Surface Interface. Asscher, M., Romm L. Zeiri, Y., Colloids and Surfaces A 208, 187-198 (2002).  pdf


  • Second Order Isothermal Desorption Kinetics. Lilach Y., Danziger I. M., and Asscher M., Catalysis Letters, 76(1-2), 35-39 (2001).  pdf


  • The First Layers of Water on Ru(001).Lilach Y., Romm L., Livneh T. and Asscher M., J. Phys. Chem. B105, 2736-2742 (2001).  pdf


  • Adsorption, desorption and diffusion of potassium on metal and oxide surfaces.
    Kerner G., Danziger I. M., Zhao W., Asscher M., NATO Advanced Research Workshop     on "Collective Surface Diffusion Coefficients Under Non-Equilibrium Conditions", M. Tringides and Z. Chevoj eds., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2000.


  • A Remarkable heavy Atom Isotope Effect in the Dissociative Chemisorption of Nitrogen on Ru(001).
    Romm L., Citri O., Kosloff R., Asscher M.,  J. Chem. Phys. 112,  8221-8224 (2000).  pdf


  • The Adsorption and Decomposition of C2H4 on Ru(001): A Combined TPR and Work Function Change Study.Livneh T., Asscher M., J. Phys. Chem., B104, 3355-64 (2000)  pdf


  • Interaction and Diffusion of Potassium on Cr2O3(0001)/Cr(110)
    Zhao W., Kerner G., Asscher M., Wilde M., Al-Shamry  K., Freund H.-J., Staemmler V., Wieszbowska M., Phys. Rev. B., 62(11), 7527 (2000).  pdf


  • Dipole-dipole interactions of CH3Cl on Ru(001): The correlation between work function and TPD measurements Livneh T., Lilach Y., Asscher M., J. Chem. Phys.,  111(24), 11,138-46 (1999).  pdf


  • The Surface Chemistry of CH3Br and Methyl Modified by Copper Deposition on Ru(001)
    Livneh T., Asscher M.,  J. Phys. Chem., B103, 5665-5674 (1999).  pdf


  • Collision Induced Migration of Adsorbed N2 on Ru(001): MD Simulations.
      Romm L., Zeiri Y., Asscher M., J. Chem. Phys., 110, 11,023-28 (1999).  pdf


  • Coverage Grating Template for the Study of Surface Diffusion: K Coadsorbed with CO on Re(001).
    Zhao W., Asscher M.,  Surface Science, 429, 1-13 (1999)  pdf


  • Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Collision Induced desorption: I. Low Coverage of N2 on Ru(001).
    Romm L., Zeiri Y., Asscher M., J. Chem. Phys., 110(6), 3153-3167 (1999).  pdf


  • Interaction of CO2 with Potassium on Re(001). Zhao W., Chacham I., Vackart Y., Asscher M., Israel J. of Chemistry, 38 (4), 399-407 (1999).