
Thesis Writing Seminar

14 January, 2019
What is a thesis? How do I go about coming up with an idea that will sustain such a project? How do I test it? Join us to discuss these questions and more. All research MA students welcome! 


In summary of the meeting --

Writing a Thesis

Stage one: Brainstorming

Start with an intuition, an idea - something that you love, something that piqued your interest or something that troubles you and needs some work or unpacking. This can be an unexpected coincidence, parallel, allusion. Anything at all.


Conrad Scholarships

28 August, 2018
Students interested in working on a Conrad thesis or dissertation can apply for a scholarship. Send me your Conrad essay to be considered. Open call - prospective MA and PhD students.

Open Day Lecture for Prospective students

3 March, 2017
The Hebrew University is hosting an open day for prospective students at the Givat Ram campus. Students of the English department and members of staff will be there to welcome you and introduce the department and its various programs. I will be giving a short lecture titled "Frankenstein, Moby Dick and the Aesthetics of Horror." It will utilise the somewhat unusual paradigm of horror to address the distinction between the academic study of literature and simply reading and enjoying a good book at home. What are aesthetics? Can we negotiate horror and aesthetics together?

MA Writing Seminar

30 January, 2017

The introductory paragraph seminar is back! 

A paper is nothing without a good start - solid conceptualisations, the introduction of your topic and above all - the thesis statement. The dreaded TS is that small but crucial detail that separates concise analytic work from a survey of interesting facts elegantly thrown together. 

All MA students in the department are most welcome to join. Please make sure to email me a sample opening paragraph at least one day before our meeting. 

See you there!

Future Outlook

11 May, 2015
An informal gathering where Prof. Shira Wolosky, Yael Greenblatt (Ph.D. student in the department) and myself will be presenting our research. The meeting will take place at ´Tmol Shilshom at 19:00. All welcome!

MA meeting

28 April, 2015
Get ready for more c-razy fun. The upcoming meeting´s agenda is not quite closed but is focused at present on steps towards approaching the MA thesis. If you have any other ideas you´d like to discuss or bring up - do write and let me know. We will be meeting in room 2501 at 18:00.

MA Meet and Greet

17 December, 2014

On the agenda -- 

1) The Graduate Symposium.

2) The launching of an MA forum for discussion and communication. We will decide what format would best serve us for this purpose. Ideas are welcome.

The Shining: A Very Literary Introduction

9 December, 2014
The department film club will be launching this year´s program with a screening of Kubrick´s The Shining (1980). I will be presenting a short introduction with anecdotal information on critical reception of the film, some keys to interpretation and a tantalizing thesis on the difference between the novel and the film adaptation. Melville will be called on to assist in the proceedings. All welcome.