Curriculum Vitae



Yael Levin                                                          

The English Department                                            

Faculty of the Humanities                                          email:

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem                        Office Tel. 00-972-25883682

Mount Scopus, Jerusalem                                          Room #7826






2000-2003       Ph.D. in English Literature at Royal Holloway, University of London: “The Otherwise Present: a Study of Four Conrad Novels.” Thesis supervised by department head, Prof. Robert Hampson.

1998-2000       M.A. in English Literature with distinction at The Hebrew University, Jerusalem. Thesis supervised by department head, Prof. Shlomith Rimmon-Kenan.

1995-1998       B.A. in Psychology and in English Literature at The Hebrew University, Jerusalem.


Work Experience


2014–present Senior Lecturer at the English Department at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.

2011-2015       Associate Professor at the department of Culture and Literature, the University of Tromsø, Norway.


2004-2011       Teaching Fellow at the English Department and the School of Literatures the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

2008-2011       Pedagogical Advisor and English teacher at Eteacher, an online language school.

2006                Public lecture on “Jane Austen: a Twenty-First Century Phenomenon” at Lev-Smadar Theater, Jerusalem.

2003                Research Assitant for Dr. Yochai Oppenheimer, Department of Hebrew Literature, Tel Aviv University.

2002                Teacher of English as a foreign language at ISIS, Royal Holloway.

1993-2000       Translation and editing of Hebrew and English texts in archaeology, drama, art history, Islamic studies, philosophy and economics.



Hebrew           Proficient in reading, writing and speech.

English            Proficient in reading, writing and speech.

Norwegian       Proficient in reading and comprehension.

French             Proficient in reading and comprehension.




9/2015             “Who Hobbles after the Subject: Parables of Writing in Molloy and The Third Policeman.” The III International Flann O’Brien Conference. Charles University, Prague.

3/2015             “Slow Men: Paraplegic Interventions in the Modernist Quest.” Literary Journeys: A School of Literatures Conference, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem.

7/2014             “Conrad´s Language of Passivity: Unmoving Towards Late Modernism” International Conrad Conference, University of Kent, Canterbury.

5/2014             “Bordering the Subject: Conrad´s Diegetic Insistence.” International Seminar on Liminality and Text 7: Genres, Media and the Liminal. Arctic University of Norway, UiT, Tromsø.

8/2013             “Masters of Disinterest: Everything You Wanted to Know about Conrad´s Victory but Were Afraid to Ask James.” International Conrad Conference, Roma Tre, Rome.

9/2012             "Survival of the Fittest: Metalepsis and the Author Figure in Postmodern Fiction." International Border Poetics Conference. The University of Tromsø, Norway.

7/2012             “Make Love not War: Covert Modernisms in Joseph Conrad´s The Rescue.” International Joseph Conrad conference, Bath, UK.

6/2012             “Make Love not War: Covert Modernisms in Joseph Conrad’s The Rescue.” International Conference on Love, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.

10/2011           “Toward a Posthuman Aesthetic” The Future of Humanity: Post-humanism and Trans-humanism. International Conference at the Van Leer Institute, Jerusalem, Israel.

6/2011             “The Interruption of Writing in Molloy: Sunday Visits from Porlock.” Out of the Archive, International Beckett Conference in York, England.

1/2010             “The Interruption of Writing: Uncanny Intertextuality in Under Western Eyes.” The International Conrad Conference, “Conrad Under California Skies,” Chapman University, California.

12/2009           “Conrad and the Uncanny.” Organizer and chair of the American Society Conrad panel at the MLA International Convention in Philadelphia.

5/2009             “Russian Ghosts of our Fathers: Theorizing an Intertextual Uncanny in Under Western Eyes.” Guest lecturer at the Comparative Literature departmental seminar at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

8/2007             “A Spectral Temporality: History as Perpetual Return in Nostromo” and “’Water, Water, Everywhere’: Vertiginous Inter-subjectivity in Conrad and Melville.” Hearts of Darkness: Melville and Conrad in the Space of World Culture in Szczecin, Poland.

2/2006             “Intertextuality in the Hermeneutic Circle: A Case Study of John Banville’s Mefisto.” Interdisciplinary Conference on “Meaning” at Haifa University.

12/2005           “Napoleonic Omnipresence in Suspense.” The Annual MLA convention in Washington D.C.

7/2005             “The Moral Ambiguity of Conrad’s Poetics: Transgressive Secret Sharing in Lord Jim and Under Western Eyes.” The International Conrad Conference in Amsterdam.

4/2004             “Pompeii: A Paradigm of Disappearance.” Guest speaker at the Ben-Gurion University Staff Seminar.

7/2002             “A Haunting Heroine: The Dictates of an ‘Irrealizable Desire.’ The International Conrad Conference in London.




2014                Encode: Engaging Conflicts in a Digital Era. Tromsø-Jerusalem

2011-2014       Borders Aesthetic group. Arctic University of Norway, UiT.

8/2010             Attending faculty at the “Dickens Universe,” University of California, Santa Cruz.

2010-2011       “Fictions of God and Time in a Posthuman Age”: a year-long research project at the Van-Leer Institute in Jerusalem.


Academic Activities


2011-present: Courses Taught:


Landmarks of Criticism: From Plato to Neitzsche

The 20th Century English and American Novel

Modernism: Joseph Conrad

Villains in English Literature

Introduction to Narrative


Villains in English Literature


Narrative Strategies in Modern Fiction – Joseph Conrad

The Nineteenth Century Novel

Introduction to Literary and Cultural Criticism

Writer’s Block: From the Romantics to the Digital Age

2014-present:  The English Department M.A. Advisor.

2011-present: Thesis Supervision:

M.A. thesis supervision at Uit and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Doctoral supervision at UiT.

2011-present:  Evaluation Committees:

Served as external and internal examiner for MA theses at UiT, UiO, NTNU.

Serving on the Follow-up Committees for Ph.D. candidates at the Hebrew University.

Peer-Review reader:

2015    ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes and Reviews (Routledge).

2014    Modernism/Modernity (The Johns Hopkins University Press).

2010-15 Conradiana (Texas-Tech University Press).

2008-9 Partial Answers (The Johns Hopkins University Press).


Additional Academic Activities


2014    UiT representative in the Norwegian researcher training school ”Text Image Sound Space (TBLR), an inter-university research training school for PhD students in the humanities and social societies across Norway.

2014    Organizer of a Ph.D. course on “Cosmopolitanism” in the Franco-Norwegian Center in Paris.

2013-14    Fagkontakt´- Coordinator of the English Literature Section at the Institute of Culture and Literature.

2012     Public lecture at the Tromsø cinematheque, “Verdensteatret” – “Metalepsis in Stranger than Fiction: An Introduction to the Marc Forster Film.”

2003-4 Served on English Department student-staff committee at the Hebrew University.




2012-13           Recipient of the Humanities faculty´s likestillingsmidler (funds for promoting gender equality in research).

2012-13           Recipient of opprykksprosjekt (funds for supporting associate professors´ promotion to full professor) at the Institute of Culture and Literature.

12/2008           Honourable mention by the Joseph Conrad Society of America for my book, Tracing the Aesthetic Principle in Conrad’s Novels (Palgrave Macmillan, 2008).

12/2005           The Bruce Harkness Young Conrad Scholar Award; awarded by the Joseph Conrad Society of America.

7/2005             Travel Bursary awarded by the Joseph Conrad Society (U.K.) toward attending the Conrad conference in Amsterdam.

2001-2003       ORS – Overseas Research Scholarship (U.K.).

2000-2003       Royal Holloway College Studentship (U.K.).


Membership in Academic Organisations


The Joseph Conrad Society of America

The Joseph Conrad Society, UK

Modern Language Association (past)


Professional Courses


2014    Orientation for new lecturers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

2008    Online teaching and the virtual classroom – eteacher.

2004    The Hebrew University of Jerusalem: Highlearn, skills in computerized teaching.

2002    Trinity College, London: TOEFL certificate.

2001    Royal Holloway, University of London: certificate in teaching in higher education.