Ph.D. Candidates & Master Thesis Students

Ph.D. Candidates

An Inside View of Cross-Sector Cooperation: Examination of cooperation between business organizations and non-profit social organizations. Ms. Noga Pitowsky-Nave.

Giving among Minorities - The Case of the Arab Minority in Israel. Ms. Antigona Ashkar.

Umbrella organizations in civil society. Ms. Ronit Levy-Zilberstein.

Employment and Gender in an Era of Privatization. Ms. Inbar Livnat.


Master Thesis Students

Third Sector Social Services Organizations Activitiesin the Third  in the Knesset. Ms. Ayeley Nvon.

Pre-military preparatory programs and civil society in Israel. Ms. Noam Ben Ari

Sectoral Partnership: A Golden Cage for the Third Sector? Ms. Roni Lior

Cooperative Communities in Jerusalem. Ms. Nofar Goldberg.

Middle classes women in the third sector. Ms. Inbar Livnat.

Community organizations of single mothers. Ms. Natalie Grafi-Grill.

The civil society promotion activities for mental health reform. Ms. Yarden Moskowitz.

Sectoral Partnerships in Employment Diversity. Ms. Yael Hadas.