

Ron Shaar

The Fredy & Nadine Herrmann Institute of Earth Sciences The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Edmond J. Safra Campus, Givat Ram Jerusalem 91904
I am an associate proffesor at the Institute of Earth Sciences in the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Before I joined the Hebrew University in  2014 I was a postdoc in the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego (2011-2014).
Nicole Behar

Nicole Behar

MSc (2018)

Thesis title:
Paleomagnetic research of Golan Heights’ Plio-Pleistocene lava flows



Yael Ebert

Yael Ebert

PhD (2020)

Thesis title:
Paleo-, rock- and environmental- magnetic records from the Dead Sea sediments

advisors: Mordechai Stein and Ron Shaar


Yoav Vaknin

Yoav Vaknin

PhD Student

Thesis title:

סוגיות מפתח בכרונולוגיה של ארץ ישראל בתקופת הברזל (1050 – 586 לפנה"ס): סינכרוניזציה ארכיאומגנטית של שכבות חורבן והשלכותיה

(אוניברסיטת תל אביב)

מנחים: ארז בן-יוסף, עודד ליפשיץ, רון שער


Yitzhak Vassal

Yitzhak Vassal

MSc (2017)

Thesis title:

Archaeomagnetic research of Ancient Near Eastern fired clay tablets: the Hattusa Archive as a case study

Chen Zeigen

Chen Zeigen

MSc (2019)

Thesis title:
Archeomagnetism of Burnt Cherts and Hearths from Middle Paleolithic Amud Cave: Tools for Reconstructing Site Formation Processes and Occupation History
