China Links



  • Academia Sinica, Taiwan - searchable options for 25 histories, major philosophical works from the pre-imperial period, 13 classics with commentaries, Qing political writings, Taiwan-related materials, several Buddhist and literary texts. Some of early historical and geographical texts are available as well.

  • "China the Beautiful" - a less convenient site, which nevertheless is useful as it contains several texts which are absent from Academia Sinica and the Palace Museum sites.

  • The Palace Museum, Taiwan - an excellent and user-friendly site, which contains  Sima Guang's "Comprehensive Mirror," major philosophical works of pre-imperial period, complete edition of the Tang poetry, selected philosophical writings from the imperial period, and the Dream in the Red Mansions
  • Searchable database of epigraphic sources via Academia Sinica
  • Guodian searchable database via Hong Kong University
  • Wesleyan Neo-Confucian Etext Project Main Page. E-Mail: 
    For the electronic classical texts prepared by Steve Angle, Profesor of Chinese Philosophy, Wesleyan University, and entered by John Jenkins, Chris Fraser, and Dan Robins, click Indexes or the relevant items below. For the relevant notes to the pre-Ch'in texts that Professor Angle and his staff have prepared, click Text Notes.
  • Wanglu zhan shu du 網路展書讀 (Feng-Ju Lo 羅 鳳 珠, Yuanzhi University 元 智 大 學, Taiwan
    A major collaborative project involving the Yuanzhi University 元 智 大 學 (Taiwan), Washington University (USA), Peking University 北 京 大 學 (China), Academia Sinica 中 央 研 究 院 (Taiwan), and National Central Library 國 家 中 央 圖 書 館 (Taiwan). This database contains Rare Books; Poetry; Historical atlases of the Tang and Song ; Classical Novels ; and On-Line Classroom, searchable according to several criteria- author, sentences, titles etc
  • Chinese Ancient Texts Center Hong Kong





  • Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library
    This is a global collaborative project which provides access in bibliographic and in hypertext terms to networked scholarly documents, resources and information systems concerned with a given field of expertise. In the case of Asian Studies WWW VL all links are inspected and evaluated before being added. This facility is provided by the Australian National University (ANU) and is regularly updated. It is edited by Dr T.Matthew Ciolek

  • Institute of Chinese Studies, Heidelberg University - Internet Guide for China Studies 
    This Site includes: Philosophy/Religon, History, Geography, Economy, Society, Politics, Education, Fine arts, Language, Literature, Science, Technology, Library Resources, Bibliography, Other WWW VLs

  • Institute of Chinese Studies, Heidelberg University - Internet Guide for China Studies 
    This Site includes: Philosophy/Religon, History, Geography, Economy, Society, Politics, Education, Fine arts, Language, Literature, Science, Technology, Library Resources, Bibliography, Other WWW VLs. 
    Maintained by: Hanno Lecher (Heidelberg University, Germany), in collaboration with Eva Baloch-Kaloianov (Vienna University, Austria): News Media; Martin Gieselmann (Heidelberg University, Germany): Film; Matthias Kaun (University of Kiel, Germany): Libraries; Fabrizio Pregadio (University of Venice, Italy)

  • Chinese periodical index (Taiwan National Central Library) 
    PerioPath is an online index and a periodical article delivery services, it contains the articles  information of approximately 2600 titles of Chinese and Western language periodicals published in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau from 1991. You can search under article title, author, class code, keyword, journal title, and publication date, etc. to retrieve information of recent articles. It obviously not only promotes periodicals resources sharing, but also facilitates research and development activities. 
    The system is delivering citation and image information of articles currently received by the Periodical Section of the National Central Library. After registering the document delivery application, you can either read the article online, or choose fax services to receive facsimile copies almost immediately.

  • East Asian Gateway Service for Chinese and Korean Academic Journal Publications 
    This Digital Document Delivery Center provides free delivery of full-text copies of Chinese-language academic journal articles to any researcher in the United States
    This award-winning Center is administered by the East Asian Library of the University of Pittsburgh Library System, with a National Leadership Grant Award from the Federal Institute of Museum and Library Services. 
    The Center focuses on the delivery of Chinese-language academic journal publications that are not available in the collections of US research libraries. Journal articles are transmitted electronically via the Internet from the Chinese library which holds the title, to Pittsburgh, where they are printed and sent to you via United States mail. Order a copy of the Chinese academic journal publication you want, free of charge. 
    Journal publications are transmitted digitally from the following institutions: 
    Peking University Library (Beijing University Library),  Shanghai Jiaotong University Library,  Chinese University of Hong Kong Library , Fu Ssu-nien Library of Academia Sinica,  East Asian Library, University of Pittsburgh Library System, Tsinghua University Library, Fudan University Library.







Guoxue ("Chinese studies") - A comprehensive site with access to on-line texts (simplified characters), tables of contents of academic journals, research materials, information on leading modern scholars and further connections to relevant sites. Highly recommended.

Classical Historiography for Chinese History, Benjamin Elman, UCLA

China Historical Geographic Information System

Chinese History (A universal guide for China studies from Chinaknowledge)




Chinese era names (nianhao) in Chinese

History of China a short book

A Visual Sourcebook of Chinese Civilization (Prepared by Patricia Buckley Ebrey

Mongolia - historical introduction [Excerpted from Mongolia - A Country Study. Robert L. Worden and Andrea Matles Savada, eds. Washington, DC: Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress, 1989]

China Historical GIS, Harvard University (includes historical maps)



China Bibliography: Collections of Resources

On-line bibliography of Chinese publications about the Classics

Toyogaku bunken ruimoku Journal Articles Database, since 1981

List of articles by the Bulletin of the Sinological Society of Japan 

Publications on China in Russian in the 1990s


Maps of China (current and historical - maintained via "China the beautiful")

Chinese Conventional Place Names (proper Romanization from the Library of Congress)

Chinese Romanization Guidelines, Library of Congress







Archaeologica: Current News and Information

Journal of East Asian Archaeology


On-Line Articles and Publications

China Heritage Newsletter (China Heritage Project, The Australian National University)





Searchable Text

Searchable database of epigraphic sources via Academia Sinica

Guodian searchable database via Hong Kong University



On-Line Articles and Publications

 Fully Dated Western Zhou Bronze Inscriptions by David Nivison, 1997 

The Riddle of the Bamboo Annals by David Nivison, 1997

The concept of Friendship in Early China by Maria Khayutina, in Russian

The dating of the Chu graves of Changsha by Donald Wagner; Acta Orientalia [Copenhagen], 1987, 48: 111-156

Early iron in China, Korea and Japan by Donald Wagner

The earliest use of iron in China by Donald Wagner, Published in Metals in antiquity,ed. by Suzanne M. M. Young, Mark Pollard, Paul Budd and Robert A. Ixer, oxford: Archaeopress, 1999, pp. 1-9

"Toward a dynamic theory of International Politics: Insights from comparing ancient China and Early Modern Europe" By Victoria Tin-Bor Hui


Chinese Text Project

The Society for the Study of Early China

Warring States Project

Database of Early Chinese Manuscripts By Enno Giele through Early China site

Recently discovered manuscripts  (

"Recently discovered manuscripts 2"  (Wuhan University)

Pre-Qin history (Chinese site)

Qi Culture

Chu Culture (Chinese site)

A Bibliography of Materials Pertaining to the Guodian and Shanghai Museum Manuscripts from Early China site

An Etymological Dictionary of Common Chinese Characters by Wiliam Baxter








The Early Medieval China Group Maintained by Ken Klein

Search for Chinese language scholarly articles about Han thinkers (1912-1996)

On-Line Articles and Publications

Rafe de Crespigny: On-line publications ANU: 
Emperor Huan and Emperor Ling 
To Establish Peace volume 1 
To Establish Peace volume 2
The Northern Frontier of Later Han
Later Han and the Xiongnu 
Later Han Civil Administration 
Later Han Military Organisation 
South China during Han 
South China under the Later Han Dynasty 
Poems and Rhapsodies of the Later Han and Three Kingdoms
Ladies of the Court of Emperor Huan of Han

The First Neo-Confucianism An Introduction to Yang Hsiung's "Canon Of Supreme Mystery" T'ai Hsuan Ching, Ca. 4 B.C. (by Michael Nylan and Nathan Sivin)

Xiongnu - archeological evidence

2000 Years of Barbarians (by John J., Emerson)

The Administrative Documents from Yinwan: A Summary of Certain Issues Raised By Michael Loewe

The Texts of Early Heavenly Master Taoism By Franciscus Verellen

Taming the Floodwaters from China Heritage Newsletter

Silk Road Narratives: a Collection of Historical Texts (University of Washington, Seattle):
Chinese Accounts of Rome, Byzantium and the Middle East, c.91 B.C.E. - 1643 C.E.
Selections from the Han Narrative Histories
The Western Regions according to the Hou Hanshu - The Xiyu Juan, "chapter on the Western Regions" from Hou Hanshu 88; second edition (extensively revised with additional notes and appendices). Translated by John E. Hill

The Society for Qin-Han History

The Han Dynasty - Bibliography by Maine University

The Han Dynasty Project (works by Homer Dubs and Jack L. Dull - including unbpulished papers


Fragmentation (Han to Sui)



The Early Medieval China Group Maintained by Ken Klein 

Zoumalou Wu bamboo strips database (走馬樓三國吳簡嘉禾吏民田家資料庫) from The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學 

On-Line Articles and Publications

The Stirrup and its Effect on Chinese Military History by Albert Dien

International Academic Conference on the Changsha Bamboo Documents Dating to Wu of the Three Kingdom by Vivienne Lo

Rafe de Crespigny: On-line publications ANU

Silk Road Narratives: a Collection of Historical Texts (University of Washington, Seattle):


Sui - Tang - 5 Dynasties



The Early Medieval China Group Maintained by Ken Klein

The Tang Studies Society


On-Line Articles and Publications

Silk Road Narratives: a Collection of Historical Texts (University of Washington, Seattle):
Xuanzang's Record of the Wester Regions (BOOK ONE), translated by Samuel Beal (1884)
Nestorian Tablet: Eulogizing the Propagation of the Illustrious Religion in China, with a preface, composed by a priest of the Syriac Church, 781 A.D.
The "New Tang History" (Hsin T'ang-shu) on the History of the Uighurs. Translated and annotated by Professor Colin Mackerras, Griffith University, Nathan, Australia; Edited and introduced for the Internet by Daniel C. Waugh

International Dunhuang Project IDP

Dunhuang Academy China

The Tang Dynasty - Bibliography by Maine University Chinese Society for the Study of Tang History (Zhongguo Tang shi xuehui)



Song - Liao - Jin - Yuan



The Society for Song, Yuan, and Conquest Dynasties Studies 

Song studies in Taiwan

On-Line Articles and Publications

Shen Kua (1031-1095) by Nathan Sivin, from "Science in Ancient China"

The Sheng Wu Qin Zheng lu An annotated translation of the Sheng-wu Qin-zheng Lu beginning where Pelliot and Hambis left off, and continuing as far as Temujin's proclamation as Chinggis Qan by John J., Emerson

F. Wood's "Did Marco Polo Go To China?": A Critical Appraisal by I. de Rachewiltz

"Blast Furnaces in Song-Yuan China" by Donald Wagner

"The Administration of the Iron Industry in the Eleventh Century China" by Donald Wagner

Silk Road Narratives: a Collection of Historical Texts (University of Washington, Seattle):
"Accounts of a Journey to the West" (Xi you lu), 1219-1224 By Ye-lv Ch'u ts'ai, translated by E. Bretschneider (1888)
"Description of the West by a Chinese Envoy, 1220" [or "Notes on an Embassy to the North" (Bei shi ji)] translated by E. Bretschneider (1888)
"The Travels of Ch'ang Ch'un to the West, 1220-1223", recorded by his disciple Li Chi-ch'ang, translated by E. Bretschneider (1888)
The Journey of Friar John of Pian de Carpine to the Court of Kuyuk Khan, 1245-1247", translated by William Woodville Rockhill (1990)
"William of Rubruck's Account of the Mongols"
"The History of the Life and Travels of Rabban Sawma", Translated from the Syriac by E. A. Wallis Budge
"The Travels of the John De Margignolli, 1339-1353"
"Pegolotti's Merchant Handbook"

The Song dynasty in China Columbia University site

Digital Gazetteer of the Song Dynasty (DGSD) (hosted by the University of California, Merced library) [added 30.05.2010]

The Song Dynasty - Bibliography by Maine University

The Liao Dynasty A.D. 916 - A.D. 1125

The Yuan Dynasty 1271 - 1368 AD - Bibliography by Maine University Yuan Painting Mongol bibliography International Dunhuang Project IDP Dunhuang Academy China Khitan script

Jurchen script






Society For Ming Studies

MING STUDIES: Journal of the Society for Ming Studies

Website on Ming-Qing History at Academia Sinica, Taiwan. Maintained by Lu Miaw-fen at the Institute of Modern History

The Ming Dynasty 1368 - 1644 AD - Bibliography by Maine University



On-Line Articles and Publications

 Wang Xishan (1628-1682) by Nathan Sivin, from "Science in Ancient China Zheng He and his maritime expeditions Zheng He - another source  "The state iron works in Zunhua, Hebei, 1403-1581" by Donald Wagner 

Matteo Ricci from Catholic Encyclopedia

Adam Schall von Bell from Catholic Encyclopedia

Jesuits in China Vatican publication

Ming Tombs (a private site by Irvin Hultengren)




Modern Chinese History Website, prepared by Joseph Esherick and others at the University of California, San Diego.

Website on Ming-Qing History at Academia Sinica, Taiwan

The Qing Dynasty 1644 - 1911 AD - Bibliography by Maine University

Late Imperial China journal

Treaty ports & Extraterritoriality in 1920s China

Electronic Index to the Early Shenbao 申報 (1872-1895) the most important of the early Chinese-language Shanghai newspapers

Adam Schall von Bell from Catholic Encyclopedia

Jesuits in China Vatican publication

The Opium War from Digital China - Harvard




Modern Chinese History Website, prepared by Joseph Esherick and others at the University of California, San Diego.

Historical Society for 20th Century China



On-Line Articles and Publications

Selected writings and speeches of Chairman Mao Tse-tung

Selected works of Mao Zedong

Trotskyism in China by Robert J. Alexander

Dimensions of Chinese Anarchism: An Interview with Arif Dirlik from Perspectives on Anarchist Theory

Anarchists and the May 4 Movement in China By Nohara Shiro; translated by Philip Billingsley

The Chinese Communist Party During the Era of the Comintern (1919-1943) By Tony Saich


"The CCP and the Fujian Rebellion" by Frederick S. Litten from Republican China

The Republican Era 1911 - 1949 AD Period of Wars and Revolutions - Bibliography by Maine University

The Maoist Documentation Project


The Long March - A Walking Visual Display


PRC and Taiwan province


PRC and Taiwan Official Sites

The Communist Party of China

National Bureau of Statistics of China

Ministry of Environmental Protection, the PRC

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China
Language: Chinese (GB); English



On-Line Articles and Publications

Selected writings and speeches of Chairman Mao Tse-tung

"White Hats, Oil Cakes, And Common Blood: The Huizu in the Contemporary Chinese State" (by Jonathan N. Lipman, Department of History, Mount Holyoke College)


Singapore - A Country Study

Singapore: History


Bibliography of the Chinese Uyghurs by Sara Davis

China's Environment: on-line resources

China Politics Links (by Prof. William A. Joseph, Department of Political Science, Wellesley College) [new! 22.03.2010]

UNESCO in China

Zhongguo falu daquan Complete Guide to Chinese Law - in Chinese

Mainland Affairs Council Taiwan: Published by Executive Yuan, "Republic of China"
This site offers a welter of material on cross-straits relations. Please notice that most documents in Chinese version are not translated in the English version of the site

Taiwan Cross-Strait Directory Brief summaries and annotated links in the Cross-Strait Directory connect the user to online indicators of domestic and international sources of conflict and conflict resolution in Taibei-Beijing relations

Scholarly Resources

Historical Society for 20th Century China

Mao Zedong Internet LibraryA searchable data-base of English translations of Chairman's Selected Works and other texts

The Maoist Documentation Project

The Cultural Revolution - Bibliography by Maine University

Rethinking Cultural Revolution Culture Workshop and Exhibition, Heidelberg 22-24. 2. 2001

Virtual Museum of the Cultural Revolution

Law in China - list of sites maintained by the Asian Law Centre (ALC), University of Melbourne, Australia

Three Gorges Dam Resources (From the International River Project) Chinese Space Program

Tiananmen events, 1989 - The Declassified History Prepared by Jeffrey T. Richelson and Michael L. Evans, June 1, 1999








CHINESE TEXT INITIATIVE at the university of Virginia contains several Chinese texts in Big5 format and partial English translations

Database of Journal Articles on Modern Chinese Literature Chinese

Bibliography of Modern Chinese Literature and Film




Mao Zedong's Poems in Chinese, with brief English explanations

Classical Chinese Poetry English and Chinese texts

The Columbia Book of Chinese Poetry / Burton Watson

Chu Ci / Qu Yuan and Others

Fifty-five T'ang Poems / Hugh M. Stimson

Mu Lan Poem / Hua Mulan




Other Genres



Chinese Literature in Translation by Virginia

Selected Stories of Lu Hsun / Lu Xun

Traditional Chinese Stories / Y.W. Ma and Joseph S.M.Lau

Liao zhai zhi yi by Pu Songling


Other Sites



Bibliography of China sources - A general bibliography of history and culture. Most references are after 1983

Bibliography of Russian language publications about China, 1989-1999

Guoxue Chinese studies
A comprehensive site with access to on-line texts (simplified characters), tables of contents of academic journals, research materials, information on leading modern scholars and further connections to relevant sites.  Highly recommended

Classical Historiography for Chinese History, Benjamin Elman, UCLA 
Research Exercizes added fall 1996

Chinese Studies WWW Virtual Library by the University of Melbourne

The South China Sea - An online resource for students, scholars and policy-makers interested in South China Sea regional development, environment, and security issues.

China Museums

Henan Museum

Hunan Provincial Museum

Museum of Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shihuang

National Museum of China

National Palace Museum, Taibei Sanxingdui Museum

Shaanxi History Museum

Shandong Museum

Shangai Museum

The Palace Museum, Beijing

Women and Female studies 


Women and Gender in Chinese Studies Network

Women's writing system (nushu): "World of Nushu" website Orie Endo, Japan

Bibliography: Women and the female in Buddhism

Women in Chinese History University of Maine site

Chinese Accounts of Rome, Byzantium and the Middle East, c. 91 B.C.E. - 1643 C.E. from East Asian History Sourcebook

Gender and Sexuality in Pre-Modern China: Bibliography of Materials in Western Languages (by Paul R. Goldin, UPenn.)

Science and Technology



Bibliography on science in China by Nathan Sivin

History of Chinese Medicine Webpage run by Yi-li Wu


On-Line Articles and Publications

 Shen Kua (1031-1095) (by Nathan Sivin, from "Science in Ancient China

Taoism and Science (by Nathan Sivin; From Medicine, Philosophy and Religion in Ancient China[Variorum, 1995], ch. VII

Wang Xishan (1628-1682) (by Nathan Sivin, from "Science in Ancient China)

Why the Scientific Revolution Did Not Take Place in China - Or Didn't It (by Nathan Sivin, rev. 1992)

"Why Wasn't Chinese Science about Nature? With a Discussion of Concepts of Nature in Ancient Greece and Comparisons" by N. Sivin and G. E. R. Lloyd

The dating of the Chu graves of Changsha by Donald Wagner; Acta Orientalia [Copenhagen], 1987, 48: 111-156)

Early iron in China, Korea and Japan by Donald Wagner

The earliest use of iron in China by Donald Wagner, Published in Metals in antiquity ed. by Suzanne M. M. Young, A. Mark Pollard, Paul Budd and Robert A. Ixer, Oxford: Archaeopress, 1999, pp. 1-9

3rd International Symposium on Ancient Chinese Books and Records of Science and technology Tobingen 2003

Chûgoku Igaku Koten [Chinese Medical Classics] Text Series

Cast iron in China and Europe by Donald Wagner


Marta Hanson: History of Medicine and Culture in China

East Asian Science, Technology and Medicine Home Page

The Golden Elixir (Fabrizio Pregadio)-on Chinese alchemy


Arts in China


Arts of China Consortium

Stefan Landsberger's Chinese Propaganda Poster Pages

Traditional Chinese Music / Guqin Music Ed./Corp.: Christopher Evans

Portraits of Chinese Emperors

Chinese Painting

Rethinking Cultural Revolution Culture Workshop and Exhibition, Heidelberg 22.-24. 2. 2001

Reviews of publications concerning Chinese art via Chinese and Japanese Art History WWW Virtual Library

Asian Historical Architecture University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VI, USA

Chinese Art and Architecture: An Annotated List of Recent Works in Western Languages Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, USA

Chinese Taipei Film Archive, Taiwan

Chinese Calligraphy - Bibliography by Maine



Annotated Bibliographies on Violence and Literacy prepared by Barend Ter-Haar

Silkroad Foundation 
(the site contains: studies [Xinjiang, Dunhuang, etc.], articles [abstracts lectures, culture, travel, biblio, maps, timeline, links, FAQ, and news

Silk Road Narratives: A Collection of Historical Texts WWW

International Dunhuang Project IDP

The Silk Road Journal (Silk Road Foundation Newsletter)

Great Wall studies In Chinese

East Asia Image Collections - Lafayette College Libraries