Generation of a periodic array of radially polarized Plasmonic focal spots


Jonathan Bar-David, Lerman, Gilad M. , Stern, Liron , Mazurski, Noa , and Levy, Uriel . 2013. “Generation Of A Periodic Array Of Radially Polarized Plasmonic Focal Spots”. Optics Express. doi:10.1364/oe.21.003746.


This paper demonstrates experimentally the tight focusing of a 3X3 array of radially polarized diffraction orders, and the coupling of this array of spots to surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs), propagating on a uniform metal film, and effectively generating a periodic structure of plasmonic sources by the use of structured illumination pattern, rather than by structuring the plasmonic sample. Using near field measurements, we observed coherent interactions between these multiple plasmonic sources as they propagate towards each other. The demonstrated setup exploits the previously demonstrated advantages of radially polarized light in coupling to SPPs and in generating sharper plasmonic hot spots and expends its use towards mitigating parallel processing challenges. The experimental results are in good agreement with the theory, showing interference fringes having periodicity compatible with the plasmonic SPP wavelength. The demonstrated approach of generating array of hot spots on flat metallic films is expected to play a role in variety of applications, e.g. microscopy, lithography, sensing and optical memories.