Dynamic Control over the Optical Transmission of Nanoscale Dielectric Metasurface by Alkali Vapors


Jonathan Bar-David, Stern, Liron , and Levy, Uriel . 2017. “Dynamic Control Over The Optical Transmission Of Nanoscale Dielectric Metasurface By Alkali Vapors”. Nano Letters, 17, 2, Pp. 1127–1131. doi:10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b04740.


In recent years, dielectric and metallic nanoscale metasurfaces are attracting growing attention and are being used for variety of applications. Resulting from the ability to introduce abrupt changes in optical properties at nanoscale dimensions, metasurfaces enable unprecedented control over light's different degrees of freedom, in an essentially two-dimensional configuration. Yet, the dynamic control over metasurface properties still remains one of the ultimate goals of this field. Here, we demonstrate the optical resonant interaction between a form birefringent dielectric metasurface made of silicon and alkali atomic vapor to control and effectively tune the optical transmission pattern initially generated by the nanoscale dielectric metasurface. By doing so, we present a controllable metasurface system, the output of which may be altered by applying magnetic fields, changing input polarization, or shifting the optical frequency. Furthermore, we also demonstrate the nonlinear behavior of our system tak...