Direct Kerr frequency comb atomic spectroscopy and stabilization


Liron Stern, Stone, Jordan R. , Kang, Songbai , Cole, Daniel C. , Suh, Myoung-Gyun , Fredrick, Connor , Newman, Zachary , Vahala, Kerry , Kitching, John , Diddams, Scott A. , and Papp, Scott B. . 2020. “Direct Kerr Frequency Comb Atomic Spectroscopy And Stabilization”. Science Advances, 6, 9, Pp. eaax6230. doi:10.1126/sciadv.aax6230.


\textlessp\textgreaterMicroresonator-based soliton frequency combs, microcombs, have recently emerged to offer low-noise, photonic-chip sources for applications, spanning from timekeeping to optical-frequency synthesis and ranging. Broad optical bandwidth, brightness, coherence, and frequency stability have made frequency combs important to directly probe atoms and molecules, especially in trace gas detection, multiphoton light-atom interactions, and spectroscopy in the extreme ultraviolet. Here, we explore direct microcomb atomic spectroscopy, using a cascaded, two-photon 1529-nm atomic transition in a rubidium micromachined cell. Fine and simultaneous repetition rate and carrier-envelope offset frequency control of the soliton enables direct sub-Doppler and hyperfine spectroscopy. Moreover, the entire set of microcomb modes are stabilized to this atomic transition, yielding absolute optical-frequency fluctuations at the kilohertz level over a few seconds and \textless1-MHz day-to-day accuracy. Our work demonstrates direct atomic spectroscopy with Kerr microcombs and provides an atomic-stabilized microcomb laser source, operating across the telecom band for sensing, dimensional metrology, and communication.\textless/p\textgreater