
Isaac Ginsburg, Sadovnik, Milu , Sallon, S , Milo-Goldzweig, I , Mechoulam, R , Breuer, A , Gibbs, D , Varani, James , Roberts, S , Cleator, E , and Singh, N . 1999. Padma-28, A Traditional Tibetan Herbal Preparation Inhibits The Respiratory Burst In Human Neutrophils, The Killing Of Epithelial Cells By Mixtures Of Oxidants And Pro-Inflammatory Agonists And Peroxidation Of Lipids. Inflammopharmacology, 7, Pp. 47-62. Abstract
Both aqueous and methanolic fractions derived from the Tibetan preparation PADMA-28 (a mixture of 22 plants) used as an anti-atherosclerotic agent, and which is non-cytolytic to a variety of mammalian cells, were found to strongly inhibit (1) the killing of epithelial cells in culture induced by ’cocktails’ comprising oxidants, membrane perforating agents and proteinases; (2) the generation of luminol-dependent chemiluminescence in human neutrophils stimulated by opsonized bacteria; (3) the peroxidation of intralipid (a preparation rich in phopholipids) induced in the presence of copper; and (4) the activity of neutrophil elastase. It is proposed that PADMA-28 might prove beneficial for the prevention of cell damage induced by synergism among pro-inflammatory agonists which is central in the initiation of tissue destruction in inflammatory and infectious conditions.
Isaac Ginsburg. 1999. Is Streptolysin S Of Group A Streptococci A Virulence Factor?. Apmis, 107, Pp. 1051-1059. Abstract
The possible role played by streptolysin S (SLS) of group A streptococci in the pathophysiology of streptococcal infections and in post-streptococcal sequelae is discussed. The following properties of SLS justify its definition as a distinct virulence factor: 1) its presence on the streptococcus surface in a cell-bound form, 2) its continuous and prolonged synthesis by resting streptococci, 3) its non-immunogenicity, 4) its extractability by serum proteins (albumin, alpha lipoprotein), 5) its ability to become transferred directly to target cells while being protected from inhibitory agents in the milieu of inflammation, 6) its ability to bore holes in the membrane phospholipids in a large variety of mammalian cells, 7) its ability to synergize with oxidants, proteolytic enzymes, and with additional host-derived proinflammatory agonists, and 8) its absence in streptococcal mutants associated with a lower pathogenicity for animals. Because tissue damage in streptococcal and post-streptococcal sequelae might be the end result of a distinct synergism between streptococcal and host-derived proinflammatory agonists it is proposed that only cocktails of anti-inflammatory agents including distinct inhibitors of SLS (phospholipids), gamma globulin, inhibitors of reactive oxygen species, proteinases, cationic proteins cytokines etc., will be effective in inhibiting the multiple synergistic interactions which lead to fasciitis, myositis and the flesh-eating syndromes, and often develop into sepsis, septic shock and multiple organ failure. The creation of mutants deficient in SLS and in proteases will help shed light on the specific role played by SLS in the virulence of group A hemolytic streptococci.
The mechanisms of cellular damage caused by infectious and inflammatory processes are complex and are still not fully understood. There is, however, a consensus that reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated by phagocytes migrating to injured tissues might be the main agents responsible for cellular damage in inflammatory processes. However, because both activated phagocytes and catalase-negative, peroxide-producing, toxigenic bacteria (Streptococci, Clostridiae) secrete a near-identical array of proinflammatory agonists, including reactive oxygen species (ROS), and because these microbial species might kill their targets by a synergism among several of their secreted enzymes (a multicomponent system), we postulated that activated phagocytes might also function in the same way. Using radiolabeled targets, in culture, we demonstrated that subtoxic amounts of a variety of oxidants (H2O2, radicals produced by xanthine-xanthine-oxidase, peroxyl radical, NO) acted synergistically with subtoxic amounts of a large series of membrane-perforating agents (microbial hemolysins, phospholipases, fatty acids, cationic proteins, proteinases, bile salts, the attack complex of complement, the xenobiotics, lindane, ethanol, methanol) to kill cells in culture and to release large amounts of arachidonic acid and metabolites. Membrane perforators might act primarily to overcome the potent antioxidant systems present in all mammalian cells and scavengers of ROS and inhibitors of the additional agonists might act to abolish the synergism among ROS and the membrane-damaging agents. It is also proposed that protection against tissue damage in vivo should also include ’cocktails’ of appropriate antagonists. It is enigmatic that those publications which do describe both in-vitro and in-vivo models proposing that a synergism among a multiplicity of agonists might truly represent the mechanisms by which tissues are injured, in vivo, are hardly ever quoted in the current literature.
An in vitro model was employed to study the potential role of streptococcal extra-cellular products, rich in streptolysin O, in cellular injury as related to streptococcal infections and post-streptococcal sequelae. Extra-cellular products (EXPA) rich in streptolysin O were isolated from type 4, group A hemolytic streptococci grown in a chemostat, in a synthetic medium. EXPA induced moderate cytopathogenic changes in monkey kidney epithelial cells and in rat heart cells pre-labeled with 3H-arachidonate. However very strong toxic effects were induced when EXP was combined with oxidants (glucose oxides generated H2O2, AAPH-induced peroxyl radical (ROO.), NO generated by sodium nitroprusside) and proteinases (plasmin, trypsin). Cell killing was distinctly synergistic in nature. Cell damage induced by the multi-component cocktails was strongly inhibited either by micromolar amounts of gamma globulin, and Evan’s blue which neutralized SLO activity, by tetracycline, trasylol (aprotinin), epsilon amino caproic acid and by soybean trypsin inhibitor, all proteinase inhibitors as well as by a non-penetrating PLA2 inhibitor A. The results suggest that fasciitis, myositis and sepsis resulting from infections with hemolytic streptococci might be caused by a coordinated ’cross-talk’ among microbial, leukocyte and additional host-derived pro-inflammatory agents. Since attempts to prolong lives of septic patients by the exclusive administration of single antagonists invariably failed, it is proposed that the administration of ’cocktails’ of putative inhibitors against major pro-inflammatory agonizes generated in inflammation and infection might protect against the deleterious effects caused by the biochemical and pharmacological cascades which are known to be activated in sepsis.
Isaac Ginsburg. 1998. Mechanisms Of Neutrophil-Induced Parenchymal Cell Injury. Journal Of Leukocyte Biology, 63, Pp. 518-519. Abstract
I read with much interest the review article ‘‘Mechanisms of neutrophil-induced parenchymal cell injury’’(H. Jaeschke and C.W. Smith, J. Leukoc. Biol. 61, 647–653). As I read through the text it became apparent that very basic and relevant concepts as well as publications regarding the possible mecha- nisms by which phagocytes kill targets had not been included in the review. The authors rightfully write, ‘‘The question regarding the molecular mechanism of neutrophil-induced target cell injury is controversial.’’ Yet despite the common knowledge and understanding that the mechanisms of cell damage most probably involve an interaction among a multiplicity of agonists (a multicomponent system), the section, ‘‘Mechanisms of neutro- phil-induced parenchymal cell injury’’ had adopted an ex- tremely reductionist and oversimplified approach to the prob- lem. It considered (see Fig. 1) what seems to be the exclusive role of oxidants and proteinases as potential cell injuring agents, as if these are the sole noxious agents generated by activated phagocytes. Although I fully respect the prerogatives and choices by the authors to refer exclusively to hepatocytes and parenchymal cells and to select citations from the literature pertaining to these tissues in order to support their thesis, it is still intriguing why not a single word was mentioned about the obvious possibility that oxidants, proteinases, and additional agonists might perhaps act mainly in concert (synergize) to injure any cell type? To the best of our knowledge and experience in this field of research (see list of recommended literature), even a normal cell line, as well as some of the tumor cells tested in vitro by us and by others, which could not readily be killed by physiologi- cal amounts of oxidants (H2O2 ROO, HCIO, NO) alone, were nevertheless rapidly killed in a synergistic manner if the oxidants were combined with any of a long list of membrane- perforating agents. These included phospholipase A2, phospho- lipase C, lysophosphatides, fatty acids, microbial hemolysins, cationic peptides and proteins, bile salts, complement compo- nents, and xenobiotics such as ethanol, methanol, and lindane. The inclusion of proteinases (trypsin, plasmin, elastase chymotrypsin), together with oxidants and the membrane perforators, further significantly enhanced cellular damage. It is also of great interest and is perhaps paradoxical that microbial agents might also synergize with phagocyte-derived agonists, but in an adverse fashion, to injure host tissues. It is also important to consider that all these proinflammatory agonists might be simultaneously present in infectious and inflammatory sites. Our studies also suggested that the induction of a sublethal membrane injury abolished, to a large extent, the potent antioxidant defenses of the cells— a finding of great significance. The readers of the Journal of Leukocyte Biology might be interested in a series of publications dealing with the ‘‘syner- gism’’ concept of cellular injury as related to infectious and inflammatory conditions, which have been published since 1986 (see list of recommended literature). An invited overview by Ginsburg and Kohen [8] undertook to discuss, in great detail, those papers that described the role of synergism in cellular injury. Unfortunately and enigmatically, publications that have described the ‘‘synergism concept’’ of cellular injury published since 1986 are hardly ever cited. If the synergism concept of cellular injury is logical and conforms with the current knowledge in the field, publications describing this phenom- enon should be quoted. If on the other hand these ideas are extreme, bizarre, and scientifically unacceptable, such papers should be discussed and challenged properly and even ridi- culed. However, it is totally unacceptable that such publica- tions be simply ignored. Approaching the third millennium, the readers of scientific journals deserve not an oversimplified approach to complicated scientific issues, but more realistic, integrated, and updated appraisals of the literature even if these might not always fully conform with the investigator’s own concepts or with the prevailing paradoxes, dogmas, cliches, and myths. It is also very surprising, and of great concern, why the referees of the papers did not bring any of these publications and concepts to the attention of the authors. After all, the main task of the referees and the editorial board is to criticize the validity and novelty of investigations brought to their attention and to strongly instruct negligent authors to give proper credit to relevant papers and concepts in their field of research. It is regrettable that this has not happened. Unfortunately, this is how, for the sake of brevity and a reductionist approach to the solution of complex biological phenomena, very basic and pioneering investigations and ‘‘novel’’ concepts may be simply ignored and buried for good. It is obvious that the ones who might suffer most from such an approach to the compilation of reviews and papers are the investigators, the readers, and perhaps most importantly, the credibility of journals at large. I shall greatly appreciate receiving comments and sugges- tions about these matters.
D. Amar, Fleisher, M. , Pantuck, C.B. , Shamoon, H. , Zhang, H. , Roistacher, N. , Leung, D.H.Y. , Ginsburg, Isaac , and Smiley, R.M. . 1998. Persistent Alterations Of The Autonomic Nervous System After Noncardiac Surgery. Anesthesiology, 89, Pp. 30-42. Abstract
BACKGROUND. Changes in the sympathetic nervous system may be a cause of postoperative cardiovascular complications. The authors hypothesized that changes in both beta-adrenergic receptor (betaAR) function (as assessed in lymphocytes) and in sympathetic activity (assessed by plasma catecholamines and by heart rate variability [HRV] measurements obtained from Holter recordings) occur after operation. METHODS: The HRV parameters were measured in 28 patients having thoracotomy (n = 14) or laparotomy (n = 14) before and for as long as 6 days after operation. Transthoracic echocardiography was performed before and on postoperative day 2. Lymphocytes were also isolated from blood obtained before anesthesia and again on postoperative days 1, 2, 3, and 5 (or 6). They were used to examine betaAR number (Bmax) and cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) production after stimulation with isoproterenol and prostaglandin E1. In addition, plasma epinephrine, norepinephrine, and cortisol concentrations were determined at similar intervals. RESULTS: After abdominal and thoracic surgery, most time and all frequency indices of HRV decreased significantly, as did Bmax and basal and isoproterenol-stimulated cAMP production. The decrements in HRV correlated with those of Bmax and isoproterenol-stimulated cAMP throughout the first postoperative week and inversely correlated with the increase in heart rate. Plasma catecholamine concentrations did not change significantly from baseline values, but plasma cortisol levels did increase after operation in both groups. Left ventricular ejection fraction was normal in both groups and unaffected by surgery. CONCLUSIONS: Persistent downregulation and desensitization of the lymphocyte betaAR/adenylyl cyclase system correlated with decrements in time and frequency domain indices of HRV throughout the first week after major abdominal or thoracic surgery. These physiologic alterations suggest the continued presence of adaptive autonomic regulatory mechanisms and may explain why the at-risk period after major surgery appears to be about 1 week or more.
Isaac Ginsburg. 1998. Tissue Injury In Neutrophilic Inflammation. Inflammation Research, 47, Pp. 237-238. Abstract
Comment on Tissue injury in neutrophilic inflammation. [Inflamm Res. 1997]
Some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) inhibit the production or actions of oxygen radicals generated by polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMNs); this mechanism may contribute towards their anti-inflammatory activity. In the present study, the effects of a new enolcarboxamide NSAID, meloxicam, on oxyradical production by human PMNs exposed to various stimuli in vitro were compared with those of other standard NSAIDs. The various stimuli employed were intended to mimic the likely synergies which occur with cytokines and bacterial production (e.g. f-met-leu-phe (fMLP) peptide) in inflamed tissues and to give an insight into the site and mechanism of action of meloxicam and related drugs on the cellular processes involved in oxyradical generation. The results show that meloxicam is a potent inhibitor of oxyradical production at drug concentrations comparable with those encountered during therapy. Its mechanism of action appears similar to that of other enolcarboxamides and, while relatively complex, involves effects which are stimulus dependent and myeloperoxidase sensitive. They probably do not involve inhibition of fMLP-Gi protein receptor activation but may involve tumour necrosis factor-⇌ post-receptor activation. Enolcarboxamides have variable effects on phorbol myristate acetate-protein kinase C3-mediated oxyradical production.
Isaac Ginsburg, Yedgar, S. , and Varani, James . 1997. Diethyldithiocarbamate And Nitric Oxide Synergize With Oxidants And With Membrane-Damaging Agents To Injure Mammalian Cells.. Free Radical Research, 27, Pp. 143-164. Abstract
The effect of diethyldithiocarbamate (DDC) and sodium nitroprusside (SNP) on the killing of endothelial cells and on the release of arachidonate by mixtures of oxidants and membrane-damaging agents was studied in a tissue culture model employing bovine aortic endothelial cells labeled either with 51Chromium or 3arachidonic acid. While exposure to low, subtoxic concentrations of oxidants (reagent H2O2, glucose-oxidase generated peroxide, xanthine xanthine oxidase, AAPH-generated peroxyl radical, menadione-generated oxidants) did not result either in cell death or in the loss of membrane-associated arachidonic acid, the addition of subtoxic amounts of a variety of membrane-damaging agents (streptolysin S, PLA2, histone, taurocholate, wheatgerm agglutinin) resulted in a synergistic cell death. However, no significant amounts of arachidonate were released unless proteinases were also present. The addition to these reaction mixtures of subtoxic amounts of DDC (an SOD inhibitor and a copper chelator) not only very markedly enhanced cell death but also resulted in the release of large amounts of arachidonate (in the complete absence of added proteinases). Furthermore, the inclusion in DDC-containing reaction mixtures of subtoxic amounts of SNP, a generator of NO, further enhanced, in a synergistic manner, both cell killing and the release of arachidonate. Cell killing and the release of arachidonate induced by the DDC and SNP-containing mixtures of agonists were strongly inhibited by catalase, glutathione, N-acetyl cysteine, vitamin A, and by a nonpenetrating PLA2 inhibitor as well as by tetracyclines. A partial inhibition of cell killing was also obtained by 1,10-phenanthroline and by antimycin. It is suggested that DDC might amplify cell damage by forming intracellular, loosely-bound complexes with copper and probably also by depleting antioxidant thiols. It is also suggested that "cocktails" containing oxidants, membrane-damaging agents, DDC, and SNP might be beneficial for killing of tumor cells in vivo and for the assessment of the toxicity of xenobiotics in vitro.
O. Tirosh, Katzhendler, Y. , Barenholz, Y. , Ginsburg, Isaac , and Kohen, Ron . 1996. Antioxidant Properties Of Amidothionophosphates: Novel Antioxidant Molecules. Free Radical Biology And Medicine, 20, Pp. 421-432. Abstract
This work describes the synthesis and characterization of a new family of antioxidants. The molecules have the same active group, but different oil-to-water and octanol-to-water partition coefficients due to different substituents. Three new molecules were synthesized based on the chemical structure of the primary amide attached to a thiophosphate group forming an amidothionophosphate. The amidothionophosphate molecules were exposed to the oxidative stress of hydrogen peroxide and sodium hypochlorite, and the chemical changes following the exposure were monitored by 31P NMR. The reaction constants with the reactive oxygen species hydroxyl radical and superoxide radical were also calculated and found to be 1.5 x 10(9) M-1s-1 and 8.1 x 10(2) M-1s-1, respectively. To elucidate the ability of amidothionophosphates to act as antioxidants in protecting lipids and proteins, we examined damage prevention in bovine serum albumin, egg phosphatidylcholine liposomes, and lipid emulsions following oxidative stress. Amidothionophosphate showed unique protection properties in these models. In contrast to other antioxidant molecules (ascorbic acid, cysteine, and alpha-tocopherol) the new group did not have any pro-oxidative effects as measured by oxygen consumption from buffer solutions containing amidothionophosphates and cupric sulfate as a source of redox-active metal ions. Amidothionophosphates reduced significantly and in a dose-dependent manner the oxidative burst in human neutrophils as measured by luminol-dependent chemiluminescence, and they also markedly depressed the killing of human fibroblasts by mixtures of glucose oxidase and streptolysin S. The toxicity of these molecules was tested by IP injection of doses up to 1000 mg/kg to white Sabra mice. No mortality was observed 30 d after administration of up to 500 mg/kg.
P. Dan, Nitzan, D.W. , Dagan, A. , Ginsburg, Isaac , and Yedgar, S. . 1996. H2O2 Renders Cells Accessible To Lysis By Exogenous Phospholipase A2: A Novel Mechanism For Cell Damage In Inflammatory Processes.. Febs Letters, 383, Pp. 75-8. Abstract
Phospholipase A2 (PLA2) and H2O2, secreted from activated inflammatory cells, play a central role in the tissue damage occurring in inflammatory processes. However, while exogenous PLA2 alone does not cause cell lysis, it readily does so when acting with H2O2. We have found that H2O2 degrades cell surface proteoglycans, thus rendering the membrane PL accessible to hydrolysis by exogenous PLA2. This novel mechanism introduces a role for cell surface proteoglycans in protection of cells from damage by pro-inflammatory agents, and may assign a central role for the combined action of H2O2 and PLA2 in inflammatory and bacteriocidal processes.
V. Manny-Aframian, Shafran, A. , Zlotogorski, A. , Ginsburg, Isaac , and Dikstein, S. . 1996. Measurement Of Croton Oil Induced Rabbit Ear Swelling And Evaluation Of Anti-Inflammatory Agents With A Standard Low Pressure Caliper. Skin Research And Technology, 2, Pp. 142-145. Abstract
Background/airns: Carbobenzoxy-phenylalanyl-methionine (CBZ-Phe-Met), a known inhibitor of the chemotactic peptide N- formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (fMLP) in vitro, has not been evaluated as a topical anti-inflammatory agent in vivo. In order to measure the effect of CBZ-phe-met, one needs a repeat- able, quantitative, easily obtainable standard measurement of the edema formation. In this study, a caliper designed for measuring soft materials was used to evaluate the edema, in- duced by croton oil on rabbit ears, as well as the effects of CBZ- phe-met. Methods: The model used in this study was croton-induced in- flammation on rabbit ears. A caliper for measuring soft materials ( European standard DIN 863 part 3, manufactured by TESA Ltd., Renens, Switzerland) was used to evaluate the edema, which is part of the inflammatory effect . The action of CBZ-phe- met and two other anti-inflammatory agents; hydrocortisone and Na-ibuprofen, were compared. Results: CBZ-phe-met 1-5% was found to reduce the edema on rabbit ears induced by croton oil by 15 to 93%. 5% CBZ-phe- met was found to be as effective as 5% Na-ibuprofen and 0.1% hydrocortisone. Conclusion: The caliper for soft materials was found to be suit- able for measuring the edema induced by croton-oil, as well as the reducing edema due to anti-inflammatory treatment. It was also found that CBZ-phe-met is a potent topical anti-inflamma- tory agent in the croton-oil-induced inflammatory model. This may indicate a new approach in the treatment of inflammation. Key words: Soft material caliper - inflammation - N-formyl-me- thionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (fMLP) - carbobenzoxy-phenylala- nyl-methionyl (CBZ-phe-met).
A novel approach to the assessment of the toxicity of the chlorinated pesticide hexachlorocyclohexane (lindane) and the organic solvents methanol and w-butanol, employing endothelial cells in culture, is presented. This highly reproducible system involves the simultaneous treatment of [51Cr]. and [3H]arachidonic acid-labeled rat pulmonary endothelial cells with xenobiotics combined with glucose oxidase-generated H2O2, phospholipase c, streptolysin S, diethyldithiocarbamate (DDC), sodium nitroprusside (NP), histone, and trypsin. Such treatment leads to synergistic cell killing and the release of arachidonic acid (Ginsburg and Kohen, 1995b). Thus, subtoxic amounts of xenobiotics that failed to kill the cells became highly cytolytic when combined with the various mixtures of agonists. Cytotoxicity and the release of membrane lipids are strongly inhibited by catalase, by Mn2+, and by soybean trypsin inhibitor. The "synergism" concept of cellular toxicity is relevant, in particular, in infectious and inflammatory sites where phagocyte- and tissue-derived proinflammatory agonists are generated in large amounts as a result of cellular damage induced either by pathogenic microorganisms, by activated phagocytes, or by xenobiotics. This simple and inexpensive in vitro model of cellular cytotoxicity might supplement and even replace the more costly animal experimentations involved in the assessment of the toxicity and safety of newly designed drugs.
Revital Ezra, Benita, Shimon , Ginsburg, Isaac , and Kohen, Ron . 1996. Prevention Of Oxidative Damage In Fibroblast Cell Cultures And Rat Skin By Positively-Charged Submicron Emulsion Of Alpha-Tocopherol. European Journal Of Pharmaceutics And Biopharmaceutics, 42, Pp. 291-298. Abstract
An attempt was made to incorporate alpha-tocopherol in negatively and positively-charged submicron emulsions, with the aim of providing an effective topical preparation against skin oxidative damage. In cell culture toxicity experiments using human fibroblast it was shown that the positively-charged alpha-tocopherol emulsion did not exhibit any toxic effect despite the low dilution and respective high concentration used. Negatively and positively-charged submicron emulsions of alpha-tocopherol and their respective blank emulsions were topically applied to rats that were subjected to UVA irradiation under different experimental conditions. No difference was observed between the negatively and positively-charged alpha-tocopherol submicron emulsions regarding the rate of oxidation and peroxyl radical scavenging ability of skin homogenates and both were able to protect rat skin against oxidative stress. However, in a non-invasive evaluation of the lipid hydroperoxidation process in rat skin following exposure to UVA irradiation, the positively-charged alpha-tocopherol submicron emulsion elicited a significantly better protective effect than the corresponding negatively-charged emulsion. These results suggest that the positively-charged emulsion exhibits a more prolonged residence time in the uppermost layers of the skin than the negatively-charged emulsion.
Y. Barenholz, Ginsburg, Isaac , Katzhendler, J. , Kohen, Ron , and Tirosh, O. . 1996. Thionophosphate Derivatives, Process For Their Preparation And Pharmaceutical Compositions Containing Them. Abstract
The invention relates to a compound of formula (I) in which X1 and X2 each independently represents an oxygen or nitrogen atom; p, m and n are each independently an integer of at least 2; R, R1 and R2 each independently represents a hydrogen atom; a halogen atom; an optionally substituted straight-chained or branched alkyl, alkenyl or alkynyl radical; a group R3O in which R3 is hydrogen atom, an optionally substituted straight-chained or branched alkyl, alkenyl or alkynyl radical; optionally substituted acyl or optionally substituted aryl or heteroaryl; a group R4O(O)C in which R4 is a hydrogen atom or an optionally substituted straight-chained or branched alkyl, alkenyl or alkynyl radical; a group -SR5 in which R5 is a hydrogen atom or an optionally substituted straight-chained or branched alkyl, alkenyl or alkynyl radical; a group -NR6R7 in which R6 and R7 each independently represents a hydrogen atom, an optionally substituted straight-chained or branched alkyl, alkenyl or alkynyl radical; optionally substituted acyl; or an optionally substituted phosphate ester group. The invention also relates to processes for the preparation of compounds of the formula and to pharmaceutical compositions containing the same.
M. Ligumsky, Sestieri, M. , Okon, E. , and Ginsburg, Isaac . 1995. Antioxidants Inhibit Ethanol-Induced Gastric Injury In The Rat. Role Of Manganese, Glycine, And Carotene. Scandinavian Journal Of Gastroenterology, 30, Pp. 854-860. Abstract
BACKGROUND: Oxygen-derived radicals are implicated in the pathogenesis of tissue damage and ulcerogenesis. This study aimed to examine the effect of manganese, glycine, and carotene, oxygen radical scavengers, on ethanol-induced gastric lesions in the rat and on ethanol cytotoxicity in epithelial cell culture. METHODS: MnCl2 + glycine (12.5-50 mg/rat) were injected subcutaneously up to 6 h before oral administration of 1 ml of 96% ethanol, and 0.5 ml carrot juice or beta-carotene was given orally 30 min before the ethanol. Mucosal injury was evaluated 1 h later by gross and microscopic scoring. The effect of Mn2+ and carrot juice was also tested in monolayers of radiolabeled epithelial cells exposed to H2O2 + ethanol injury as expressed by the extent of the isotope leakage. RESULTS: Mn2+ and glycine pretreatment dose-dependently reduced ethanol-induced gastric lesion formation. Protection was maximal when treatment was applied 4 h before the insult. Gross damage was also markedly prevented by pretreatment with carotenes and dimethylthiourea (DMTU, 75 mg/kg intraperitoneally) but not by allopurinol. Mixtures of subtoxic concentrations of ethanol and H2O2 were highly lethal for epithelial cell monolayers. In this model, cell death was markedly attenuated by catalase, DMTU, Mn2+, and carrot juice. CONCLUSIONS: Ethanol-induced gastric mucosal damage may involve generation of oxygen-derived radicals, independent of the xanthine oxidase system. By acting as oxygen radical scavengers, Mn2+, glycine, and carotenes, like catalase and DMTU, provide significant gastroprotection.
S. Yedgar, Dan, P. , Dagan, A. , Ginsburg, Isaac , Lossos, IS , and Breuer, R. . 1995. Control Of Inflammatory Processes By Cell-Impermeable Inhibitors Of Phospholipase A2. Agents Actions, 46, Pp. 77-84. Abstract
Cell-impermeable inhibitors of phospholipase A2 were prepared by linking inhibiting molecules to macromolecular carriers which prevent the inhibitor’s internalization. These preparations inhibit the release of oxygen reactive species from neutrophils and cell death induced by inflammatory agents, as well as bleomycin-induced lung injury.
I read with interest the EHP supplement on oxygen radicals and lung injury (vol. 102, supplement 10). I would like to take this opportunity to comment about this supplement and raise a key issue concerning the major concepts regarding the mechanisms of cellular injury in inflammatory diseases. As an active investigator in this field of research, I cannot fully understand why there was no mention in the supplement about the basic understanding that cellular damage in inflammation is multifactorial. The nonexpert reader of this supplement might receive an erroneous impression that oxygen radicals, per se, are the exclusive toxic agonists that induce cellular injury. Many in this field share the view that cellular damage in inflammatory diseases might be caused by a "coordinated cross-talk" among oxidants, membrane-damaging agents, proteinases, arachidonic acid metabolites, phospholipases, cationic proteins, and cytokines. All these agents are likely to be present in sites of infection and inflammation. But sadly, none of the publications elaborating on this multifactorial view are quoted in modern textbooks or in symposia on inflammation and inflammatory diseases. Instead, the literature is filled with publications that insist on a single agonist, be it an oxidant, a protease, a cytokine, etc., in experimental models. No attempt to integrate the various agonists into the full picture is made. Several of our publications (1-7) deal with synergistic interactions among multiple proinflammatory agonists in cellular injury during inflammation. I believe that this issue is important, timely, and might contribute to an understanding of how drugs, chemicals, and xenobiotics function in vivo. Isaac Ginsburg Hadassah School of Dental Medicine Hebrew University Jerusalem
The assumption that cellular injury induced in infectious and in inflammatory sites might be the result of a well-orchestrated, synergistic "cross-talk" among oxidants, membrane-damaging agents, proteinases, and xenobiotics was further investigated in a tissue culture model employing monkey kidney epithelial cells (BGM) labeled either with 51 chromium or [3H]arachidonate. The cells could be killed in a synergistic manner following exposure to combinations among H2O2 and the following membrane-damaging agents: streptolysins S (SLS) and O (SLO), poly-D-lysine, arachidonic acid, eicosapentanoic acid, arachidic acid, lysophosphatidylcholine, lysophosphatidylinositol, lysophosphatidylglycerol, ethanol, and sodium taurocholate. Peroxyl radical (ROO) generated by azobisdiamidinopropane dihydrochloride (AAPH) further enhanced cell killing induced by SLS, SLO, and nitroprusside when combined with H2O2 and trypsin. BGM cells labeled either with chromium or with tritiated arachidonate, which had been treated with increasing concentrations of sodium nitroprusside (a donor of NO) and with subtoxic amounts of SLS and H2O2, were also killed in a synergistic manner and also lost a substantial amounts of their arachidonate label. Both cell killing and the release of membrane lipids were totally inhibited by hemoglobin (an NO scavenger) but not by methylene blue, an antagonist of NO2-BGM cells that had been treated with increasing concentrations of taurocholic acid were killed in a synergistic manner by a mixture of subtoxic amounts of ethanol, H2O2, and crystalline trypsin (quadruple synergism). Normal human serum possessing IgM complement-dependent cytotoxic antibodies against Ehrlich ascites tumor cells were killed in a dose-dependent fashion. Cell killing was doubled by the addition of H2O2. Cell killing and the release of membrane lipids by all the mixture of agonists tested were both strongly inhibited by the antioxidants catalase, Mn2+, vitamin A, and by fresh carrot juice. It appears that in order to overcome the antioxidant capacities of the epithelial cells, a variety of membrane-damaging agents had to be present in the reaction mixtures. Taken together, it might be speculated that the killing of mammalian cells in infectious and in inflammatory sites is a synergistic phenomenon that might be inhibited by antagonizing the cross-talk among the various proinflammatory agonists generated by microorganisms by activated phagocytes or by combinations among these agents. Our studies might also open up new approaches to the assessment of the toxicity of xenobiotics and of safe drugs to mammalian cells by employing tissue culture techniques.