
Isaac Ginsburg, Misgav, R. , Gibbs, D. F, Varani, James , and Kohen, Ron . 1993. Chemiluminescence In Activated Human Neutrophils: Role Of Buffers And Scavengers. Inflammation, 17, Pp. 227-243. Abstract
Human neutrophils (PMNs) suspended in Hanks’ balanced salt solution (HBSS), which are stimulated either by polycation-opsonized streptococci or by phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), generate nonamplified (CL), luminol-dependent (LDCL), and lucigenin-dependent chemiluminescence (LUCDCL). Treatment of activated PMNs with azide yielded a very intense CL response, but only a small LDCL or LUCDCL responses, when horse radish peroxidase (HRP) was added. Both CL and LDCL depend on the generation of superoxide and on myeloperoxidase (MPO). Treatment of PMNs with azide followed either by dimethylthiourea (DMTU), deferoxamine, EDTA, or detapac generated very little CL upon addition of HRP, suggesting that CL is the result of the interaction among H2O2, a peroxidase, and trace metals. In a cell-free system practically no CL was generated when H2O2 was mixed with HRP in distilled water (DW). On the other hand significant CL was generated when either HBSS or RPMI media was employed. In both cases CL was markedly depressed either by deferoxamine or by EDTA, suggesting that these media might be contaminated by trace metals, which catalyzed a Fenton-driven reaction. Both HEPES and Tris buffers, when added to DW, failed to support significant HRP-induced CL. Nitrilotriacetate (NTA) chelates of Mn2+, Fe2+, Cu2+, and Co2+ very markedly enhanced CL induced by mixtures of H2O2 and HRP when distilled water was the supporting medium. Both HEPES and Tris buffer when added to DW strongly quenced NTA-metal-catalyzed CL. None of the NTA-metal chelates could boost CL generation by activated PMNs, because the salts in HBSS and RPMI interfered with the activity of the added metals. CL and LDCL of activated PMNs was enhanced by aminotriazole, but strongly inhibited by diphenylene iodonium (an inhibitor of NADPH oxidase) by azide, sodium cyanide (CN), cimetidine, histidine, benzoate, DMTU and moderately by superoxide dismutase (SOD) and by deferoxamine LUCDCL was markedly inhibited only by SOD but was boosted by CN. Taken together, it is suggested that CL generated by stimulated PMNs might be the result of the interactions among, NADPH oxidase, (inhibitable by diphenylene iodonium), MPO (inhibitable by sodium azide), H2O2 probably of intracellular origin (inhibitable by DMTU but not by catalase), and trace metals that contaminate salt solutions. The nature of the salt solutions employed to measure CL in activated PMNs is critical.
Ron Kohen, Misgav, R. , and Ginsburg, Isaac . 1993. Cimetidine Modulates Chemiluminescence And Superoxide Generation By Neutrophils. Inflammopharmacology, 2, Pp. 15-24. Abstract
Cimetidine, a known H2 blocker, markedly inhibited the generation of luminol-dependent chemiluminescence (LDCL) and the generation of Superoxide by human neutrophils (PMNs) stimulated by polycation-opsonized streptococci. Cimetidine also inhibited LDCL generation in peritoneal PMNs derived from mice pre-injected with this drug. The elucidation of the mechanisms of LDCL inhibition involved the employment of a variety of cimetidine analogues. The most effective inhibitory activity, besides cimetidine, was displayed by histamine, histidine, imidazole acetate, anserine and ergothionine. Imidazole, carnosine and homocarnosine had no inhibitory effect on oxygen radical generation. The possible mechanisms by which cimetidine and certain of its analogues affect the respiratory burst in leucocytes is discussed.
Isaac Ginsburg and Varani, James . 1993. Interaction Of Viable Group A Streptococci And Hydrogen Peroxide In Killing Of Vascular Endothelial Cells. Free Radical Biology And Medicine, 14, Pp. 495-500. Abstract
Previous studies have shown that the streptococcal hemolysin, streptolysin S, is capable of interacting with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to injure vascular endothelial cells (Free Radic. Biol. Med. 7:369-376; 1989). To extend these observations, intact group A streptococci (strain 203S) were examined for ability to injure endothelial cells alone and for ability to injure the same cells in the presence of sublethal concentrations of H2O2 (generated from glucose/glucose oxidase). While neither control bacteria nor bacteria that had been pretreated with poly-L-histidine to render them cationic were cytotoxic to endothelial cells by themselves under the conditions of the experiment, endothelial cells were injured by combinations of streptococcal cells and sublytic amounts of H2O2. Taken together, these data suggest that the sequelae which often occur following primary infection with group A streptococci may be the result of a combined assault of host inflammatory cells and the invading bacteria on the vascular lining cells of the host.
51Chromium-labeled rat pulmonary artery endothelial cells (EC) cultivated in MEM medium were killed, in a synergistic manner, by mixtures of subtoxic amounts of glucose oxidase-generated H2O2 and subtoxic amounts of the following agents: the cationic substances, nuclear histone, defensins, lysozyme, poly-L-arginine, spermine, pancreatic ribonuclease, polymyxin B, chlorhexidine, cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide, as well as by the membrane-damaging agents phospholipases A2 (PLA2) and C (PLC), lysolecithin (LL), and by streptolysin S (SLS) of group A streptococci. Cytotoxicity induced by such mixtures was further enhanced by subtoxic amounts either of trypsin or of elastase. Glucose-oxidase cationized by complexing to poly-L-histidine proved an excellent deliverer of membrane-directed H2O2 capable of enhancing EC killing by other agonists. EC treated with rabbit anti-streptococcal IgG were also killed, in a synergistic manner, by H2O2, suggesting the presence in the IgG preparation of cross-reactive antibodies. Killing of EC by the various mixtures of agonists was strongly inhibited by scavengers of hydrogen peroxide (catalase, dimethylthiourea, MnCl2), by soybean trypsin inhibitor, by polyanions, as well as by putative inhibitors of phospholipases. Strong inhibition of cell killing was also observed with tannic acid and by extracts of tea, but less so by serum. On the other hand, neither deferoxamine, HClO, TNF, nor GTP gamma S had any modulating effects on the synergistic cell killing. EC exposed either to 6-deoxyglucose, puromycin, or triflupromazin became highly susceptible to killing by mixtures of hydrogen peroxide with several of the membrane-damaging agents. While maximal synergistic EC killing was achieved by mixtures of H2O2 with either PLA2, PLC, LL, or with SLS, a very substantial release of [3H]arachidonic acid (AA), PGE2, and 6-keto-PGF occurred only if a proteinase was also added to the mixture of agonists. The release of AA from EC was markedly inhibited either by scavengers of H2O2, by proteinase inhibitors, by cationic agents, by HClO, by tannic acid, and by quinacrin. We suggest that cellular injury induced in inflammatory and infectious sites might be the result of synergistic effects among leukocyte-derived oxidants, lysosomal hydrolases, cytotoxic cationic polypeptides, proteinases, and microbial toxins, which might be present in exudates. These "cocktails" not only kill cells, but also solubilize AA and several of its metabolites. However, AA release by the various agonists can be also achieved following attack by leukocyte-derived agonists on dead cells. It is proposed that treatment by "cocktails" of adequate antagonists might be beneficial to protect against cellular injury in vivo.
M. Ligumsky, Sestieri, M. , Okon, E. , and Ginsburg, Isaac . 1993. Manganese And Glycine Protect Against Ethanol Induced Gastric Injury In The Rat. Gastroenterology, 104, Pp. 134. Abstract
Oxygen-derived species are implicated in the pathogenesis of tissue damage in experimental models such as ethanol-induced gastric injury as well as in certain clinical conditions. The aim of this study was to examine the protective effect of manganese and glycine, previously shown to act as H202 scavengers, on ethanol-induced gastric lesions in the rat: MnCl2 and glycine (12.5-50mg/rat) were injected s.c up to 6 hours prior to oral administration of 96% ethanol and the extent of mucosal damage was evaluated 1 hour later by gross and microscopic score. Mn and glycine pre-treatment induced a dose-dependent inhibition of lesion formation. Maximal protection was observed when agents were applied 4 hours prior to the insult. Gross damage was also markedly prevented by pre-treatment with dimethyl-thiourea (DHTU,75mg/Kg), but not by allopurinol. Mixtures of subtoxic concentrations of ethanol and H202 were highly lethal for monkey kidney epithelial cells in culture. Cell killing in this model was markedly attenuated by catalase and DMTU and to a lesser degree by Mn+2 . These results imply that ethanol-induced gastric damage may in part, involve generation of oxygen derived species, independent of the xanthine oxidase system. Mn+2 and glycine provide marked gastro- protection, acting possibly as oxygen radical scavengers.