A ) Ginsburg I, Mitrani S, Neeman N, and Lahav M. Granulomata in streptococcal inflammation: Mechanisms of localization transport and degradation of Streptococci in inflammatory sites In: Mononucler Phagocytes in Immunity, Infection and Pathology . R Van Furth Editor. Blackwell Scientific Pubications OXFORD PP 981 -1014 1975

B) Ginsburg I, Streptolysin S. In: Microbial Toxins Volume IIIEditor Montie TC , Kadis S and Ajl S . Academic Press New York 1970 PP 99-171

C) Ginsburg I Strpeptococcus In: Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiolgy . Edited by Braude 2nd Edition W.R Saunder’s Company. 1986 pp 242-253

D) Ginsburg I. Lahav M , Neeman N and James JM . Inhibition by basic and acidc polyelectrolytes of the degradation of bacrteria by leukocytes In : Activation of Macrophages. Edited by Wagner , Han H and Evans R. Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam 1974 pp 162-170

E) Ginsburg I and Harris TN. Observation on oxygen stable hemolysins of group A hemolytic streptococci. In: The Streptococcus Rheumatic Fever and Glomerulonephritis. Editor Uhr J W . The Williams and Wilkins co Baltimore 1964 pp 135- 139

F) Ginsburg I, Lahav M, Neeman N Duchan Z, Chanes S and Sela MN. The interaction of leukcoytes and their hydrolases with bacteria in vitro andf in vivo : The modification of the bactericidal and bacteriolytic reactions by cationic and aninioc macromolecular substances and by anti inflammatory agents. In : Future Trends inInflammation II . Edited by Giroud JP. Bitkhauser Verlag, Basel and Stutgard, 1975 pp 292-305

G) Ginsburg I, Zor U and Floman Y . Experimental models of streptococcal arthritis. Pathogenetic role of streptococcal products and prostaglandins and their modification by anti –inflammatory agents In: Bayer Symposium VI E.xperimental Models of Chronic Inflammatory Diseases 1977 pp 256 – 299

H) Ginsburg I , Sela MN, Neeman N and Lahav M. The role of leukocytes and serum factors and of cationic polyectrolytes in the lysis of Staphylococcus aureus: Relation to the pathogensis of staphylococcal infections In: Staphylococci and Staphylococcal Infections Volume I : Clinical and epidemiological aspectsd Editor Easmon CSF and Adlam C. 1983 pp 323- 355, 1983

I ) Ginsburg I Frontiers of biology
Lysosomes in Biology and Pathology, J. T. Dingle,


Dynamic aspects of host-parasite relationships, 1973 - Academic Press

K)  GINSBURG, I., T. E. BRAMANTI, J. L. EBERSOLE, and S. C. HOLT. 1992. Interaction of Porphyromonas gingivalis with human erythrocytes and epithelial cells: Role of the cell bound hemolysin and phospholipids in cell lysis (submitted).
Abstract How P.gingivalis (PC) attacks and destroys host cells remains equivocqal. PC produces many protinases including a putative hemolysin which has a potent actiity against erythrocytes (RBC) . Hemin (Fe) significantly affects the expression of Pg virulence .We describe the effect of Pg growth under chemostat limiting hemin concentrations either at 0.08 ug / ml (PgHL) or at an excess of 7.7 ug/ ml (PgHE ) on the expression of of the Pg hemolytic activity and cytotoxicity for Hep 2 epithelial cells,in culture. Pg-HL had significantly greater hemolytic activity than Pg-HE. Selected phospholipids which had been shown to inhibit the activity of streptococcal hemolysins were tested for their ability to inhibit Pg hemolysis and injry to Hep-2 cells. Phosphatidyl choline )(FC) and sphingomyelin (SM) had significant inhibitory effects on the hemolytic activity of both Ph-HL and Pg-HE .On the other hand, Phosphatidyl serine (PS) and phosphatidyl inositol (PI) strongly enhanced the toxcity in cells under both chemostat conditions. Pg .. hemolysins also functioned synergistically with glucose-oxidasegenerated H 202 to markedly enhance toxicity to Hep 2 cells as determined by the release from the cells of 5ICr .Cytotoxicity induced by mixtures of Pg hemolysin and peroxide was strongly enhnaced by PS but markedly inhibited by phosphatidyl ethanolamin (PEA).These results describe ,for the first time, that environmental manipulations alters the Pg hemolysins on both RBC and epithelial cells and describes the possible function of selected phospholipid s in the in vitro regulation of this activity. The possible role played by inflammatory mediators as enhancers of the virulence of Pg will be discussed.