{Whole-cell patch-clamp studies were performed in isolated colonic crypts of rats pretreated with dexamethasone (6 mg/kg subcutaneously on 3 days consecutively prior to the experiment). The cells were divided into three categories according to their position along the crypt axis: surface cells (s.c.); mid-crypt cells (m.c.) and crypt base cells (b.c.). The zero-current membrane voltage (Vm) was -56 +/- 2 mV in s.c (n = 34); -76 +/- 2 mV in m.c. (n = 47); and -87 +/- 1 mV in b.c. (n = 87). The whole-cell conductance (Gm) was similar (8-12 nS) in all three types of cells. A fractional K+ conductance accounting for 29-67% of Gm was present in all cell types. A Na+ conductance was demonstrable in s.c. by the hyperpolarizing effect on Vm of a low-Na+ (5 mmol/l) solution. In m.c. and b.c. the hyperpolarizing effect was much smaller, albeit significant. Amiloride had a concentration-dependent hyperpolarizing effect on Vm in m.c. and even more so in s.c.. It reduced Gm by approximately 12%. The dissociation constant (KD) was around 0.2 micromol/l. Triamterene had a comparable but not additive effect (KD = 30 micromol/l
Ecke, D Bleich, M Schwartz, B Fraser, G Greger, R eng Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't Germany 1996/01/01 00:00 Pflugers Arch. 1996 Jan;431(3):419-26. doi: 10.1007/BF02207281.