
Anjali Jain, Doppalapudi, Sindhu , Domb, Abraham J, and Khan, Wahid . 2016. Tacrolimus And Curcumin Co-Loaded Liposphere Gel: Synergistic Combination Towards Management Of Psoriasis. Journal Of Controlled Release, 243, Pp. 132–145.
Abraham J Domb, Brama, Benny , and Mizrahi, Boaz . 2015. Adhesive Compositions For The Treatment Of Xerostomia.
N Beyth, Houri-Haddad, Y, Domb, A, Khan, W, and Hazan, R. 2015. Alternative Antimicrobial Approach. Nano-Antimicrobial Materials, 16.
Nurit Beyth, Houri-Haddad, Yael , Domb, Avi , Khan, Wahid , and Hazan, Ronen . 2015. Alternative Antimicrobial Approach: Nano-Antimicrobial Materials. Evidence-Based Complementary And Alternative Medicine, 2015.
Livnat Atar-Froyman, Sharon, Anat , Weiss, Ervin I, Houri-Haddad, Yael , Kesler-Shvero, Dana , Domb, Abraham J, Pilo, Raphael , and Beyth, Nurit . 2015. Anti-Biofilm Properties Of Wound Dressing Incorporating Nonrelease Polycationic Antimicrobials. Biomaterials, 46, Pp. 141–148.
Agust{\'ın Ortega, Farah, Shady , Tranque, Pedro , Ocaña, Ana V, Nam-Cha, Syong H, Beyth, Nurit , Gómez-Roldán, Carmen , Pérez-Tanoira, Ramón , Domb, Abraham J, Pérez-Mart{\'ınez, Francisco C, and others, . 2015. Antimicrobial Evaluation Of Quaternary Ammonium Polyethyleneimine Nanoparticles Against Clinical Isolates Of Pathogenic Bacteria. Iet Nanobiotechnology, 9, 6, Pp. 342–348.
Shady Farah, Aviv, Oren , Laout, Natalia , Ratner, Stanislav , and Domb, Abraham J. 2015. Antimicrobial N-Brominated Hydantoin And Uracil Grafted Polystyrene Beads. Journal Of Controlled Release, 216, Pp. 18–29.
Sindhu Doppalapudi, Katiyar, Sameer , Domb, Abraham J, and Khan, Wahid . 2015. Biodegradable Natural Polymers. In Advanced Polymers In Medicine, Pp. 33–66. Springer, Cham.
Konda Reddy Kunduru, Basu, Arijit , Zada, Moran Haim , and Domb, Abraham J. 2015. Castor Oil-Based Biodegradable Polyesters. Biomacromolecules, 16, 9, Pp. 2572–2587.
Amir Alon, Katz, Itzhak , Alspector, Benjamine , and Domb, Abraham J. 2015. Device And Method For Reducing Calorie Intake.
N Beyth, Houri-Haddad, Y, Domb, A, Khan, W, and Hazan, R. 2015. Evidence-Based Complement. Altern. Med, 246012, Pp. 16.
Shady Farah, Kunduru, Konda Reddy , Tsach, Tsadok , Bentolila, Alfonso , and Domb, Abraham J. 2015. Forensic Comparison Of Synthetic Fibers. Polymers For Advanced Technologies, 26, 7, Pp. 785–796.
Abraham J Domb and Gallimidi, Zahava . 2015. Implantable Markers.
Ludmila Golovanevski, Ickowicz, Diana , Sokolsky-Papkov, Marina , Domb, Abraham , and Weiniger, Carolyn F. 2015. In Vivo Study Of An Extended Release Bupivacaine Formulation Following Site-Directed Nerve Injection. Journal Of Bioactive And Compatible Polymers, 30, 1, Pp. 114–125.
Yuval Ramot, Touitou, Dan , Levin, Galit , Ickowicz, Diana E, Zada, Moran Haim , Abbas, Randa , Yankelson, Lior , Domb, Abraham J, and Nyska, Abraham . 2015. Interspecies Differences In Reaction To A Biodegradable Subcutaneous Tissue Filler: Severe Inflammatory Granulomatous Reaction In The Sinclair Minipig. Toxicologic Pathology, 43, 2, Pp. 267–271.
Yuval Ramot, Nyska, Abraham , Markovitz, Elana , Dekel, Assaf , Klaiman, Guy , Zada, Moran Haim , Domb, Abraham J, and Maronpot, Robert R. 2015. Long-Term Local And Systemic Safety Of Poly (L-Lactide-Co-Epsilon-Caprolactone) After Subcutaneous And Intra-Articular Implantation In Rats. Toxicologic Pathology, 43, 8, Pp. 1127–1140.
Mordechay Beyar, Globerman, Oren , Domb, Abraham , Shavit, Ronen , and Wachsler-Avrahami, Hila . 2015. Methods, Materials And Apparatus For Treating Bone And Other Tissue.
Shady Farah, Kunduru, Konda Reddy , Basu, Arijit , and Domb, Abraham J. 2015. Molecular Weight Determination Of Polyethylene Terephthalate. In Poly (Ethylene Terephthalate) Based Blends, Composites And Nanocomposites, Pp. 143–165. William Andrew Publishing.