Bio & CV


  • 1975 – 1978: Undergraduate studies in chemistry, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel.  Received B.Sc. Degree (Magna Cum Laude).
  • 1978 – 1979: Studies for Diploma in Polymer and Textile Chemistry, School of Applied Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.  Received diploma.
  • 1981 - 1984: Pharmacy studies, The School of Pharmacy, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.  Received B.Pharm. Degree.  Qualified Pharmacist license No. 003455.
  • 1980-1984: Graduate Student. Organic Chemistry Department, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.  Subject of Ph.D. thesis:  "Polymeric Reagents and Catalysts." Received Ph.D.
  • 1997-1998:  Executive business management studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, School of business administration. Received diploma.
  • 2004-2007: Law studies at the School of Law, The Hebrew University, received LLB.


Positions held and activities

  • 1980 – 1984: Teaching Assistant and Instructor, Institute of Chemistry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
  • 1984 – 1985: Postdoctoral Fellow at "Syntex Research," Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Palo Alto, California. (with Dr. L. Sanders), USA
  • 1985 – 1986: Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Surgery, The Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts.  Visiting Scientist, Department of Chemical Engineering, M.I.T., Cambridge, Massachusetts. (with Profs. J. Folkman and R. Langer), USA
  • 1986 – 1987: Research Associate, Department of Chemical Engineering, M.I.T., Cambridge, Massachusetts. (with Prof. R. Langer), USA
  • 1987 – 1988: Senior Scientist Israel Institute for Biological Research, Department of Organic Chemistry, Ness-Ziona, Israel.
  • 1988–1991: Manager, Polymer and Drug Delivery Division, Nova Pharmaceutical Corporation, Baltimore, Maryland. USA.
  • 1991-1995: Senior Lecturer, Medicinal Chemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Hebrew University.
  • 1995-1999: Associate Prof. Medicinal Chemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Hebrew University.
  • 1999-present: Professor, Medicinal Chemistry& Biomaterials, School of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, The Hebrew University Jerusalem.
  • 2003 – present: Lionel Jacobson Chair in Medicinal Chemistry
  • 2007-2012: Head, Division of Identification and Forensic Sciences (DIFS), Israel police, Rank: Brigadier General. On leave from The Hebrew University.
  • 2014– 2016   President, Azrieli College of Engineering Jerusalem.
  • 2018-2021  Head, School of Pharmacy, The Hebrew University
  • 2021-present  Chief Scientist, Ministry of Innovation Science and Technology, government of Israel.



Board of Journals and Organizations

  • Polymers for advanced Technologies, Wiley and Sons, Editor in Chief, 2011-present
  • Scientific Board of the Controlled Release Society, 2001-present
  • Biomacromolecules, American Chemical Society, 2001-present
  • Journal of Bioreactive and Compatible Polymers, 2003-present
  • J. Controlled Release, Elsevier, board member, 2005-present.
  • Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews (ADDR), Elsevier, 2004-present. 



Founder of companies

  • ReStart Biotech LTD [Fat tissue engineering for treating breast cancer], 2021 
  • Gentagel LR Co. [Long acting antibiotics for treating bone infections], 2020
  • Intragel Co. [Intratumoral long acting anticancer agent delivery], 2020
  • Nexocarp Co. [Solid Pickering delivery technologies], 2021
  • Ficos Co. [Heat sensing device], 2015
  • Orthospace Co. [Orthopedic biodegradable balloons], 2007
  • BioConjugate Co. [Polysaccharide conjugated drugs], 2007
  • Juvenis Co. [Skin augmentation fillers], 2005
  • Bioprotect Co. [Irradiation protection balloons], 2005
  • H2Q Co. [now, Strauss Water, water purification systems], 2004
  • Elutex Co. [Electrocoating of medical devices], 2002
  • PolyGene Co. [Polymeric Drug Delivery Technologies], 1999
  • Chondros Co. [Cartilage tissue engineering], 1990


Products developed

  • GliadelTM-brain tumor Implant (Guilford, USA)
  • Superfloc HX-100TM and F200- poly(hydroxamic acid) for purification of aluminum (American Cyanamid, USA)
  • SkedaddleTM-insect repellent for children (Minnetonka, MI, USA)
  • TaddaTM-long acting moisturizer (Minnetonka, MI, USA)
  • MAZE Water MakerTM- home/office water purification system (Strauss-Haier, China)
  • DeximuneTM- cyclosporin capsule with improved bioavailability (Dexxon, Israel).
  • Canker CoverTM – adhesive patch for treating oral canker sore (Quantum, USA).
  • OramoistTM -  adhesive patch for treating dry mouth (Quantum, USA).
  • SmellXTM– adhesive patch for reducing halitosis (Dental Biotech, Israel)
  • InSpaceTM – CE mark for a biodegradable balloon installed between tissues for irradiation protection. (Orthospace, Israel).
  • ProSpaceTM- CE mark for a device and system for in situ formation of a biodegradable balloon installed between tissues for irradiation protection (Bioprotect, Israel).
  • I-ABNTM – Rout Cannal Sealer with Insoluble AntiBacterial Nanoparticles (NoBio, Israel, FDA approval 2019)