

Dr. Tanya Zion-Waldoks, Assistant Professor at the Seymour Fox School of Education at Hebrew University, is a gender scholar, feminist activist and mother of four. Tanya is fascinated by the intersection of religion, gender, and politics, with a focus on education and social change. Current research explores feminist activism and women’s political subjectivities in religious communities or traditional contexts in Israel, examined through qualitative studies with a comparative lens. In addition, she explores issues of gender equality in education and anti-racist activism in Israel. Her work has been published in leading journals such as Gender & SocietySigns, AJS Review. Tanya received her PhD from Bar-Ilan’s Gender Studies program, a Kreitman and Israel Institute post-doctoral fellowship at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, and a Rothschild and ISF postdoctoral fellowship at the "Center for Culture, Society and Religion", Princeton University.