The efficacy of two dry cow treatment (DCT) regimens for subclinical Staphylococcus aureus mastitis was evaluated in naturally infected dairy cows. At dry-off, cows were assigned to two treatment groups by randomized blocks on the basis of parity and somatic cell count (SCC). Two antibiotic DCT regimens were used, namely: (1) a single intramammary infusion containing sodium nafcillin, procaine benzylpenicillin and dihydrostreptomycin; and (2) systemic cefquinome administered intramuscularly, twice at a 24-h interval. In the intramammary (IMM) treatment group, the S. aureus intramammary infection (IMI) rate was reduced from 40% (56/140 quarters) before dry-off to 20% (28/140) after calving. Seventy per cent (39/56) of the S. aureus-positive quarters were negative after calving, and 13% (11/84) of the negative quarters were positive after calving. In the systemic treatment group, the S. aureus IMI rate increased from 39% (29/74 quarters) before dry-off to 55% (41/74) after calving. Twenty-eight per cent (8/29) of the S. aureus-positive quarters were negative after calving and 45% (20/45) of the negative quarters were positive after calving. The odds ratio of an S. aureus-positive quarter being negative after calving in the IMM group relative to the systemic therapy group was 44.6 (95% confidence interval = 2.1-909.1, P < 0.01). Parity, quarter, milk SCC and N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase were tested in the model, and were found to have no significant effect on S. aureus cure rates or new IMI rates. The IMM treatment resulted in a higher cure rate compared with that observed in previous studies. The very low cure rate after systemic cefquinome treatment was comparable to the spontaneous cure rate observed in untreated controls in previous studies. The unfavourable results of the cefquinome systemic DCT might reflect inadequate pharmacokinetic properties of the drug regarding poor udder penetration in subclinical mastitis and short antimicrobial effect compared with the IMM treatment.
Retained fetal membranes (RFM) and clinical metritis (CM) are frequently diagnosed disease conditions in dairy cows and considered of major economic impact due to negative effect on reproduction and milk production. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of i.u. tetracycline for the treatment of RFM and CM in dairy cows. Affected cows were randomly assigned to two groups; treatment group animals received i.u. 5g chlortetracycline twice weekly for 2 wks, and no treatment group. A total of 1416 cows and 804 heifers in 5 herds calved during the study period. CM was diagnosed in 18.6% (inter farm range; 15.2-23.5%) and 30% (19.4-42.3%) of cows and heifers, respectively. RFM was diagnosed in 13.1% (9.4-18.1%) and 9.2% (3.6-13.8%) of cows and heifers, respectively. Conception rates after first insemination were 38.3%, 42.5% and 18% in normal, treated and non-treated CM cows, respectively. Numbers of days open were 140.5, 136.2 and 165.5 in normal, treated and non-treated CM cows, respectively. Based on 305-d corrected milk yield, cows and heifers affected by RFM and CM produced 300-500kg less milk compared with their normal herd mates. Cows treated for CM produced 654kg more milk per 305-d corrected lactation compared to non-treated control cows. Treatment of RFM had no effect on reproductive performance or milk production. In conclusion, i.u. chlortetracycline treatment was proven to prevent the detrimental effect of CM on reproductive performance in heifers and cows and on milk production in cows only.
The role of various reptilian species in the infectious cycle of several arboviruses is documented, but their role in that of West Nile virus (WNV) is uncertain. Common garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis) were infected subcutaneously with 10(5) plaque forming units (PFU) WNV-Isr 98, five of nine snakes became viremic, and five exhibited persistent low levels of neutralizing antibodies. Four of the parentally infected snakes died and high titers of virus were found in multiple organ samples. In contrast, orally infected garter snakes did not become viremic, but viral RNA was detected in cloacal swabs. Since oral infection of predator birds by WNV is known, their ingestion of infected snakes may also result in their becoming infected.
The role of domestic dogs in the epidemiology of Neospora caninum as well as the relationship between N. caninum infection of farm dogs and cattle were demonstrated, however, evidence is scarce regarding the role of wild canids in domestic animal neosporosis. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the role of wild canids in the epidemiology of bovine neosporosis in Israel by analyzing the prevalence of antibodies to N. caninum in wild canids. Sera samples were collected from 114 free ranging wild golden jackals (Canis aureus), 24 red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and nine wolves (Canis lupus), which were collected in Israel during the years 1999-2004. Of a total of 147 wild canids tested antibodies to N. caninum were only found in two golden jackals with IFAT titers of 1:50, and in one red fox and one wolf with IFAT titer of 1:400. The low seroprevalence found in this study (2.7%) indicated that wild canids probably do not have an important role in the epidemiology of N. caninum in Israel. However, since the diet of different species of wild canids and even diverse populations of the same canid species vary, it is possible that other results might be obtained from specific wild canids populations, which scavenge in the vicinity of infected bovines.
The recent outbreaks of cattle botulism in vaccinated Israeli dairy cattle prompted us to determine vaccine efficacy and reasons for vaccine failure. Analysis of clinical signs, feeding practice, vaccination history, and epidemic curves enabled us to define a study population in two outbreaks, where high doses of Clostridium botulinum neurotoxin type D (BoNT/D) were evenly consumed by the affected animal groups. Attack rates among unvaccinated 6- to 24-month-old heifers were 96% (55/57) and 85% (53/62). The attack rates in vaccinated parity 1, 2, and >or=3 cows were 40.4% (21/52), 14.3% (4/28), and 5.6% (3/54), respectively. Vaccine efficacies for these cow groups were 52.5%, 83.2%, and 93.4%, respectively. In younger, unvaccinated 2- to 6-month-old calves, presumably protected by maternal antibodies, the attack rate was 24% (17/71). These differences correlated with significant differences in levels of specific anti-BoNT/D antibody in serum by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The ELISA performance for predicting protection was analyzed by receiver operating characteristic analysis and was found to be highly significant, with an area under the curve of 0.941 (standard error, 0.034; 95% confidence interval, 0.875 to 1.008; P < 0.000). No animals with serum ELISA unit levels above 0.33 were affected in these exposed groups. At this cutoff level, the specificity of the ELISA was 100%, sensitivity was 67%, and accuracy was 92%. We concluded that botulinum toxoids can confer adequate protection against natural exposure to lethal doses of BoNT/D; however, the vaccination protocols should be optimized. Our in-house ELISA system will enable us to optimize vaccination protocols in the animal population.
Blood from 31 healthy, free-ranging golden jackals held in captivity for seven days was collected while they were anaesthetised. Haematological and serum biochemical measurements were analysed and the 95 per cent confidence interval for each variable was compared with the reference value for domestic dogs. The measurements of their red blood cells were within the reference interval for dogs, but the jackals had higher white blood cell counts and eosinophil counts than dogs. The male jackals had a higher haematocrit, red blood cell count, mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration, and a lower red blood cell distribution width than the female jackals. High activities of muscle enzymes were detected in many of the jackals, in several of which the activity of creatine kinase exceeded 5000 U/l; these were considered abnormal.
The inoculation of 2000 colony-forming units of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis into one teat canal of each of three cows resulted in severe, chronic, pyogranulomatous mastitis. Within three days the cows had a reduced haematocrit, haemoglobin concentration and red cell count. The anaemia was initially normocytic, normochromic and non-regenerative, and was associated with a brief peak of neutrophilia; a regenerative response became evident two to three weeks later. Clinical signs of mastitis appeared seven to 14 days after the inoculation, with a peak of high fever, more severe anaemia, a second peak of neutrophilia and the complete cessation of milk production from all quarters; extensive and severe pyogranulomatous mastitis developed in the inoculated quarters. No other lesions were detected postmortem, and C pseudotuberculosis was cultured from the affected quarters but not from the supramammary lymph nodes and viscera.
Minimal inhibition concentration (MIC) values of 100 Finnish and 100 Israeli Escherichia coli isolated from clinical bovine mastitis were determined for ampicillin, cephalexin, ceftazidime, dihydrostreptomycin, gentamicin, tetracycline, trimethoprim-sulfadiazine, and ciprofloxacin by an agar dilution method. The in vitro antimicrobial susceptibility of the E. coli isolates was high; only 27% showed resistance to one or more tested antimicrobial agents. Fifteen percent of the Israeli isolates and 14% of the Finnish isolates were resistant to tetracycline, 3 and 16% to cephalexin, 10 and 7% to ampicillin, 13 and 9% to dihydrostreptomycin, and 4 and 2% to trimethoprim-sulfadiazine. No gentamicin-, ceftazidime-, or ciprofloxacin-resistant isolates were detected. Eleven percent of all the isolates were resistant to two or more antimicrobial agents. Tetracycline was most often associated with multiresistant patterns. Most of the multiresistant isolates had very high MIC values, whereas most of those that were resistant to only one tested antibiotic had MIC values close to the susceptibility breakpoint. Antimicrobial resistance appeared to pose no problem in E. coli isolated from mastitic milk of both countries. This is probably due to the controlled use of antimicrobial agents in the treatment of dairy herds. Some differences were present in the resistance patterns, which may reflect the different use of antimicrobial agents in these two countries.
Over a period of seven years, 262 recumbent dairy cows were investigated, and serum samples were analysed for creatine phosphokinase (CPK), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) activities. The results from cows for which all three measurements were available, were analysed statistically by the non-parametric receiver operating characteristic (ROC) method, to evaluate the value of the serum enzyme activities for predicting a failure to recover. The sensitivity and specificity of the activity levels were calculated over all cut-off points, and ROC curves were created by plotting sensitivity as a function of 1--specificity at each cut-off point for samples grouped by the interval after the cows became recumbent. The predictive values of the tests were compared by calculating the areas under the curves, and the positive and negative predictive values of the tests were calculated and plotted against the prevalence of a failure to recover. The results from each of the enzymes were significantly better than from a random test with no discriminatory ability. The optimal cut-off points maximising the sensitivity and specificity of the tests were 2330, 2225 and 171 U/litre for CPK, LDH and AST, respectively. The predictive value of AST was significantly better than that of CPK or LDH, and measures made on the second and third day of recumbency were significantly better with optimal cut-off points of 128 and 189 U/litre, respectively.
Escherichia coli isolates from bovine mastitis were examined for a selection of virulence factors. The strains originated from Finland and Israel, which have differences in the proportion of mastitis caused by E. coli, clinical pictures of coliform mastitis, environmental conditions and herd management. The genes of nine virulence factors were detected by polymerase chain reaction. Presence of K1 and K5 capsules was assessed by use of specific bacteriophages. Serum resistance was tested by a turbidimetric assay. Out of 160 Finnish isolates, 37% had traT, 14% cnf2, 8% cnf1, 11% aer, 9% f17, 8% sfa, 7% pap, 1% afa8D and 1% afa8E. Out of 113 Israeli isolates, 41% had traT, 4% aer, 3% cnf2, 1% cnf1, 1% sfa and 1% f17. Some of the genes were distributed among two major pathotype groups, with either f17 family or sfa, pap and cnf1 as major determinants. Genes for F17a, CS31A, Afa7D and Afa7E were not detected. Altogether 49% of Finnish and 42% of Israeli isolates had at least one virulence gene, but genes other than traT were present in only 24% of Finnish and 5% of Israeli isolates. Serum resistance was more common among Finnish (94/160) than Israeli isolates (19/113). K1 and K5 capsules were not detected.
The progress of Staphylococcus aureus infection from inoculation to the early chronic stage was examined in 12 Israeli-Holstein cows (four primiparous and eight multiparous) for up to 48 d after inoculation. Before inoculation, the primiparous cows were free from any infection and the multiparous cows were infected by coagulase-negative staphylococci. Two quarters in each cow were inoculated intracisternally following milking with 2000 cfu of a local prevailing Staph. aureus strain, VL-8407. Infection was established in 21 out of 24 quarters. The control quarters remained free from infection during the study, with no significant change in function. No statistically significant differences were found between primiparous and multiparous cows in the responses examined. Somatic cell count (SCC) increased within 24 h of inoculation and remained high for the duration of the study. In the infected quarters mean ln (SCC) increased within 24 h from 9.9 +/- 0.5 before inoculation to 13.0 +/- 0.2 after inoculation; most of the cells were neutrophils. N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase activity, expressed as ln (nnmol/min per l), was increased from 0.9 +/- 0.6 to 2.4 +/- 0.2 by inoculation, and was highly correlated with SCC. The Staph. aureus count fluctuated with no particular relationship with SCC. The phagocytic activity of neutrophils was significantly lower in the inoculated than in the control quarters and this difference increased with time after inoculation. CD8+ T lymphocytes were the main subpopulation of lymphocytes found in inoculated quarters. After inoculation, maximum but not minimum electrical conductivity (EC) recorded during milking increased significantly. The rises in maximum EC varied significantly among cows. The rises in SCC were associated with a persistent increase in EC in only one of the eight cows examined. No clinical signs were observed, and milk yield and composition were not affected during the study period. The results suggest that some strains of Staph. aureus may induce a relatively mild response in mammary glands of cows in mid lactation, and that the concomitant development of such chronic Staph. aureus infections in two quarters may not be detected by changes in the EC of composite milk and in the yield of the cow.
A 4-year retrospective study was performed to determine the clinical, bacteriological and epidemiological aspects of acute clinical mastitis in seven Israeli dairy herds. A total of 1124 clinical mastitis cases were detected by abnormal changes in the milk and udder with concurrent decrease of at least 25% in daily milk production. A total of 1190 quarters were affected with clinical mastitis in 1089 cows. The rear quarters had a higher incidence risk (64.7% of quarter cases) than the front quarters. The annual herd-year-incidence varied from 4.2 to 126.8 cases/100 cows/year. The whole-lactation incidence risk (LIR) was 20.8 per 100 lactations. LIR increased from the first to fifth lactation and then decreased. Most clinical mastitis cases were associated with coliform bacteria (60.2% of cases), environmental streptococci (18.6%), coagulase-negative staphylococci (8.7%) and samples from which no bacterial growth was detected (8.1%). Most cases of clinical mastitis occurred in the early stages of lactation, with 51.4% of all cases, 52.3% of coliform cases and 54.6% of environmental streptococci mastitis cases occurring during the first 4 months of lactation. The median days in milk at diagnosis was 118 days. The incidence was lower in the dry summer months. The ratio of peak to low incidence was 1.62 with a calculated peak incidence in January.
The relationship between in vitro sensitivity to antimicrobials and the outcome of treatment was studied in 228 cows with coliform mastitis. All the cows were treated with a preparation containing sulphonamide and trimethoprim, and 197 of them were also treated with a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). The relationship between in vitro sensitivity to sulphonamide/trimethoprim and recovery was analysed by multivariate logistic regression. The possible confounding effects of treatment with an NSAID, days in lactation, parity, herd, and type of infecting organism were tested. Only treatment with an NSAID had a significant confounding effect and was included in the final statistical model. The recovery rate of the 165 cows infected by coliforms that were sensitive to sulphonamide/trimethoprim (89.1 per cent) was higher than that of the 63 cows infected by coliforms that were resistant to sulphonamide/trimethoprim (74.6 per cent). The odds ratio of recovery for the cases associated with organisms that were sensitive to sulphonamide/trimethoprim relative to the cases associated with organisms that were resistant to sulphonamide/trimethoprim was 2.75, with a 95 per cent confidence from 1.25 to 5.85. The odds ratio of recovery for the cases treated with an NSAID relative to the cases treated with sulphonamide/trimethoprim only was 2.76 with a 95 per cent confidence interval from 1.12 to 6.79.
Cefquinome is the first 4th generation cephalosporin antibiotic developed for use in veterinary medicine. A European multicentre study established a high in vitro activity for this modern antimicrobial drug against a wide spectrum of bovine pathogens. Gram-positive and gram-negative mastitis agents were inactivated even at very low active ingredient concentrations, including Enterobacteriaceae which are often resistant to other drugs. The results of clinical trials using experimental E. coli mastitis as an example demonstrate the efficacy of cefquinome in vivo. Parenteral administration at a dose rate of 1 mg/kg body weight when compared with conventional therapy using a control drug with equally good in vitro activity, produced significantly better therapeutic results.
Morbidity due to Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis infection occurred in 29 dairy herds in Israel during 1989 to 1995. The disease occurred sporadically in 17 of the herds with a morbidity of up to 5 per cent, and was epidemic in 12, with a morbidity of 5 to 35 per cent. Cutaneous abscesses were diagnosed in 609 animals. Young cattle appeared to be less susceptible to the disease than older cows. Beef cattle herds were not affected. The disease appeared in the cutaneous form in 92.5 per cent of cases, the cutaneous and mastitic form in 5.9 per cent and the cutaneous and visceral form in 1.6 per cent. The cutaneous form appeared as deep subcutaneous abscesses on various parts of the body, with granulating ulcers exuding pus and blood. In 10 of the herds, C pseudotuberculosis was isolated from 33 mastitic cows which also had cutaneous lesions. The visceral form of the disease was detected when severely affected animals were slaughtered. In 23 of the herds, the disease occurred during the spring and summer dry season, from March to October; the highest prevalence was in the semi-arid Negev region. In 25 herds, the infection lasted for up to five months. The skin lesions on individual cows healed on average in 23.4 days, after either local or parenteral treatment. No significant difference was observed between the effect of systemic antibiotic treatment and local antiseptic treatment. One hundred and two (16.7 per cent) severely affected animals were culled. There was a decrease in milk production and large increases in somatic cell counts in the 12 herds in which the disease was epidemic. None of the strains of isolated C pseudotuberculosis reduced nitrate.
The efficacy of intramuscularly and intramammarily administered cefquinome was evaluated in experimental Escherichia coli mastitis in dairy cows. Forty-seven multiparous, Israeli Holstein cows in early lactation that produced at least 25 L/d of milk were used, and 400 to 750 cfu of E. coli were infused into two healthy quarters of each cow. Cows were randomly assigned to one of the following treatment groups: 1) 75 mg of cefquinome administered intramammarily three times at 12-h intervals, 2) 75 mg of cefquinome administered intramammarily three times at 12-h intervals and 1 mg/kg of cefquinome administered intramuscularly two times at a 24-h interval, 3) 1 mg/kg of cefquinome administered intramuscularly two times at a 24-h interval, and 4) 75 mg of ampicillin and 200 mg of cloxacillin administered intramammarily three times at 12-h intervals. All cows developed typical signs of acute clinical mastitis by 12 to 16 h postinoculation. Parenteral cefquinome therapy, with or without intramammary cefquinome (groups 2 and 3), significantly improved clinical recovery and return to milk production. The bacteriological cure rates were considerably and significantly higher for cows in the groups treated with cefquinome than for cows in the group treated with ampicillin and cloxacillin. This study supported the efficacy of cefquinome in the treatment of clinical coliform mastitis in dairy cows.
The efficacy of phenylbutazone vs. dipyrone for the treatment of acute clinical mastitis were compared in a clinical trial. All cows were treated with 20 g sulfadiazine and 4 g trimethoprim i.m. upon diagnosis and half dosage once daily thereafter. In addition, the NSAIDs treated cows received once daily either 4 g phenylbutazone or 20 g dipyrone i.m. for the duration of the antimicrobial therapy. In all treatment groups the major causative organisms were coliforms. Recovery rates for the controls, the phenylbutazone and dipyrone treatment groups were 81.8%, 89.4% and 86.6%, respectively. Recovery was evaluated by the logistic regression analysis, the odds ratios (OR) and their 95% confidence interval (CI) of treatment success for phenylbutazone and dipyrone treatments relative to the control treatment were calculated. Odds ratio of recovery was high for phenylbutazone (OR = 2.42; CI = 0.98-5.96; P = 0.054) as well as for dipyrone (OR = 1.71; CI = 0.98-3.00; P = 0.060), demonstrating a strong trend towards improved recovery in NSAID groups. The odds of treatment failure for the phenylbutazone group relative to the dipyrone group was 0.71 with 95% CI of 0.28-1.78. Clearly no significant difference could be demonstrated between phenylbutazone and dipyrone in this field trial.
Morbidity due to Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis infection occurred in 29 dairy herds. The disease appeared basically in three clinical forms: cutaneous, mastitic, and visceral. The appearance of the disease showed a marked seasonality: in 23 herds it occurred during the spring and summer months (dry season) (March-October). The mastitic form occurred in only 10 herds and the causative bacterium was isolated from 33 cows (5.8%). All the strains of C. pseudotuberculosis isolated from the milk samples were found not to be nitrate reducers. The bacterium was excreted in the milk of six cows from herd B during a period of 11 months. In the mastitic cows, a decrease in milk production and considerable increases in the somatic cell count were noted. C. pseudotuberculosis was isolated from houseflies collected over a cow lesion. Laboratory-reared houseflies were successfully infected with C. pseudotuberculosis-contaminated milk, broth and sugar cubes. Flies infected with the bacterium from contaminated milk excreted the bacterium in their droppings for up to 4 h and from their saliva for up to 3 h post infection. The bacterium survived on the external organs of houseflies for no longer than 10 min post infection, after the flies had been dipped in contaminated broth.
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