The Hebrew University of Jerusalem is hosting the 5th Molcas Developers’ Workshop from the 7th to the 10th of February. The venue is located on the Givat Ram Campus and will mainly take place in the lecture hall of the Los Angeles Building and the lecture hall of the Computer Science and Engineering Building.
The workshop starts on Tuesday the 7th of February with an Introduction of the developers and the Theoretical/Computational Chemistry groups in Jerusalem. After that there is a hands-on session for newcomers and beginners on working with Molcas. On Wednesday and Thursday the workshop will continue with a number of reports from Molcas developers and users. Each report take between 10 and 20 minutes covering a wide spectrum of topics that range from usage experience, newly implemented features, recent state-of-the-art applications to future plans for development. In addition there are five invited talks by Mario Barbatti, Benjamin Fingerhut, Benjamin Lasorne, Lyudmila Slipchenko and Françoise Remacle. These presentations will offer a scientific perspective for selected topics.
The workshop is sponsored by Molcas, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Fritz Haber Center for Molecular Dynamics Research.