The increase in cyber-attacks in recent years emphasized the importance and the growing interdependence between state national security and the private sector, which is a key factor in the ability to monitor and to mitigate cyber-attacks. In recent years, this reality led to a gradual increase in the involvement of private cyber-related entities ("Cyber Intermediaries") in national and international, formal and informal processes of security policy and norms formation. A known example to this phenomenon, is the Microsoft initiative for a "Digital Geneva Convention" (February, 2017), aimed at achieving a "legally binding agreement that will ensure a stable and secure cyberspace". Against this background this research aim to explore these private entities' agenda, policy and actions, to improve our understanding of cyber-security policy formation. In order to empirically asses the validity of these claims about the importance of cyber intermediaries, I will present an analysis of formal documentation of both privet and national entities, exploring how non-state private international cyber actors pursue and react to national and international cyber security policies.