
Meir Lahav, Ne’eman, N. , Sela, Michael N, and Ginsburg, Isaac . 1979. Effect Of Leukocyte Hydrolases On Bacteria. Xiii.. Inflammation, 3, Pp. 365-377. Abstract
Effect of leukocyte hydrolases on bacteria. XIII. Role played by leukocyte extracts, lysolecithin, phospholipase a2, lysozyme, cationic proteins, and detergents in the solubilization of lipids from Staphylococcus aureus and group A streptococci: relation to bactericidal and bacteriolytic reactions in inflammatory sites The bactericidal and bacteriolytic effects of lysolecithin (LL) and egg-white lysozyme (LYZ) on Staph. aureus and group A streptococci and the solubilization of phospholipids from the bacterial membranes by these agents was studied. Low concentrations of lysolecithin (1–10 microgrames/ml) are highly bactericidal for Steph. aureus and group A streptococci, but induce neither bacteriolysis nor solubilization of a substantial amount of membrane phospholipids. On the other hand, while LL at greater than 50 micrograms/ml causes substantial lipid release, a combination of LL and LYZ is absolutely needed to solubilize lipids from streptococci. This combination is, however, not bacteriolytic for this microrganism. The solubilization of lipids from staphylococci by LL is much faster than that induced in streptococci by LL + LYZ. The solubilization of the bulk of membrane lipids from staphylococci can also be achieved by Triton X-100 and by sodium lauryl sulfate and from group A streptococci by Triton X-100 plus LYZ. A variety of other detergents (e.g., Cetavlon, sodium taurocholate, cetyl pyrdinium chloride) have no lipid-releasing properties even in the presence of LYZ. The release of lipids by LYZ (in the presence of LL) from group A streptococci is related to its enzymatic activity, on a still unknown substrate, but not to its cationic nature as this muramidase cannot be replaced by a variety of cation substances (histone, polylysin, leukocyte cationic proteins, polymyxin B, and spermidine). The release of lipids from staphylococci by LL is not inhibited by a variety of anionic and cationic polyelectrocytes (heparin, liquoid, chondroitin sulfate, DNA histone, and polylysine) which markedly inhibit the release of lipids from group A streptococci by LL and LYZ. Streptococci that had been cultivated in the presence of subinhibitory concentrations of penicillin G lose their membrane phospholipids to a larger extent and by much smaller concentrations of LL and LYZ, as compared to controls, suggesting that the interference with the synthesis of the peptidoglycan increases the accessibility of the cell membrane to the lipid-releasing agents. The mechanism by which LL collaborates with LYZ in lipid release is still not known. The possible role of bacterial lipids and lyso compounds in the control of bacterial survival in inflammatory sites is briefly discussed.
Normal sera and plasma, derived from humans, calves, rats, rabbits, horses, human synovial fluids, inflammatory exudates, and leukocyte extracts, when sufficiently diluted are highly bacteriolytic for Staph, aureus, Strep. faecalis, B. sutilis and to a variety of gram-negative rods. On the other hand, concentrated serum or the other body fluids are usually not bacteriolytic for these bacterial species. While the lysis of Staph, aureus and B. subtilis by diluted serum is not lysozyme dependent, lysis of Strep. faecalis is absolutely dependent on the concentration of lysozyme. The lytic factor in human serum is present in Cohn’s fractions III, IV, and V. It is nondialyzable, resistant to heating for 75 degrees C and 20 min, and acts optimally at pH 5.0. Like leukocyte extracts, synovial fluids, and inflammatory exudates, it lyses only young staphylococci. The inability of concentrated serum to lyse Staph. aureus and Strep. faecalis is due to the presence in the gamma globulin fraction of a potent inhibitor, which can be partly removed by dilution of by adsorption upon the homologous bacteria. Lysis of the bacteria is also strongly inhibited by Cohn’s fraction II (gamma globulin) by high-molecular-weight DNA, heparin, liquoid, and histone. The possible role played by serum globulin in the protection of bacteria against degradation by leukocyte is discussed.
Leukocyte extracts, trypsin, and lysozyme are all capable of releasing the bulk of the LPS from S. typhi, S. typhimurium, and E. coli. Bacteria which have been killed by heat, ultraviolet irradiation, or by a variety of metabolic inhibitors and antibiotics which affect protein, DNA, RNA, and cell wall synthesis no longer yield soluble LPS following treatment with the releasing agents. On the other hand, bacteria which are resistant to certain of the antibiotics yield nearly the full amount of soluble LPS following treatment, suggesting that certain heatlabile endogenous metabolic pathways collaborate with the releasing agents in the release of LPS from the bacteria. It is suggested that some of the beneficial effects of antibiotics on infections with gram-negative bacteria may be the prevention of massive release of endotoxin by leukocyte enzymes in inflammatory sites.
ITAY A BAB, , , Ginsburg, Isaac , and DISHON, THEODOR . 1979. Inflammatory Lesions And Bone Resorption Induced In The Rat Periodontium By Lipoteichoic Acid Of Streptococcus Mutans.. Inflammation, 3, Pp. 345-358. Abstract
Severe inflammatory lesions were induced in the periodontal tissues of the rat following the intragingival injection of lipoteichoic acid (LTA) from Streptococcus mutans. There was no difference in the severity and distribution of the lesions between nonimmunized rats and animals immunized against LTA after antigenic challenge. The lesions are characterized by the occurrence of granulation tissue, massive infiltration of PMNs, abscess formation, bone resorption, and new bone formation. Deacylated LTA and saline caused relatively mild inflammation, and no significant bone resorption or new bone formation was evident. The peak response was reached after 3 intragingival infections. The mechanisms by which LTA caused the pathological alterations in the rat periodontium and the possible relations of this experimental model to periodontal disease in the human are discussed.
Isaac Ginsburg. 1979. Recreational Therapy: Do Administrators Exploit It?. Nursing Homes, 28, Pp. 27-30.
Isaac Ginsburg, Ne’eman, N. , Lahav, Meir , and Sela, Michael N. 1979. The Role Of Leukocyte Extracts And Myeloperoxidase In The Lysis Of Staphylococci And The Inhibition Of Bacteriolysis By Anionic Polyelectrolytes And By Inflammatory Exudates. Advances In Experimental Medicine And Biology, 121, Pp. 123-129.