Betty Schwartz, Hadar, Yitzhak , and Sliva, Daniel . 2013. “The Use Of Edible Mushroom Water Soluble Polysaccharides In The Treatment And Prevention Of Chronic Diseases: A Mechanistic Approach”. In Antitumor Potential And Other Emerging Medicinal Properties Of Natural Compounds, Pp. 263-283. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-6214-5_18.
The use of dietary components having protective and/or preventive effects on chronic diseases is an important emerging field of research. Identifying new food supplements and understanding their mechanisms of action are some of the main challenges in using functional foods. In this manuscript we reviewed the sources, the chemical composition and medicinal properties of polysaccharides extracted from edible mushrooms. In addition we brought insights into the putative mechanisms of action behind each health-promoting activity of these interesting biomolecules.