Laminin, a major basement membrane-specific glycoprotein, promotes the attachment, migration, and invasion of a variety of tumor cells. Since laminin is present in the perisinusoidal matrix of the liver, we studied its effects on liver colonization by human colon cancer cells (HM7, LiM6) previously shown to have liver-metastasizing ability in athymic mice. These malignant cells expressed high levels of a 32-kDa laminin-binding protein on Western blot analysis when compared to the low metastatic parental cell line. Coinjection of laminin alpha chain-derived peptides which contain the amino acid sequence Ile-Lys-Val-Ala-Val (IKVAV) significantly stimulated liver colonization as determined by liver weight (P < 0.005) and number of tumor nodules (P < 0.02) 3 weeks after splenic-portal inoculation into nude mice. No stimulation was seen with a control peptide containing the same amino acids but in a scrambled sequence. In contrast, the Tyr-Ile-Gly-Ser-Arg peptide from the laminin beta 1 chain significantly inhibited HM7 liver colonization. These differences were not due to alterations in the number of cells initially reaching the liver as determined by injection of [125I]iododeoxyuridine-labeled tumor cells, but retention in the liver was stimulated by the IKVAV-containing peptides. Flow analysis indicated that the IKVAV peptide may act, in part, by stimulating homotypic adhesion of tumor cells. These data suggest that interactions of colon cancer cells with the IKVAV site on laminin may play a role in the formation of metastatic foci in the liver through cell-cell or cell-substratum interactions which promote metastasis.
Bresalier, R S Schwartz, B Kim, Y S Duh, Q Y Kleinman, H K Sullam, P M eng Comparative Study Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't Research Support, U.S. Gov't, Non-P.H.S. 1995/06/01 00:00 Cancer Res. 1995 Jun 1;55(11):2476-80.