Energetics and self-assembly of amphipathic peptide pores in lipid membranes


A Zemel, Fattal, DR , and Ben-Shaul, A. 2003. “Energetics And Self-Assembly Of Amphipathic Peptide Pores In Lipid Membranes”. Biophysical Journal, 84, Pp. 2242-2255. doi:10.1016/S0006-3495(03)75030-9.


We present a theoretical study of the energetics, equilibrium size, and size distribution of membrane pores composed of electrically charged amphipathic peptides. The peptides are modeled as cylinders (mimicking alpha-helices) carrying different amounts of charge, with the charge being uniformly distributed over a hydrophilic face, defined by the angle subtended by polar amino acid residues. The free energy of a pore of a given radius, R, and a given number of peptides, s, is expressed as a sum of the peptides’ electrostatic charging energy (calculated using Poisson-Boltzmann theory), and the lipid-perturbation energy associated with the formation of a membrane rim (which we model as being semitoroidal) in the gap between neighboring peptides. A simple phenomenological model is used to calculate the membrane perturbation energy. The balance between the opposing forces (namely, the radial free energy derivatives) associated with the electrostatic free energy that favors large R, and the membrane perturbation term that favors small R, dictates the equilibrium properties of the pore. Systematic calculations are reported for circular pores composed of various numbers of peptides, carrying different amounts of charge (1-6 elementary, positive charges) and characterized by different polar angles. We find that the optimal R’s, for all (except, possibly, very weakly) charged peptides conform to the ‘‘toroidal’’ pore model, whereby a membrane rim larger than similar to1 nm intervenes between neighboring peptides. Only weakly charged peptides are likely to form ‘‘barrel-stave’’ pores where the peptides essentially touch one another. Treating pore formation as a two-dimensional self-assembly phenomenon, a simple statistical thermodynamic model is formulated and used to calculate pore size distributions. We find that the average pore size and size polydispersity increase with peptide charge and with the amphipathic polar angle. We also argue that the transition of peptides from the adsorbed to the inserted (membrane pore) state is cooperative and thus occurs rather abruptly upon a change in ambient conditions.