- Granot, R., Spitz, D. H., Cherki, B. R., Loui, P., Timmers, R., Schaefer, R. S., ... & Israel, S. (2021). “Help! I need somebody”: music as a global resource for obtaining wellbeing goals in times of crisis. Frontiers in psychology, 12, 1038.
- Martínez-Castilla, P., Gutiérrez-Blasco, I. M., Spitz, D. H., & Granot, R. (2021). The efficacy of music for emotional wellbeing during the COVID-19 lockdown in Spain: an analysis of personal and context-related variables. Frontiers in psychology, 12, 1193.
- Granot, R., & Shair, N. (2019) The Origin and Power of Music According to the 11th-Century Islamic Philosopher Ibn Sīnā. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1-14.
- Bloch, B., Levin, R. Vadas, L., Israel, S., Uzfovsky, F., Granot, R., Bachner-Melman, R., Reshef, A., Ebstein, R. P., & Kremer, I. (2019). Sex-specific effect of intranasal vasopressin, but not oxytocin, on emotional Recognition and perception in Schizophrenia patients. isr J psychiatry, 56(1).
- Shany, O., Singer, N., Gold, B. P., Jacoby, N., Tarrasch, R., Hendler, T., & Granot, R. (2019). Surprise-related activation in the nucleus accumbens interacts with music-induced pleasantness. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 14(4), 459-470.
- Siman-Tov, T., Granot, R. Y., Shany, O., Singer, N., Hendler, T., & Gordon, C. R. (2019). Is there a prediction network? Meta-analytic evidence for a cortical-subcortical network likely subserving prediction. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews.
- Raz, G., Svanera, M., Singer, N., Gilam, G., Cohen, M. B., Lin, T., ... & Goebel, R. (2017). Robust inter-subject audiovisual decoding in functional magnetic resonance imaging using high-dimensional regression. Neuroimage, 163, 244-263.
- Granot, R. (2017). Music, Pleasure, and Social Affiliation: Hormones and Neurotransmitters. In The Routledge Companion to Music Cognition (pp. 101-111). Routledge.
- Eitan Globerson, Roni Granot, Idan Tal, Yuval Harpaz, Maor Zeev-Wolf, and Abraham Golstein. 2017. “Brain responses to regular and octave-scrambled melodies: A case of predictive-coding?.” J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform, 43, 3, Pp. 487-498. Abstract
- Neomi Singer, Nori Jacoby, Tamar Lin, Gal Raz, Lavi Shpigelman, Gadi Gilam, Roni Y Granot, and Talma Hendler. 2016. “Common modulation of limbic network activation underlies musical emotions as they unfold.” Neuroimage, 141, Pp. 517-29. Abstract
- Annabel J. Cohen. 2016. “From auditory focus, to auditory influence, to multimodal experience in psychomusicological research.,” 26, 2, Pp. 99. Publisher's Version
- Renee Timmers and Roni Y. Granot. 2016. “Letter of the guest editors of the special issue on 'Music as a multimodal experience'.,” 26, 2, Pp. 101. Publisher's Version
- Sarig Sela and Roni Y. Granot. 2014. “Automatic extraction and categorization of Faenza Codex figurations.,” 42, 4, Pp. 559. Publisher's Version Abstract
- Atalia H Weiss, Roni Y Granot, and Merav Ahissar. 2014. “The enigma of dyslexic musicians.” Neuropsychologia, 54, Pp. 28-40. Abstract
- Atalia H Weiss, Tali Biron, Itay Lieder, Roni Y Granot, and Merav Ahissar. 2014. “Spatial vision is superior in musicians when memory plays a role.” J Vis, 14, 9. Abstract
- Roni Y Granot, Rona Israel-Kolatt, Avi Gilboa, and Tsafrir Kolatt. 2013. “Accuracy of pitch matching significantly improved by live voice model.” J Voice, 27, 3, Pp. 390.e13-20. Abstract
- Roni Y Granot, Florina Uzefovsky, Helena Bogopolsky, and Richard P Ebstein. 2013. “Effects of arginine vasopressin on musical working memory.” Front Psychol, 4, Pp. 712. Abstract
- Yonatan Vaizman, Roni Y. Granot, Gert Lanckriet, and The Pennsylvania State University CiteSeerX Archives. 2013. MODELING DYNAMIC PATTERNS FOR EMOTIONAL CONTENT IN MUSIC. Publisher's VersionAbstract
- Zohar Eitan, Eitan Ornoy, and Roni Y. Granot. 2012. “Listening in the dark: Congenital and early blindness and cross-domain mappings in music.,” 22, 1, Pp. 33. Publisher's Version
- Roni Y. Granot and Nori Jacoby. 2012. “Musically puzzling II: Sensitivity to overall structure in a Haydn E-minor sonata.,” 16, 1, Pp. 67. Publisher's Version
- 2011
- Roni Y. Granot and Nori Jacoby. 2011. “Musically puzzling I: Sensitivity to overall structure in the sonata form?,” 15, 3, Pp. 365. Publisher's Version
- Roni Y. Granot and Zohar Eitan. 2011. “Musical Tension and the Interaction of Dynamic Auditory Parameters,” 28, 3, Pp. 219. Publisher's Version
- 2009
- Roni Y Granot and Atalia Hai. 2009. “Electrophysiological evidence for a two-stage process underlying single chord priming.” Neuroreport, 20, 9, Pp. 855-9. Abstract
- Lilach Akiva-Kabiri, Tomaso Vecchi, Roni Granot, Demis Basso, and Daniele Schön. 2009. “Memory for tonal pitches: a music-length effect hypothesis.” Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1169, Pp. 266-9. Abstract
- Zohar Eitan and Roni Y. Granot. 2009. “Primary versus secondary musical parameters and the classification of melodic motives.,” Pp. 139. Publisher's Version
- Yehudah L. Werner, Evgeny Chernis, and Roni Granot. 2008. “The call of the sri lankan golden gecko calodactylodes illingworthorum, ecological parallel of the fan-toed geckos, genus ptyodactylus (reptilia: sauria: gekkonidae).,” 18, 1, Pp. 35. Publisher's Version Abstract
- Salomon Israel, Elad Lerer, Idan Shalev, Florina Uzefovsky, Mathias Reibold, Rachel Bachner-Melman, Roni Granot, Gary Bornstein, Ariel Knafo, Nurit Yirmiya, and Richard P Ebstein. 2008. “Molecular genetic studies of the arginine vasopressin 1a receptor (AVPR1a) and the oxytocin receptor (OXTR) in human behaviour: from autism to altruism with some notes in between.” Prog Brain Res, 170, Pp. 435-49. Abstract
- Zohar Eitan and Roni Y. Granot. 2008. “Growing Oranges on Mozart's Apple Tree: "Inner Form" and Aesthetic Judgment,” 25, 5, Pp. 397. Publisher's Version Abstract
- Zohar Eitan and Roni Y. Granot. 2007. “Intensity changes and perceived similarity: Inter-parametric analogies.,” Pp. 39. Publisher's Version
- Roni Y. Granot, Yoav Frankel, Vladimir Gritsenko, Elad Lerer, Inga Gritsenko, Rachel Bachner-Melman, Salomon Israel, and Richard P. Ebstein. 2007. “Original Article: Provisional evidence that the arginine vasopressin 1a receptor gene is associated with musical memory,” 28, 5, Pp. 313. Publisher's Version Abstract
- Zohar Eitan and Roni Y. Granot. 2006. “How music moves: Musical parameters and listeners' images of motion,” 23, 3, Pp. 221. Publisher's Version Abstract
- Rachel Bachner-Melman, Christian Dina, Ada H Zohar, Naama Constantini, Elad Lerer, Sarah Hoch, Sarah Sella, Lubov Nemanov, Inga Gritsenko, Pesach Lichtenberg, Roni Granot, and Richard P Ebstein. 2005. “AVPR1a and SLC6A4 gene polymorphisms are associated with creative dance performance.” PLoS Genet, 1, 3, Pp. e42. Abstract
- Donna Abecasis, Renaud Brochard, Roni Granot, and Carolyn Drake. 2005. “Differential brain response to metrical accents in isochronous auditory sequences,” 22, 3, Pp. 549. Publisher's Version Abstract
- Daniel A Levy, Roni Granot, and Shlomo Bentin. 2003. “Neural sensitivity to human voices: ERP evidence of task and attentional influences.” Psychophysiology, 40, 2, Pp. 291-305. Abstract
- Laura Bischoff Renninger, Roni I. Granot, and Emanuel Donchin. 2003. “Absolute Pitch and the P300 Component of the Event-Related Potential: An Exploration of Variables That May Account for Individual Differences,” 20, 4, Pp. 357. Publisher's Version
- Roni Granot and Emanuel Donchin. 2002. “Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti—Constraints, Congruity, and Musical Training: An Event-Related Brain Potentials Study of Musical Expectancies,” 19, 4, Pp. 487. Publisher's Version
- 2001
- Daniel A. Levy, Roni Granot, and Shlomo Bentin. 2001. “Processing specificity for human voice stimuli: electrophysiological evidence.,” 12, 12, Pp. 2653. Publisher's Version
- J Hirshberg and R. Granot. 1999. “Durational units in the responsorial singing of the Karaite Jews: A natural or learned phenomenon? .” Peamim, 77, Pp. 70-89.
- Cohen Daliah and R. Granot. 1995. “ Constant and variable influences on stages of musical activities: Research based on experiments using behavioral and electrophysiological indices..” Journal of New Music Research, 24, Pp. 197-229.
- Barnea Anat, Granot Roni, and Pratt Hillel. 1994. “ Absolute pitch - electrophysiological evidence. International Journal of Psychophysiology, .” International Journal of Psychophysiology, 16, Pp. 29-38.
- Cohen Daliah, Roni Granot, and Pratt Hillel. 1993. “Cognitive meanings of musical elements as disclosed by ERP and verbal experiments..” Music Perception, 12, 2, Pp. 153-184.