
Avi Ben-Bassat, Dahan, Momi , Geys, Benny , and Klor, Esteban F. . 2013. The Impact Of The Economic Costs Of Conflict On Individuals’ Political Attitudes.. . Publisher's Version Abstract
A large number of studies show that war and terrorism have a significant effect on individuals’ political attitudes. Yet, this extensive literature does not inspect the mechanisms behind this effect. This paper concentrates on one possible mechanism, by differentiating between the human toll of terror and war and the economic costs they cause. For these purposes we focus on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and use variation in the level of violence across time and space together with localities’ different exposure to the tourism sector to estimate their respective effects on political attitudes. Our results suggest that whereas fatalities from the conflict make Israelis more willing to grant territorial concessions to the Palestinians, the associated economic costs of conflict do not have a consistent significant effect on individuals’ political attitudes.
Tehila Kogut and Dahan, Momi . 2012. Do You Look Forward To Retirement? Motivational Biases In Pension Decisions.. Judgment And Decision Making, 7, Pp. 282. . Publisher's Version Abstract
This research examines the relationship between positive and negative perceptions of pensions and motivation to engage in the decision process of choosing a private pension plan, as well as satisfaction from the chosen pension plan, among trained economists. A sample of 134 economists completed a self-report survey examining the decision process of different decision contexts in life, including pension decisions. Overall, participants showed low motivation to engage in the process of choosing a private pension plan, compared to their motivation to engage in other decision tasks. However, economists invested more in the decision process and showed greater satisfaction from their decision regarding their pension plan when they had a more positive perception of pensions. This perception is represented by higher subjective likelihood of receiving pension allowances for a long period, and by a profitable view of the balance between current payments and expected incomes from pension saving.
Momi Dahan and Strawczynski, Michel . 2012. The Optimal Asymptotic Income Tax Rate.. Journal Of Public Economic Theory, Pp. 737. . Publisher's Version Abstract
To purchase or authenticate to the full-text of this article, please visit this link: Byline: MOMI DAHAN(1), MICHEL STRAWCZYNSKI(2) Abstract This paper shows that a policy maker needs only two types of information to set the optimal income tax rate at the top: a measure of labor supply elasticity and the shape of skills distribution. We find that the asymptotic tax rate is not affected by the degree of inequality aversion as long as the marginal utility of consumption converges to zero. By using empirically plausible estimates for the compensated labor supply elasticity and the shape of skills distribution, we find that the optimal marginal tax rate at the top should be between 33% and 60%, which is in line with the existing rates in the real world. Author Affiliation: (1)Hebrew University of Jerusalem, School of Public Policy (2)Hebrew University of Jerusalem, School of Public Policy Article Note: Momi Dahan
Avi Ben-Bassat and Dahan, Momi . 2012. Social Identity And Voting Behavior.. Public Choice, 151, Pp. 193-214. . Publisher's Version Abstract
This paper uses the unique social structure of Arab communities to examine the effect of social identity on voter turnout. We f?rst show that voters are more likely to vote for a candidate who shares their social group (signified by last name) as compared to other candidates. Using last name as a measure of group affiliation, an inverted U-shaped relationship between group size and voter turnout has been found (borderline significant) which is consistent with theoretical models that reconcile the paradox of voting by incorporating group behavior.
Dahan Momi and Udi, Nisan . 2011. Explaining Non-Take-Up Of Water Subsidy.. Water, Vol 3, Iss 4, Pp 1174-1196 (2011), Pp. 1174. . Publisher's Version Abstract
We use two separate quasi-natural experiments to explore the relative importance of information and administrative costs in explaining non-take-up of water subsidy. The first “experiment” shows that the take-up rate of a household with lower administrative costs is not significantly different from otherwise identical households. In contrast, using the same program, the second “experiment” reveals that the take-up rate of a household that is more likely to be informed is substantially higher compared to otherwise identical households. These findings support the idea that information plays a major role in explaining non-take-up of water subsidy.
Dahan Momi and Udi, Nisan . 2010. The Effect Of Benefits Level On Take-Up Rates: Evidence From A Natural Experiment.. International Tax And Public Finance, Pp. 151. . Publisher's Version Abstract
This paper exploits a quasi-natural experiment to study the effect of social benefits level on take-up rates. We find that households who are eligible for double benefits (twins) have much higher take-up rate - up to double - as compared to a control group of households. Our estimated effect of benefits level is much higher relative to the standard cross section estimates. This finding is less exposed to a selection bias that might plague much of the previous research on the link between benefits level and take-up. It provides strong empirical support for the level of benefits as a key factor in determining take-up rates.(This abstract was borrowed from another version of this item.)
Avishai Afriat and Dahan, Momi . 2010. Socioeconomic Bias In Voting For The Knesset.. Israel Economic Review, 8, Pp. 1 - 20. . Publisher's Version
Avi Ben-Bassat and Dahan, Momi . 2008. Social Rights In The Constitution And In Practice.. Journal Of Comparative Economics, 36, Pp. 103 - 119. . Publisher's Version Abstract
This paper presents a new data set on constitutional commitments to social rights (CCSR) for 68 countries. Quantitative indices are constructed for five social rights: the right to social security, education, health, housing and workers rights. We find two clear groups classified by legal origins: countries which share the tradition of French civil law generally have a higher CCSR than those that share the tradition of English common law. The CCSR in socialist countries is closer to French civil law, whereas countries with a German or Scandinavian tradition resemble the English common law countries more closely. Then the paper addresses the following question: is the constitution a binding constraint on public policy? We have not found a robust effect of CCSR on public policy except for the constitutional right to social security. Journal of Comparative Economics36 (1) (2008) 103–119.
Momi Dahan and Nisan, Udi . 2007. Unintended Consequences Of Increasing Block Tariffs Pricing Policy In Urban Water.. Water Resources Research, 43, Pp. n/a. . Publisher's Version Abstract
We exploit a unique data set to estimate the degree of economies of scale in water consumption, controlling for the standard demand factors. We found a linear Engel curve in water consumption: each additional household member consumes the same water quantity regardless of household size, except for a single-person household. Our evidence suggests that the increasing block tariffs (IBT) structure, which is indifferent to household size, has unintended consequences. Large households, which are also likely to be poor given the negative correlation between income and household size, are charged a higher price for water. The degree of economies of scale found here erodes the effectiveness of IBT price structure as a way to introduce an equity consideration. This implication is important in view of the global trend toward the use of IBT. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
This paper exploits a quasi-natural experiment to study the role of information in determining take-up patterns of social benefits in a non-stigma environment. We find that take-up rate of households who have the incentive to search for information for a longer period of time is between 8 and 13 percentage points higher as compared to a control group of households. This result is robust to the inclusion of various household characteristics. Our finding provides strong empirical support for information as an important explanation for low take-up rates.
Article written by multiple authors
Momi Dahan and Gaviria, Alejandro . 2003. Parental Actions And Sibling Inequality.. Journal Of Development Economics, 72, Pp. 281 - 297. . Publisher's Version Abstract
This paper presents a simple model of resource allocation within the family. The model is based on two main assumptions: there are nonconvexities in human capital investments and parents cannot borrow to finance their children’s education. The model shows that poor and middle-income parents will often find it optimal to channel human capital investments into a few of their children, thus creating sizable inequalities among siblings. The paper shows that the predictions of the model are consistent with the available evidence for three Latin American countries.
Momi Dahan. 2002. The Rise Of Earning Inequality.. The Israeli Economy, 1985-1998: From Government Intervention To Market Economics, Edited By Avi Ben-Bassat, Mit Press, Cambridge Massachusetts,, Pp. 485-517. . Publisher's Version Abstract
In Hebrew:
Momi Dahan and Gaviria, Alejandro . 2001. Sibling Correlations And Intergenerational Mobility In Latin America.. Economic Development And Cultural Change, Pp. 537. . Publisher's Version Abstract
No abstract is available for this item.
Momi Dahan and Strawczynski, Michel . 2000. Optimal Income Taxation: An Example With A U-Shaped Pattern Of Optimal Marginal Tax Rates: Comment. The American Economic Review, 90, Pp. 681-686. . Publisher's Version
Momi Dahan and Tsiddon, Daniel . 1998. Demographic Transition, Income Distribution, And Economic Growth.. Journal Of Economic Growth, 3, Pp. 29-52. . Publisher's Version Abstract
This article investigates the dynamic interactions among demographic transition, income distribution, and economic growth. Consistent with empirical evidence we show that fertility and income distribution follow an inverted U-shaped dynamics in the process of economic development. In the first stage fertility increases and income inequality widens, whereas in the second stage fertility declines, income becomes more equally distributed, human capital becomes more abundant, and growth of income per capita takes off. The model therefore generates the documented facts about epochs of demographic transition, relying neither on arguments based on "near rationality" nor on noneconomic objectives.
This paper develops a simple framework to examine the budgetary implications of monetary policy measures. It further outlines, using this framework, the various channels of influence that tight monetary policy may have on the budget deficit. The cumulative effect might be quantitatively large although each effect might be small. Most of the effects tend to increase the budget deficit as result of tight monetary policy, but tight monetary policy causes a short-run decrease in the government debt. Thus, macroeconomic policy coordination should be considered.
Momi Dahan and Hercowitz, Zvi . 1998. Fiscal Policy And Saving Under Distortionary Taxation.. Journal Of Monetary Economics, Pp. 25. . Publisher's Version Abstract
An examination of Israeli economic data showed how fiscal variables can affect the savings rate equation in a small open economy. Distortionary income-tax policies were shown to have negative partial effects on the whole model, in contrast with the Keynesian framework that posits a positive comovement in both the income tax rate and national savings rate. This is due to the observation that a higher income tax rate signals a lower tax rate in the future due to intertemporal budget constraint. Other factors that enhanced national savings were higher consumption tax and unilateral transfers to the public sector of government funds.
1996. The Effect Of Macroeconomic Variables On Income Distribution In Israel. Bank Of Israel Economic Review, 69, Pp. 19-43.