Prof. Yael Stern-Bach

Prof. Yael
Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Ein Kerem. P.O. Box 12271, Jerusalem, 91120 Israel
Research Interest: Structure and function of receptors and molecules involved in synaptic function during learning and memory, development and diseases of the nervous system. Emphasize on ionotropic glutamate receptors. Selected Publications:   Stern-Bach, Y., Russo, S., Neuman, M. and Rosenmund, C. (1998) A point mutation in the glutamate binding site blocks desensitization of AMPA receptors. Neuron. 21: 907-918.  (see Previews, Neuron, 21: 938-940) Priel, A, Kolleker, A., Ayalon, G., Gillor, M., Osten, P., and Stern-Bach, Y. (2005) Stargazin Reduces Desensitization and Slows Deactivation of the AMPA-Type Glutamate Receptors. Journal of Neuroscience. 25, 2682-2686.  (see Research Highlights; Nature Reviews Neuroscience 6, 421; 2005) Balannik, V., Menniti, F.S., Paternain, A.V., Lerma, J. and Stern-Bach, Y. (2005) Molecular Mechanism of AMPA Receptor Noncompetitive Antagonism. Neuron. 48, 279–288. Priel, A., Selak, S., Lerma, J. and Stern-Bach, Y. (2006) Block of Kainate Receptor Desensitization Uncovers A Key Trafficking Checkpoint. Neuron. 52(6):1037-1046 von Engelhardt J., Mack V., Sprengel R., Kavenstock N., Li K.W., Stern-Bach Y., Smit A.B., Seeburg P.H., Monyer H. (2010) CKAMP44: A Brain-Specific Protein Attenuating Short-Term Synaptic Plasticity in the Dentate Gyrus. Science. 327(5972):1518-22. (see News and Views @ Science. 2010 Mar 19;327(5972):1463-5; Previews @ Neuron. 2010 Apr 15;66(1):8-10)