Prof. Philip Lazarovici

Prof. Philip
School of Pharmacy Institute for Drug Research, Faculty of Medicine, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Ein-Karem, P.O.B. 12065 Jerusalem,91120, Israel
Short Bio: Professor of Pharmacology and Jacob Gitlin chair in Physiology at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, is a member of the Institute of Drug Research of the School of Pharmacy. Professor Lazarovici graduated in pharmacology and toxicology at the Hebrew University, post graduated on neurobiology at the Weizmann Institute of Science and conducted neurochemical and molecular research at the National Institutes of Child Health and Human Development, NIH as a visiting scientist, which all set the stage for his lifelong career on neurosciences. His groundbreaking work provided Israeli scientific community with neuronal models and technologies towards development of different brain neuroprotective drugs and elucidation of their mechanism of action. Prof. Lazarovici is a member of 10 international and national academic societies, published about 200 scientific articles and reviews and edited six books in his field of research. He is most proud of his graduate students which are active in the Israeli community pharmaceutical practice, academia, hospitals and institutions of teaching and research. Research Topics The research interests and activities of the laboratory of Neuropharmacology, Neurooncology and Neural Engineering (LNNN) of the School of Pharmacy headed by Prof. Lazarovici lie in the fields of neuropharmacology, neurotoxicity, neural engineering and neurooncology with emphasize on neurotrophins and neurotoxins signal transduction and regulation of angiogenesis, neuroprotection in ischemic disordersThe research interests and activities of the laboratory of Neuropharmacology, Neurooncology and Neural Engineering (LNNN) headed by Prof. Lazarovici lie in the fields of neuropharmacology, neurotoxicity, neural engineering and neurooncology with emphasize on neurotrophins and neurotoxins signal transduction and receptor regulation.  Receptors: structure, regulation and signal transduction.  NGF-trkA receptors: tissue distribution, function, regulation, drug discovery.  Toxins-pharmacological tools to understand molecular function and lead compounds for drug discovery.  Neuronal pharmacological models to study neurological diseases: pathological mechanisms and therapeutic approaches.  Cell therapy using cord blood stem cells.   Recent Publications:  Lecht , S., Cohen-Arazi, N., Cohen, G., Ettinger, K., Momic, T., Kolitz, M., Naamneh, M., Katzhendler, J., Domb, A.J., Lazarovici, P. and Lelkes,P.I. Cytocompatibility of novel extracellular matrix protein analogs of biodegradable polyester polymers derived from α-hydroxy amino Acids. Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition. 25:608-624.2014. Arien-Zakay, H., Gincberg, G., Nagler, A., Cohen, G., Liraz-Zaltsman, S., Trembovler, V., Alexandrovich, A.G., Matok, I., Galski, H., Elchalal, U., Lelkes, P.I., Lazarovici, P. and Shohami, E.. Neurotherapeutic effect of cord blood derived CD45+ hematopoietic cells in mice after traumatic brain injury. Jornal of Neurotrauma. 31:1405-1416.2014Momic T, Katzehendler J, Benny O, Lahiani A, Cohen G, Noy E, Senderowitz H, Eble JA, Marcinkiewicz C, Lazarovici P. Vimocin and vidapin, cyclic KTS peptides, are dual antagonists of α1β1/α2β1 integrins with antiangiogenic activity. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 350:506-519.2014.Cohen G, Ettinger K, Lecht S, Lelkes PI, Lazarovici P. Transcriptional Down-regulation of Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) Receptors by Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) in PC12 Cells.J Mol Neurosci. 54:574-585.2014Wang H, Liao S, Geng R, Zheng Y, Liao R, Yan F, Thrimawithana T, Little PJ, Feng ZP, Lazarovici P, Zheng W. IGF-1 Signaling via the PI3K/Akt Pathway Confers Neuroprotection in Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells Exposed to Sodium Nitroprusside Insult. J Mol Neurosci. 2014 Oct 23. [Epub ahead of print].Wang R, Yang J, Peng L, Zhao J, Mu N, Huang J, Lazarovici P, Chen H, Zheng W. Gardenamide A attenuated cell apoptosis induced by serum deprivation insult via the ERK1/2 and PI3K/AKT signaling pathways. Neuroscience. 286C:242-250,2014 Lahiani A, Zahavi E, Netzer N, Ofir R, Pinzur L, Raveh S, Arien-Zakay H, Yavin E, Lazarovici P. Human PLacental eXpanded (PLX) mesenchymal-like adherent stromal cells confer neuroprotection to nerve growth factor (NGF)-differentiated PC12 cells exposed to ischemia by secretion of IL-6 and VEGF. Biochim Biophys Acta. Cellular Molecular 1853:422-30, 2015Momic T, Katzhendler J, Shai E, Noy E, Senderowitz H, Eble JA, Marcinkiewicz C, Varon D, Lazarovici P. Vipegitide: a folded peptidomimetic partial antagonist of α2β1 integrin with antiplatelet aggregation activity. Drug Design, Development and Therapy. In press.