Prof. Eilon Vaadia

Prof. Eilon
Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences, Silberman building, 6th floor Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 91904 ISRAEL
Research Interest: Computational Neuroscience Sensorimotor learning Brain Machine Interface Dynamics of neuronal interactions in cortex Read more › Publications: Ben, E, Eilon V.  2014.  Spatial computation with gamma oscillations. Front Syst. Neuros. 8(165) Engelhard, B, Ozeri N, Israel Z, Bergman H, Vaadia E.  2013.  Inducing Gamma Oscillations and Precise Spike Synchrony by Operant Conditioning via Brain-Machine Interface. Neuron. 77:361-375. Taubman, H, Vaadia E, Paz R, Chechik G.  2013.  A Bayesian approach for characterizing direction tuning curves in the supplementary motor area of behaving monkeys. Journal of Neurophysiology.