Prof. Ehud Zohary

Prof. Ehud
Head of The Jerusalem Brain Community
Department of Neurobiology Alexander Silberman Institute of Life Sciences Hebrew University of Jerusalem Jerusalem 91904 Israel
Curriculum Vitae:Ehud Zohary is a professor at the Department of Neurobiology of the Hebrew University and a member of its Center for Neural Computation. My academic background is in systems neuroscience. I’ve done my Ph.D. (with Shaul Hochstein) on the neurophysiological correlates of the visual perception (1985-1991), and went on to do my postdoc (at Stanford, with Bill Newsome) studying aspects of motion perception and perceptual learning in behaving monkeys using multiunit recording and microstimulation techniques. Research InterestThe visual image is heavily blurred in the periphery (the fovea, a region with highest visual acuity, is limited to the central ~2 degrees of the visual field). One of our means to compensate for this limitation is to constantly scan the visual scene, making about 3 saccades in a second, thereby generating a novel retinal image is changing with every new eye movement. Incredibly, our brain seamlessly generates a stable representation of the visual scene in spite of this jerky and incomplete visual information. This perceptual stability is so robust that we live in an illusion that we see everything at the highest precision all at once.Publications:See All PublicationsOrlov, T, Porat Y, Makin TR, Zohary E.  2014.  Hands in motion: an upper-limb-selective area in the occipitotemporal cortex shows sensitivity to viewed hand kinematics.. J neuroscience. 34(14):4882-95.Porat, Y, Orlov T, McKyton A, Zohary E.  2014.  Sensitivity to spatiotopic location in the human visual system. Journal of Vision. 14:1230–1230.Moreh, E, Malkinson T S, Zohary E, Soroker N.  2014.  Visual Memory in Unilateral Spatial Neglect: Immediate Recall versus Delayed Recognition.