Prof. Chaim Gilon

Prof. Chaim
Institute of Chemistry, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
Research Interests: Molecular mechanism of Memory Recently, based on existing literature and basic principles of chemistry and biology, we suggest a credible model that describes the molecular basis of memory. (papers # 26, 32, 35 in the list of publications).   Development and application of technologies for the conversion of bioactive peptides and active regions in proteins into drugs. Over the years we have developed technologies such as: Backbone Cyclization, Cycloscan, Combinatorial Cycloscan and Helix Walk. These technologies are based on the design and synthesis of libraries with conformational diversity based on a parent active peptide or active region in protein and screening them for their biological activity, metabolic stability and intestinal bioavailability. From these libraries the most active, selective, metabolically stable and orally bioavailble peptidomimetic with drug properties is selected for in vivo preclinical studies. Few recent examples for the application of these technologies: (1) discovery of a novel mocrocyclic, orally available, potent inhibitor of HIV-1 replication in cells, a drug lead for AIDS (2) potent orally available, mimetic of a-MSH that inhibits weight gain in mice. (3) extremely highly potent (pictogram/animal) drug lead that cure rheumatoid arthritis. Signal Transduction Therapy. We have invented this concept in 1985. Recent applications: (1) in-vivo active inhibitor of the GPCR CC2 receptor dimerization which is the key protein in multiple sclerosis (2) potent substrate inhibitor of PKB, a key protein in the signal transduction of many cancers. Publications and Patents: 270 publications in peer review journals. 40 patents. 4 articles were cited more than 250 times, 1 article (# 35 have 833 likes in 1 month)